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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Cor, that looks like a nice copy. Cool cover isn't it
  2. Thanks @musicmeta It's nice to get a response in the Miller graveyard thread. I wish @EwanUK was still around. Like you, he was a discerning chap. Maybe one day....
  3. I posted this earlier in the "Amazing Fantasy 15 Is Worth How Much!? Club" to show the difference in prices that the same book goes for in pence vs cents. I barely got a response of course, so I thought I'd post it again here where I know I can be sure it will get zero response: The pence book actually looks better, has no chipping and yet it went for just over 50% of it's rivals final price. Nonsense isn't it.
  4. I can relate to that @ebtorres I sold these two a few years back for what I thought at the time was a ridiculous amount: Not as ridiculous as the prices we're seeing today of course, but you can't win them all can you...
  5. A 6.0 Pence copy just sold on Heritage for 27K with BP 6.0 Cents copy for 45K with BP:
  6. Sorry @JR Web-Head, I didn't know you'd responded. When you want to call someone, if you type an @ symbol, and then the first few letters of the persons name you want to call, a drop down list will appear like so: Just select the person you want and they will appear bold like this @JR Web-Head in the body of your post - that means they'll get a flag and know that you've 'called them'. Don't worry about asking questions - the answers may well be here on the boards but it's a great way to get new threads / traffic going, and for additional info to come to light. If people don't want to join in, they don't have to. Your thread has proven that asking questions works, as lots of people have joined in. So ignore the moaners and ask away!
  7. A bump from Mr Bump. Does any one have any more variants they can post? These charts don't make themselves you know....
  8. Sooper! Have you managed to find any books outside of the known ASM date range that I published at the start of the thread @nesqrick2 (copied below)? It would be cool to see a book dated in the 'unproven' range, as this would indicate that it's corresponding ASM might exist.
  9. I was about to regale you all with another round of deathly tedious exciting information about font variations but I seem to have mislaid my summary documents. Bugger.
  10. Regarding my post a few up, I think I'll see if I can get Overstreet interested in the Miller variants. Obviously CGC aren't intrigued, which is understandable I guess as they are a US based grading company who tend not to obsess over these little 'UK' nuances. But maybe Overstreet will. I'll keep you posted P.S. Has anyone got Overstreets email address?
  11. Hello. Do you ever do that thing where you go to fairs and shops with an obscure want's list and, every time, without fail, you find nothing? I do. Nevertheless, every time I do go, I say to myself "maybe this will be the time when I find that book". You know you're not going to of course, but you do that little routine in your head anyway. It passes the time. So off I went to the last London Fair thinking this time - this time - I'm going to find an L Miller copy from my missing list. I just laid the ones I do have out on the floor. Aint they pretty (although I could do with a decent camera): Anyway, I'm working my way around the fair, probably on my 27th circuit, and there it is. On the wall I see Rawhide Kid #18. My heart skips a beat and a little gasp escapes from my pants. You know the feeling, don't you. How did I not see this the first 26 times I looked? Rawhide Kid #18 appears in the UK at around the same frequency as Halley's Comet so I'm excited. It's a cents copy - as my research indicates that it will be, if it's a Miller. It's a lovely looking FN/VFN copy. I ask to look inside. The gasp in the pants has now been replaced by a tremulous anticipation. I carefully remove the book from it's sleeve and place it flat in my palm. OK, here we go. I turn the page. And I find this:
  12. Now here is a Fat Batman, courtesy of a pick up at the last London Comic Fair: Puff, holy , puff, who ate all the p-pies Robin!
  13. I told him not to of course, but Marwood insisted on buying this tatty 'Double Double' book at the last London Comic Fair. "I want to see what's inside", he said with a childish harrumph. Fair enough. The funny thing with these books is that the contents can differ for the same issue. This copy has the following four DC books crudely assembled: Adventure Comics #350 Aquaman #28 Worlds Finest #176 Wonder Woman #163 The books are remaindered originals, stripped of their covers and placed (apparently illegally if you Googleate the history) in the crummiest cover you could muster. The pence price is the reason for the post here. Difficult to agree on these. They're not reprints, but not variants as the covers are unique to the collected version. A fun oddity from our past. Some have Marvel books in them too! Cheeky sods Thorpe & Porter, weren't they Chin chin!
  14. While he's asleep, there's a cool article here on the Thought Balloon website. Nice chap runs it, and I've swapped a mail or two in the past. Some interesting thoughts and observations within it on pence books. I must drop him another line regarding the Millers and their 6d stamps though... http://www.wymann.info/comics/086-PencePriceVariants2017.html
  15. Tum te tum, tum te tum. Tum te tumtete tum te tumm... Afternoon. Another grey and moody one in Englandville. No bus, no boss, no rain no train..... What to do? Marwood suggests we go and get the new Morrissey album. He's just come up from his medication (Marwood that is, not Morrissey, although I'm sure a suitable argument could be made for both of them) and you can't begrudge him the odd treat, even though he is a bona (drag) fide cretin. So, off we went to Sainsburys to try our luck. The days of actual record shops and such like are gone of course, but the local Sainsburys often serves it's purpose and doesn't disappoint. Marwood mutters something about not being sure whether Morrissey would appreciate the placement of his new missive against a lump of dead cow as we load up at the checkout. I tell him to shut his face as there is nothing wrong with a good slow cooked cow with a crispy maris piper. He does have a point though, I guess: Back indoors, and the boredom threatens to engulf us both, so out comes the last lonely case of comics. Let's muck about with our two Amazing Spider-Man number fives. One is a pence copy of course - that is why we're here after all - and the other a cents copy. No cents puns this time readers, or Jedi. But ours is a cents copy with a difference, as you will find out if you can bear with this tedium long enough to get to the end, where all will be revealed. So, here are our two covers. Best to view these on a PC if you can, as then you'll see them how the author intended, and not all bunched up and oversized on your mobile or tablet (put the damn things down for 5 flipping minutes would you!): Putting these two side by side gives us an opportunity to test the theory that pence books were printed first, and have deeper colours accordingly. Not too much difference is there? What do you think Marwood? He say's "Get a Goddam life". Charming. Is it me though, or are those yellows and greens a little more vivid? We may never know. Now, how does everything else compare? The back covers are the same.... But wait! Shock of shocks, the prices are different! Heh heh. Pillock. Dates too. We can't be doing with dates in Englandville. What would you want a date on a comic for? That way madness lays. 'Dates', I ask you. So, everything's the same except the date and price. Let's have a look inside. Jeptha Judge of Israel, the indicia's are different! Alert the tribal elders Marwood! Marwood, I said "alert the tribal elders"! Marwood! Alright, don't play then. Cretin. I said cretin, you cretin. Don't you threaten me with that or I'll tell you where to put it. With knobs on! Everything else is the same though. Just that 'Thorpe & Porter" gubbins at the bottom of the indicia. I tell you, if it had said "L Miller" I'd have fairly sheet myself. That doesn't mean I'd wrap myself in a sheet of course, it's just my way of invoking that thing you do on the pan most days without arousing (ding dong!) the wrath of the Modlins. Silly Modlins. No other differences throughout... ...until you get to here: Flippng Nora, Spidey's green in the cents copy! This makes no cents! Unless, of course, your cents copy is a misprint. Which it is! Sorry for the green and purple herring, but what else can we do on a (now) rainy Saturday afternoon? Anyway, time for Marwood's nap. That pence difference recap again - price, date box, indicia. Maybe Morrissey could make a song about that, pottering as he does over lifes tiny inconsequentialities? I spent the day in bed..... Chin chin!
  16. I'm afraid you're wrong @comicdonna, it's not the "Best thread of all time" but the "Best thread all time". There is no 'of' in it. I don't buy from the boards myself so I have no axe to grind on the merits of the ranting. But I do often scroll down the 'all activity' screen and when I see "Best thread all time" without the necessary 'of' I always think of three words. The third word is 'off' and the first two, coincidentally, start with each the two letters in the annoyingly absent 'of'.
  17. Cor, this has moved on quite a bit from yesterday! Well done @JR Web-Head for bringing this up - it's the kind of thing I like to see on the boards, people with inquisitive minds, chipping away at the little nuances in the hobby that most ignore. You're my kind of guy. I used to have a near full run of Amazing Spidey NDS/MJI's back in the day and I kept pictures of them all. I just checked them and, funnily enough, the majority of them did not have the star stamp on them. But I always interpreted the stamp as a sign that they probably would have an insert, when I was collecting them. I would often scan eBay looking for the star on the cover scans and picked up a few MJI's becuase of it (I found that if you contacted a seller who hadn't noted in their listing whether there was an insert they would often add it to the listing when you asked them to check and you'd then get competition!) Here's an example of one of my old books that had it, and a few that didn't (always end a post with pretty pictures):