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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I spotted this nice looking double cover book on eBay recently - I like the fact that the outer cover has a big 9d stamp on it and the inner is untouched. I suppose it would be a bit suspicious if there was a stamp on both though...
  2. I found two eBay sales, and both books went for around $100: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Very-Rare-DOOM-Comic-Book-1996-Knee-Deep-In-Dead-ID-Software-Video-Game/263227349825?hash=item3d49929b41:g:JN8AAOSwHZ1ZyCkv http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Original-Vintage-Comic-Book-ID-1996-DOOM-KNEE-DEEP-IN-THE-DEAD/142519223777?hash=item212ecec5e1:g:19oAAOSwUOZZylPP One of those sales says this: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doom_comic The Doom comic is a sixteen-page comic book, written in 1996 by Steve Behling and Michael Stewart, with art and color design by Tom Grindberg, all credited with purposely gory nicknames for the occasion. It was produced by Dana Moreshead, for Marvel Comics, as a giveaway for a video game convention.
  3. Cool thread @FineCollector! I've mentioned this elsewhere, but back in the day I tried and almost completed a full collection of Spider-Man books - all titles, all variants and all appearances. It was a huge task, and I enjoyed it, but with the benefit of hindsight I wouldn't do it again, or recommend others to try it. The main reason is that a very, very large percentage of appearances are in, for want of a better term, poor quality books. Your collection ends up 20% great books (the books that made you love the character in the first place, if you're honest) and a whole host of what people on these boards often refer to as 'drek' (not a word us Englanders often use in my experience). You can take it to extremes too. Do you stop at continuity appearances or extend to alternate universe appearances? How do you define an appearance - full story involvement, a single panel, a reference (e.g. your character on a poster in the background)? Do they have to be in a suit, or do civvies count? I used to have debates with a few collector friends about what constitutes 'every appearance' and we always had differing views. Maybe if you went for a lesser established character, you could build a full, satisfying set. But if you go for one of the big guns, who is still appearing in new comics today, you'll be in the hunt for thousands of books (I had 8,000 Spideys at my peak with around 100 left to get before I could say I had my definition of 'everything'). At some point, you may look at the unsatisfying bulk and wish you'd spent the money on other great books instead. Or you might love your selection of Spidey appearances in Power Pack! Whatever makes you happy is the right thing to do I suppose, if you're lucky enough not to be constrained by time, money, space or a combination of the three
  4. Here is the first picture of the new Doctor's costume - it has a few nods to previous incarnations: The Tardis looks a little different too. I'm looking forward to seeing how the new cast pan out (I can't look back to it, as it hasn't happened yet. Or has it?) but in my gut I feel that however good it may be it may end up feeling like a good something else, rather than good Doctor Who. Does that make sense? I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised though, as I have been before. Part of the feeling of unease is probably rooted in my fondness for Capaldi in the role. Despite having inconsistent story telling, an over done (and ill judged given his obvious warmth?) cranky early persona and being shackled by odd, ever moving time slots I think he nailed it and is the Doctor. With Bradley Walsh as one of three companions (I've never been a multi-companion fan, but think he will be great) it will be interesting to see how Jodie Whittaker commands the screen and evokes the sense of being older and wiser than her 'predecessors'. Time, as ever, will tell.
  5. For completeness, the main point I was making on the likes front in my post dated October 22 was that my likes would not register, and that I got no 'maximum limit reached' message like I used to. The request for more likes was just an add on in the moment.
  6. Thank you for this perspective Arch. I now understand your role better. I do think you should take more care with your language - the 'have at it' spirit of your replies at times doesn't suit your role. I think my days of pointing out glitches and making suggestions are over now, now that I know how they will be received. Let's leave it on a positive though - thanks for the galleries feature.
  7. Very funny. Well done. Now, if you could only manage to post a meme without the words 'via Imgflip Meme Generator' next to it, we'd be in business
  8. That's a shocking response Arch, if you don't mind me saying. How does this fit with your aspiration to 'do what comes to hand with correct and natural dignity, and with humanity, independence, and justice'? In your response above you attempt to belittle me by comparing my request for more likes to your security access activity. But you fail to point out here that you drew that request for more likes from a summary post with 7 other questions and suggestions in it - questions and suggestions targeted at making the boards a better place. For completeness, here is that post: In a similar vein, you then proceed to give responses to my other suggestions and questions in a brief, hurried manner which gives me at least the impression that you do not care about the very boards you are paid to run. Here are your responses: Just picking out a few of your comments. You say you are 'not sure of the status' of the journals migration, and ignore my concern that the situation may be putting people off participating. If you don't know, who does? Have I fundamentally misunderstood your role here? If you valued my input you would at least have said '...but I'll find out' if you took the matter seriously. "They keep messing with the search / I haven't looked at this / we're not investing much attention to it" - @fantastic_four is one of the most technically intelligent chaps on these boards and he didn't spot that the search bar is intermittently set to 'status updates'. All of your language in your answer implies that you are a bystander and that you don't care. I've pointed out a flaw in the search function and you don't care. "No opinion" How rude! What would be so wrong with "not my area you'll understand, but I can see why you'd be irked, sorry" Do you not possess the ability to respond kindly, or with flair? Arch, I think you paint me out to be the villain, because that suits your purpose. I put it to you that you are the villain here. You don't appear to care! Some weeks back a whole host of members - long established and new - were bemoaning the fact that the boards were slow and that one morning they were down for half a day. Your sole contribution to the boards that day was to 'like' two posts in the 'Your personal artwork' thread. Is that the action of an administrator who cares and wants to calm his flock? My last point is that my questions and suggestions were good humoured, cloaked in horse play and full of humour and self deprecation. But at their heart beat a desire for the boards to be the best they can be. I wish you would display the same passion once in a while. Now, you can either ignore this which will be the easy route, ban me for insubordination, or come back and for once - just one time - show a measure of self reflection and humility and a willingness to do better. Unless that is, you genuinely believe that everything I have said here is rubbish.
  9. Great question @skypinkblu, but you should have asked it in the questions section, not comics general. At least that's what Arch keeps telling me. But wait, I see that Arch has answered your question. But he hasn't answered any of the questions in the questions section? How peculiar...
  10. Afternoon Gents. I was wondering if you could see your way to responding to all or some of the suggestions and questions summarised by the Hulk a few posts back? You'll find them just above Jim's insightful 'wang' comment. Only if you have time of course. Cheers @Architecht @Scott =)
  11. When Hulk said staff of board back on Monday, Hulk meant Monday last week, not Monday this week. Hulk think staff of board take too much holiday. Leave board unattended. Hulk is almost out of time now, so Hulk say his piece about how staff of board attend to boards before Hulk goes. Or not attend to boards, as Hulk thinks is the case. Above, Hulk asked for clarification on why likes do not register for Hulk, and whether more likes could be given to Hulk. Hulks friends have history of poking at likes system. Hulk did not get response. Hulks friends sent question to Ask CGC. Hulks friends hope for recognition for variants of Miller. Ask CGC delete Hulks friends question (Hulk would have too though - Hulks friends scrape bottom of barrel in Hulks opinion): Hulks friends ask staff of board Gemma for help with question about slabbing bits of comics. Staff of board Gemma does not respond to Hulks friends. Hulk is sure Gemma is nice staff of board though. May have missed request: Hulks friends asked question of main staff board man in thread main staff board man made hash of. Main board man was unkind to Hulks friends, probably because Hulks friends were unkind to main staff board man, pointing out hash up. Main staff board man tell Hulks friends to post questions in right places. So Hulks friends did. And got no response: Hulks friends pointed out problem with search function of boards in thread known for posting problems with boards. Hulks friends did not get reply from staff of board, or any thanks for raising problem, which affects other members and makes them angry. Maybe Hulks friends should not have used picture of ugly Barry though. Ugly Barry put off any one , never mind staff of board: Hulks friends raise question about galleries. Gives advice to make galleries seen more. Help boards. Hulk thinks question may have invisibility cloak though, as no one responds : Hulks friends raise request for window to correct errors. Hulk does not need this himself, as Hulk does not make errors. But puny members do, and window of correction would help them. Board staff do not respond to request, even though request is in section of boards designed for questions: Hulks friends try to help member struggling with journals (puny member!) Invite staff of board to join in, and also explain when journals will merge as promised. Staff of board do not respond to request for help and clarification. If Hulk made journal by the way, it would smash all journals, in old or new format : Hulks friends give main staff man of board second chance to help with journal clarification. Main staff board man must be busy though, as he does not respond. Hulk hope main staff board man is ok, and just on massive long two week holiday: Hulks friends raise question 100 years ago about ignore function. Staff ignore it. Heh heh, Hulk use irony : Hulk raise questions to CGC via main website about comic things too. 3 attempts to get comics with different fonts recognised all ignored. Second question about bits of comics ignored. So Hulk assume staff of board, and staff of CGC have no interest in Hulk and his friends questions. This makes Hulk sad. But not Hulks friends, as they are cretins and do not have Hulks wisdom. But Hulk is used to the circle, and Hulk will stay outside it. Hulk go now. Hulk has things to do.
  12. Cheers! No hurry, I read slow One look at the Miller thread will tell you that's the norm my friend
  13. I agree. You can't beat a quick and dirty once in a while. Get your jokes in now.
  14. When Hulk said staff of board back on Monday, Hulk meant Monday last week, not Monday this week. Hulk think staff of board take too much holiday. Leave board unattended.
  15. Fair's fair. The sausage and egg bagel meal is a thing of beauty @ComicConnoisseur
  16. Nicely put @Mystafo. I'm interested - what exactly is it about trimming that puts you off over other forms of restoration? Many AF15's look like they've been trimmed, but haven't. Collectors will say things like "it looks like it may have been trimmed" when they aren't sure. If you own one, send it in and it comes back a blue label, you're happy. If the same book comes back purple, the world falls in. It seems odd for it to be hated so when other resto types are so much more in your face? What sayeth thou?
  17. Sorry to hear that. Hard times indeed. I hope you find your way through, with the help of your now ex ex
  18. Good point, the cover of a reprint title would likely have different inside cover content which would allow it or be more easily identified than an interior panel. I wonder how little of the Action #1 would have been the "sorry, no can do" point though?
  19. You've got to have confidence to go for such a simple cover like that. I love it. The self effacing story so far has me hooked too. Can you post all of it @AJD? I know it's only $1.70 but I can't wait that long to get it!
  20. I like the look on his face. Caption competition needed here I think