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Everything posted by grapeape

  1. That’s a bit low for a Sal Buscema no? Colorado Kid always has good taste in art. Now I’m curious to see what the recreation goes for. I’ve been talking to a few guys and if they bring forward some of the things they are offering privately (they see the latest auction gets) this is going to be another bid happy HA affair. I’m loving this personally. I don’t know why. I guess I’m pleased that the pandemic didn’t destroy our hobby. Keep putting the art up for auction if you’re done staring at it 24/7, it looks like people have money to burn right now.
  2. That’s the year after Vodou sells off his assets
  3. Good grief....we have some buyers under a spell. Good for sellers!
  4. That’s a great grab 🎈
  5. You are right about that imho.
  6. Those were around in the late 90’s. I think that page was in the back of the Comic Buyers Guide at $3k. I have vertigo from seeing art I saw or held in my hands in the nineties sell today for crazy 💰
  7. $288 k on the DD 1 page. In the 90’s that page was listed by a dealer for $6,500. That was so much money back then for ole grape ape. But I knew it was a piece of history. Maybe ten years ago this page sat on eBay with a BIN price of $100k. Ambitious as hell no? Both previous price points a bargain compared to today. You are crazy to give your best stuff to a dealer or privately. Auction Fever is real. These prices are really bringing me joy and a bit of anxiety honestly. Cheers 🦧 🦍
  8. I don’t think you’re missing much. As we’ve seen consistently some art sits flat on a dealers site and then the price soars on HA. The word layout often triggers a sense of dread for potential buyers. How much of that work is the penciled art vs the inker? Its true that layout could weigh down a price point. Now prove me wrong friends I can take it: 1) a few of us have spent a lot of time learning the history of who did what on a page. A “few” of us. We will purchase or not based on that knowledge. 2) In this current auction market money is pouring in on art that is perceived as “investment potential” more then it is on who did what on a page. 3) auctions find fresh eyes where as dealer sites trade in items seen repetitively.( Albert Moy 5 years) Albert I guarantee you knows who? contributed what on this page! Ok friends rip me apart on either point. I’m probably at least partially wrong. grape ape
  9. Leialoha is an extraordinary finisher. The combination of these two makes it a slam dunk for me. I’m actually leaning towards the notion along the lines that Steve does “more” on this page. Yet no doubt sings as a robust Starlin. 🍇 🦍
  10. Isha Jim Steranko and Matt Baker are excellent. To your question. Steranko artwork is worth buying if you like his art. If you mean as a financial investment, well you may have missed the chance to buy art that will appreciate. That is pieces like Shield, Captain America are highly sought after and prices when available aren’t cheap. If you can afford it go for it!!!
  11. Great clue and while I’m at it Jan is a terrific artist as well!!!
  12. Rick2you2 is correct. Many artists have someone build the website for them. If artists are offering work for sale or commissioning for hire it’s ok to follow up a few times. However as Rick2you2 pointed out they may not see the message. Is there an alternative contact Avenue? Im sure you’ll start a dialogue soon. 🍇 🦍
  13. Excellent page. Ebay was good to you. I want an example of Root’s work and this one is memorable: congrats Michael.
  14. That’s a great idea. I remember my comic shop in Vegas was used in a comic page...but can’t remember the book. i have tried to influence a few artists but ultimately they know what they are doing. Great idea and outcome for you though!!!
  15. Same clown auctioneers. Same clown fakes. I hope they burn in 🔥
  16. I hope he gave you a discount for fixing your purchase.
  17. In 1990 I attended a comic con in Las Vegas at the Sahara Hotel and Casino. In attendance was Stan Lee and Todd McFarlane. Practically had Stan all to ourselves my brother and I. We took tons of pics. Now my brother is the biggest Spider-Man and Stan Lee fan alive. We were eating lunch at a diner there and Stan was at the counter eating lunch and drinking coffee. When he left my brother had a mad idea. ”I want his coffee cup! I’m going to have him sign it.” 😳 WTF ? He asks the busboy for the cup and he says,” we can’t give you the cup you want a to go cup?” Uh oh No problem my brother takes out five bucks and says let me keep that cup on the counter. So the busboy took the money and gave my brother the cup. So now we track down Stan and relay what “we’ve” done and what “we” want. Stan looks at my brother and says, “ you’re certifiable, a looney.” Stan signed it to his #1 fan haha. My brother to this day has that signed personal note coffee cup in a display case. This is back before Stans “handlers” had him signing tube socks and t shirts for X dollars per. We had so much access to Stan because it was a one off con, and Todd McFarlane was there. OK here comes the art part but hang in there. Ok we are standing in line to have Todd sign our copies of Spider-Man 1. There’s a gorgeous girl behind the booth and my brother is running game big time. Turned out he was hitting on Todd McFarlane’s wife At that table Todd had art pages and I believe a few covers in the $700 area? I had 0 knowledge of original art so we didn’t even investigate further 😔 Anyways a great con obviously I treasured meeting Stan and Todd for the first time. That was maybe the first imprint in my mind of the art behind the published comic: by 1996 I was fully aboard the train.
  18. Comic Art related a must but cool to mention artist, writer, celebrity and definitely original art that you saw from any year or con. Was there something you saw that pushed you into a full blown art addict like myself? Lets have fun. This is for the benefit of those who’ve gone but can’t go now(Covid) and also for those who have had limited or no access to cons.
  19. The artist was likely hired locally from Las Vegas. I lived there twenty years ago. Look up Vegas Caricature Artist....(702) 685-2929—they have a website with contact info. Let them know approximately when the show was done. By looking at the picture they should be able to identify by the signature more so than the art! Good luck 🍇 + 🦍
  20. Ok gang this was a hard fought victory so let’s not abuse the laughter. ..................
  21. That looks like Ale Garza. The style of the drawing. That signature matches other art attributed to Ale also.