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Everything posted by MAR1979

  1. More like an established method of proving one-self as being a true dbaaaaagggg
  2. I've a bunch of Pedigrees mostly raw late Silver and early Bronze, but I'm a buy the book not the flip (label) person. While a Pedigree is nice to have I'll take the nicest presenting book every time. That said the Pedigree's I have are a bunch of Oakland and Northland's an occasional Boston and a Mohawk or 2. Can't say for sure how I'd feel if I had Golden Age Church's but I do know that will never be a situation I'm lucky enough to be in
  3. ok. still it is not a 9.6 and even if noting the tape pull in descripion i feel totally wrong to advertise it as 9.6. Sad that CGC will not be honorable and remunerate owner for their error and re-slab correctly for free as a 6. Just give us your money and shut up applies when no viable competition exists. My guess is if this was a trading card they would own up...
  4. "We matter more than Pounds and PENCE, your economic theory makes no sense" Sting (1984)
  5. Buying is riskier than selling with them from an IT Security POV.
  6. Also the book being horribly off-center in the slab wreaks of end-to-end slipshod quality control. CGC's or their parent company's solution to handling QA issues was to reduce the return window. It appear to have got to the point where they are saying just give us your money and keep quiet, and it works!
  7. @cgcmike perhaps show this to your QC mgr. The poor person who purchased this at minimum will lose money even if the lion share they are getting back. Thing is it never should have got that far. Not sure your QA mgr, QC dept, and superioers care but your errors have detrimental consequences to the average person. As for the seller, I will be searching eBay to find out who it was to add them to my own private seller avoid at all cost list which given nature of Comics Seller is rather long
  8. As DC goes Batman is Blue chip. I have been picking up late 60's DC which is favorite collecting era of mine even if way before my time. If I was smart I'd buy less books but all Marvel of that era. To lose money with DC it's easy for fastest route simply buy slabbed digests as you remind yourself over and over they are the rarest high grade DC or Marvel books of the late Bronze and Copper age. Then watch as your ROI as expected circles the drain - see my current signature images
  9. So for drek buy early, sell before interest is lost. Seems like a lot of effort and risk in current times to grind out a decent ROI.
  10. So Proven Keys for near half-century that became even more Key. Fair enough. But 1st Hypno-Hustler (The word hustle is first clue to stay away) or 1st Zaniac or similar drek ain't the same and that is really to what i am referring. P.S. FOLKS no Hypno-Hustler film will ever be made. I repeat no Hypno-Hustler film will ever be made. Recent FLOPS at The Mouse and and DISCTW will cause Sony to think very hard about dumping money into E level Spidey characters . In addition Sony lost money on Morbious and insider "buzz" is at absolute best Kraven will break even. Ain't no profit for Sony in feature film Hypno-Hustler.
  11. Outside of the pandemic bubble. I do wonder how many times buying books based on rumor or when hot has actually paid off over long term. Many carpetbagging flippers and speculators have taken their leave of Comic Books but some will always be around. No wrong way to collect but ain't seeing any upside to buying a book when hot or on rumor other than the occasional outlier. FOMO or whatever it was called prior to that term being coined is a human weakness thus an integral part of most Cons and rip-off schemes. Say NO GO to FOMO!
  12. If you ever met him DO NOT compliment him on his 70's, 80's or 90s work as it won't end well.
  13. Is Hake's correctly pronounced like Cake's with H instead of C, or Hack's
  14. As this a Groo Appreciation Thread thought I'd listed my personal 5 Groo Keys in Order: 1) Groo Special #1 Eclipse - as I recall in the last 80's through late 90's it was the highest priced Groo in Overstreet. First Groo Comic I ever purchased. In my first CGC Modern submission I sent in my childhood copy. Having that exact copy in the 1st gen CGC 9.8 slab means as much to me as any comic book I won. 2) Groo #8 Pacific - Final Pacific issue but First Groo comic I ever read, a buddy's copy, and the first Groo back issue I ever purchased. it also led to my picking up Groo Special when it arrived at my LCS. 3) Groo #1 Pacific - First Groo Cover and 1st full-story. IMHO the most important Groo issue ever published.. The book that truly displayed the Character as we would know him. 4) Marvel Age #24 - My favorite Groo cover. On-sale several weeks prior to the first Marvel Groo issue. The book served notice, at least to me as Child, that Groo was coming to Marvel. 5) Groo #120 Marvel/Epic - Final Marvel issue. While I've enjoyed Groo from other publishers since this last Marvel issue to me something has been missing. Perhaps since for the most part I grew up reading Marvel/Epic Groo it was simply an end of an era. After this series concluded Groo would never again have title that would register greater 1/10th of 120 issues.
  15. Correct and not a bad idea...
  16. about the only to change things on ebay is to flood card issuers with calls so that they complain to master or visa or paypal etc. Of course that is highly unlikely as most oddly seem to enjoy a right good fisting from multi hundred billion $ corporations
  17. When I'm on phone I try to keep things brief. Here is the more granular info: The Sellers declined my "make offer" which was greater than 90% of the asking price, basically 50% off shipping cost for me which seems rather fair on a make offer. After declining the sellers then raised the BIN, then sent me offers that were higher than the original BIN. In both cases I was a "watcher" of the item so sending the offer was easy.
  18. In last month Ive offered above 90% asking on best offers and both times the deeeeebaaag sellers raise the asking price upon receiving the offer. They then countered with an offer that was higher than the asking price in the first place. This was 2 different Sellers on stale items i had been looking at since Jan. One of many reasons ive such a low opinion of comic book, OA, and trading card dealers To be clear both items had best offer enabled.
  19. I'll add lack of ethics, lack of morals and potentially questionable legality. Yet still better than HA
  20. I have it on good authority it's Windows 2000 with no Service Packs running on a no-name PC built by the lowest bidder.
  21. Josh is far too cheap and stingy to even have that - a bunch of banana's after all will run over a buck perhaps even $2.