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Everything posted by grapeape

  1. Hang tight I reached out to Genesis West to get more info on this piece. I’m waiting to hear back. Then I’ll share what I find out. grape ape 🍇 + 🦍
  2. This is why I respect Vodou. Please read this cautionary tale carefully. It speaks to what we are debating here. Salvador Dali was a nut job. His eccentric personality aside, his pursuit of money (nothing wrong with that) contributed to what a I believe was an “accidental chaos.” The writer tries to romanticize Dalis negligence as perhaps deliberate mischief. Either way you have the classic ingredients for fraud. 1) Artist doesn’t protect his work, he doesn’t protect his signature 2) Hungry middle men cut corners ( dishonestly many flat out contributed to fraud) 3) An art starved collectors field throws money at these prints, overlooking red flags, trusting others without educating themselves Now try cleaning this mess up. Dalí is gone R I P. Those invested must insist on protecting questionable art. They will defend the indefensible. Read Vodou’s link about Dalí and think of some of the illogical reasoning presented not only here but in other threads. Honestly I hope our look at “Shuster originals” is a wake up call. Nice job Vodou
  3. Oh yeah. Grand Master Press and Trim. Awful stuff yes. I think what bothered me more was how many people came to his defense. I argued with some collectors when we first started hearing about this. There was a thread where (maybe his friends?) were indignant. •What proof do you have •Even so what is the crime? Awful. Greed winning out over reason and good ethics. In comics. In our art world. I cringe every time there is a defense of bad behavior. This stuff is worth too much money. Those poor cursed souls that bought heavily from J E are screwed. Some I suspect may have passed on their misfortune to others. There are a few comics I would like to buy before I die. I gave up comics collecting 25 years ago. But I’ve thought of a short list I’d like to pursue. Here’s the rub: Even with slabbing which I believe saved comic collecting from implosion, I worry about some of the “restoration” tricks that got past graders awhile back. What if I buy one of those books? Will I ever know? Will I find out ten years from now and there’s no recourse? Yeah DD and JE if only it was just you two. Again I don’t like to rip anybody on here. With that said if you support bad behavior, or try to manipulate the boards to support propping up questionable art or fraudulent practices you will get called out.
  4. Much of the art from that catalog is still available and with pics !!!!! But today pics but no prices. But you can send them an email. In the subject header type INQUIRE. You will eventually get a price quote at a “slight tick up” from release date of San Mateo 5.
  5. Speaking of Dupcak whatever happened to Jan??? Who could ever forget the • I’m Dating Dan Dupcak thread?• Absolute comedy gold....
  6. Don’t give up on us buddy uh nah.....I take it back. You did all you could..... Give up !!!
  7. Things mothers should teach their children 1)Wipe the Dupcak off your shoes before coming in the house 2) Wash your hands after making a Dupcak 3) Never buy a Mickey Mantle rookie card from Dupcack 4) Private Auctions on eBay are the devils work
  8. I think many of the expert opinions here are meant to eliminate delusions of grandeur. Sometimes we want something to be authentic so badly that we don’t see the truth. That being said RICKYBOBBY you have a point that expert opinions are not always delivered with empathy. They can feel like attacks. I like to temper what I say when it comes to calling something a fake unless I’m 100% sure. In this situation with the Action 1 it’s incumbent upon the experienced collectors to point out huge red flags. I stop short of calling it a fake. I will pass when it is auctioned again because it doesn’t pass the smell test for me.
  9. I appreciate a different opinion. Again the thing I stress, the most important action is to study the art. Where is our Shuster expert? There were numerous “Kirby” pieces sold by collectors, dealers and auction houses with “impeccable pedigrees.” Later those pieces came in to question or were roundly dismissed by very knowledgeable people. Also I’m not calling anyone out but if folks out there own a “Shuster” recreation or drawing and are chiming in one way or the other disclosure is important. I know there are legit recreations out there done by many artists living and dead. I stay away from them like the plague. It’s profound that you said “I wish Joe was around so we could ask him.” There’s not a piece in my collection that I own where I wish I could ask the artist, ”Did you do this?” I know for sure. I studied the artists for 30 years—-nothing compared to some of my hero’s on the board (you know who you are.) If there’s any doubt I pass. Always Things like signatures on art absolutely do not in and of themselves validate the art. It can only be one piece of an incomplete story. If it’s not published you need provenance. Chain of ownership. Witnesses to the creation of the art. On and on. Its the Wild West our there. Fakes everyday on eBay. Creeping into auction houses. This auction was a disaster.
  10. If that late bid was a punishment tax....whew!! Risky whisky keyboard Russian roulette.
  11. Glen I think many shortcuts are taken because of that reasoning. How many times someone solicits expert opinion on here and the hounds rush out to warn “that’s a good way to have someone steal the art you’re inquiring about.” That should never be a potential buyers first concern. Getting it right, buying the real thing is more important.
  12. Peter I respect your opinion. Careful though with the assumptions. No challenges for X amount of years means safe bet/ ok. I can’t stress enough the number one protection against being sorry later is to summon every bit of research and expert opinion before a purchase.
  13. 1) I took my experienced sellers word for it 2) Joe signed it means art is his 3) I don’t have time ( to learn, get better) to read the comments on CGC I have said over and over I learn a lot on this board. I try to give back. Never feel so expert that further learning and research are unnecessary. Several pieces of art have sold via auction or dealer that are pure fakes. Faulty reasoning used all the time. •I saw this hanging on the artists office wall so I know he did it.• •The guy I bought it from saw the artist sign their name on it.• Provenance requires more than a COA or someone’s word. More than anything before buying art it takes a critical, professional analysis of the artwork. My prayers for the newbies.
  14. I tried to explain this to some friends. Just because Stan Lee signed your white athletic tube socks does not mean he ran the wool yarn through the machine. A fake of a fake. Yeesh !! Alex is one of about fifty of us that contacted Sharon about the Action 1. She held up pretty well though I more than suspect she is sick of us about now. I would encourage her to stay in the art business, though perhaps it’s time auctioneers decline to offer this kind of drek. I fear the likely wear and tear on the confidence of collectors.
  15. Thank goodness. When I saw “spreadsheet” I thought we were revisiting the recent ASM splash pages with Spidey appearing to be compromised by the Green Goblin and others.
  16. All this talk got me to thinking why not compare to a real Action Comics 1?Then I remembered this picture taken of Grandpa Ape back in 1938. Oh but for a quick trip back in time. “Grandpa! Grandpa! Buy them all!!!!” “Wrap them in Saran Wrap, lay them flat and put them in a suitcase in the closet.” “I’ll pay you back in 1973 when I get my first months allowance.”
  17. I actually like Jordi but agree he’s taking up too much space on C A T. As it is even when I get a C A T alert for a saved artist I’m still getting prints, production cells and such. Yeesh !!
  18. How did this insufficiently_thoughtful_person (edited by the thought police to protect you from grape ape) build up feedback? Selling 1300 pieces of bubblegum?
  19. Honestly grapeape wishes a flamethrower could be ignited at 94% of eBay “original comic art listings.” Mostly garbage.
  20. Doom with a heart of gold. How far would a gold farthing go in those days? Yeesh!!!!!
  21. $50,000 bones and I gotta pony up $200 Green onions for shipping??? O u t r a g e o u s
  22. That is a great idea!! My guess is it would look charming and mischievous. There is only one Bill Watterson of course. However I’ve gotten a kick out of other artists tackling C & H. The love and devotion to the theme is obvious in many examples I’ve seen. So David...or somebody go get Skottie to conjur up C & H. Surely he knows who they are??? Then let’s me know when you post it! Don’t you guys love how grapeape spends your money.. haha! its for your own good. 🍇 🦍
  23. Checkmate Will K. Glen has left you with but one leg to stand on!!! I’d like to see Peter Cook point out any deficiencies to Victor Von Doom, Master of Latveria.