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Everything posted by grapeape

  1. Ten thousand dollar 3 panel Garfield strips will crash and burn.......
  2. Ok I wish we could talk ebay because our pal Blastaar might have something to say Alex Ross........ He’s prolific. When he hit the scene everyone agreed (at least it seems that way) that he was an awesome talent. His paintings sold for four figures and his drawings were $500-$2000. Now for quite awhile with Sal as rep his art at minimum seems to leave the factory at $20K minimum. If you bought early like Marvels etc you have done really well. So going with Rick2you2 let’s just throw it out there. IS ALEX ROSS BAD ART? 😱 If you buy a $20K plus painting is that going up for a nice return later on? Or did you buy in to a Kincade type marketing genius? Are you stuck without high demand resale? Is Alex Ross a blue chip destined for the basement? Is that what you mean Rick2you2?
  3. You are absolutely right. But I think there is a a way to critically discuss “bad” art even if it offends others. I go crazy on the “bashing” of Colan and others. When it’s done with honest critical observations (“Jack Abel inking on John Buscema Silver Surfer ruins his alien look.it corrupts Buscema’s layouts. Lines are to thick...”) we can agree or disagree. He sucks because I said so. Yeah that’s not going to go over well. One of these is bad and one is fantastic. Or not, Dino you are my hero 👍
  4. The worst art in existence is all the art I desire but can’t find, buy or barter for. signed everyone on the board 🍇 🦍
  5. Remember her and Ted Danson? please please please DON’T post that picture here 😱
  6. I learned that also but always forget. Richard” nickname is one of the 7 forbidden words? on the board.
  7. Comicartfactory.com is located in Brussels and on the net. Frederic Lorge is a super nice man and oversees a nice collection of American and international artists. You can send him an email and ask about conventions in Europe. Learning the dos and don’ts takes time. The “value” of art as it appeals to the heart is incalculable. However we are living in unusual times. It’s wise not to jump into auctions right away. As a burgeoning collector it’s important to spend your money and time wisely. Nothing sadder then a new collector overspending, getting taken advantage of and becoming disillusioned with the hobby. Are their American artists you cherish more then others? As already stated a great place to start is with the artists themselves. Artists also have reps who work for the them. Try Felix Lu he reps a lot of talented artists and you may get good deals on “undiscovered” artists before they get hot. Welcome to the hobby. Keep asking questions. I answer PM from everybody. A lot of board members do the same. Reach out any times. 🛑 away from eBay. Landmines aplenty for those just getting into the hobby. Counterfeits, fraud, just a sewer of rip off monsters lurking. PM private message me anytime if I don’t know something I am sure I can help you find the person that does👍
  8. I thought it was funny as hell Yeah Saul 3:16 is a good guy really knows art from way back. I love the live chat it gets salty. I think the Dealmakers should relax and have fun. Just put up high quality art with pieces you have room to let buyers haggle down. Nobody expects high value production. It is expected that (our time is valuable to us and) the Dealmakers gotta bring the goods and offer the deals.
  9. Live chat is awesome. I’d appreciate more commentary on the art. A bit of cheerleading is like getting a comment on your grail post on CAF (great! Awesome!) but not really helpful. But comments like “that sold at HA in 2014 for $4500” or “you marked that up 1k since the LA show” is not only useful but also keeps expectations and reality in sight. Even if you loathe the Dealmakers, no 🛑 especially if you find Dealmakers problematic live chat makes a difference. I believe the offerings were better and the price “adjustments” better because you guys are demanding a quality experience(even if you don’t believe the show will get there). I’m with Jay the live chat alone is worth wasting an hour of your life. Next weeks show I expect demands of :05 seconds to champion the claim piece and then folks will scream it’s not enough time.
  10. Jay 😂 I thought the Kaluta was right up there. Actually saw that one up close at the LA show. yes agreed the X-Men was a page that makes you say, “wonder if they’ll have another surprise bargain next week?” Thats the key. Whatever art they put up either 1) has to be so Awesome that the ask is not questioned 2) the dealers have to be able to give in on some of the pieces and let the collectors take some of the profit with the piece. That’s what always moved pages for me to get deals done. Let the other guy win a little. I felt some “let’s break some stuff” energy on the live chat. My attention between the comments and the art were equally divided 😂 maybe 60 chat 40 Art
  11. Numerous pleas to • activate the algorithm • grow interest in the field • hit the 👍 button 292 subscribers 8 👍 1 👎 Some confusion over a moment of tribute for film legend Richard Donner possibly confused with the Donner party ☠️ as soon Jeffrey Dahmer got mixed in? Someone signaled outrage and left. We had Bobby Brown mentioned and not the artist but the singer guy that was married to Whitney. The dealmakers would prefer we stay on point Marcus but hey, it’s your “Prerogative!” We had CGC graded art which sparked “how do we know it’s legit if it’s not CGC art?” for the rest of the show. I think the all Gil Kane Green Lantern was the best piece of the night: offered at $6500 asked to let go at $5500 countered at $5800 ( that was an easy one if ya really want it no?) Different buyer offer at $5700 accepted by Bechara Time cut down to :45 seconds to hawk your dealer art Without hesitation live chat outraged “not enough time after banging :60 for three weeks straight as too long.”
  12. I tell ya ole grape ape without his glasses is a menace to society
  13. A show up in LA at the Hollywood Palladium July 23-25 Comics and original art S C O T T W I L L I A M S Frank Miller Jim Lee Sienk Tim Vigil Frank Cho Heritage and CGC will be there for you to off load your comics and art. The Dealmakers will be there!!! I went to the show in 2019 and the Palladium venue was a very nice set up. I found the six foot Ditko Spider-Man poster I’ve been looking for all my life there.
  14. Numerous pleas to • activate the algorithm • grow interest in the field • hit the 👍 button 292 subscribers 8 👍 1 👎 Some confusion over a moment of tribute for film legend Richard Donner possibly confused with the Donner party ☠️ as soon Jeffrey Dahmer got mixed in? Someone signaled outrage and left. We had Bobby Brown mentioned and not the artist but the singer guy that was married to Whitney. The dealmakers would prefer we stay on point Marcus but hey, it’s your “Prerogative!” We had CGC graded art which sparked “how do we know it’s legit if it’s not CGC art?” for the rest of the show. I think the all Gil Kane Green Lantern was the best piece of the night: offered at $6500 asked to let go at $5500 countered at $5800 ( that was an easy one if ya really want it no?) Different buyer offer at $5700 accepted by Bechara Time cut down to :45 seconds to hawk your dealer art Without hesitation live chat outraged “not enough time after banging :60 for three weeks straight as too long.” Im sure I missed something
  15. These men did work together before. Below is an example where Toth signs off on a piece solely his.... within the mix of a presentation piece. Both men did plenty of layouts but my guess is the watercolor or color oils crayon done by Sgori. Toth signed 1st panel bottom left. I am curious but we need more understand if their working arrangements. Hard to for sure say who did what or how much.
  16. Eric has been at this a long time. I love his collection. He’s a big deal in our hobby. Very nice guy.
  17. No. I know it seems that way. There is a click of collectors and dealers. But there is money coming in from serious collectors and investors. I’m seeing it. We could have a very productive run of buying and selling for many more years. Now more then ever you must CYA. Make smart purchases. Cull the chafe from your stagnant collection. Wallets are open. Art is finding its way out of hidden portfolios. This is an exciting time to be a collector.
  18. I believe this is the one Mike Zeck is referring to as the unaware homage, referencing this image to my prelim art used to develop the Bloodshot Last Stand cover.
  19. Thanks Bird. Yes I can’t tell you the number of people who have praised my ‘Punisher’ drawing over the years. Unfamiliar with Bloodshot I looked up the book and was also surprised Mike De Carlo did the inking. I know a question I’m going to be asked? Are you sad you ‘lost’ a Punisher? Im not sad, I thought I had a Punisher but my eyes were too Bloodshot to see reality No I’m not sad. I found out I have a prelim for a published Mike Zeck cover. I’ll be ok.
  20. The Plate One portfolio piece Mike Zeck referred to is the same one located in Chuck Costas CAF if you want to take a look at that.
  21. My friends do you have a mystery solved story you’d like to share?