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Everything posted by MAR1979

  1. If that does occur looks for pretty much all but "keys of keys" and outliers to negatively breach 2019 FMV's - perhaps even 2015 FMV's on on some stuff. As a collector and not a seller, I say bring it on!
  2. Peaches and Herb approve of this thread
  3. Yep, structurally is not well written but that is the new normal
  4. https://blog.gocollect.com/a-field-report-an-actors-comic-and-a-very-scary-market-report/ Never thought possible but a decent accurate post at gocollect, unlike their normal tripe usually from Tuck who shamelessly hypes up what he seeks to sell.
  5. from what i see in threads on this forum as recently as today is folks are getting back books in their submissions that should be noted as newsstands but are not. This means the numbers are wrong makings newsstands from the 80s falsely appear to be rare. The lack of QC favors scamming sellers. BTW i never sought newsstands but reviewing my inventory spreadsheet last night have found majority of my 2000-2006 slab purchases from auctions were newsstands. Makes me think prior to scammy sellers hyping them is they were at least some degree of plentiful. Please note the books in question in my collection range only from 1979-1986
  6. I won a lot, a cheap lot that I got for my tracking bid - yeah I know I shoudl have added to a watch list . Doing a tracking bid was pure stupidity. So much for my zero tolerance buying from Heritage mantra. At least I find it to be a cool multi piece purchase. I may be mis-remembering but don't HA auctions falling less than 10 days prior to SDCC usually do lower than estimated?
  7. At the very least you are wrong because I have near zero interest in post 1990 /recent comics not sure why you are stating otherwise. I am welcome to you pointing out bulk changes in pre-1990 information between 2016 and 2002 guides. To minimize effort and time on your side just show us 12 differences other than re-wordings. If you are correct it should be easy enough.
  8. How often does the information change? For pre-1990 stuff almost never and never in bulk. If anything some info on non-recent books is removed each year to make room for new listing and info on recent books which I personally have zero interest. My 2016 guide contains same and more info on pre-1990 comics than my 2022, no reason for me to stay on the Overstreet treadmill
  9. Being off-center in the Slab like that like that really makes your nice book present like excrement. So glad I quit submitting and sad this has happened to you and others.
  10. Which BTW is what Time Warner Discovery paid Zaslav for 2022. The 95 mill from Batgirl went directly into his pocket
  11. oh yeah almost forgot about that...and about this from 1991; https://www.cbr.com/remember-to-forget-that-time-the-punisher-became-a-black-guy/ Folks it only proves the point that Character and costume changes go back many decades and change is constant, but nearly all are eventually reverted back to status quo's or close to it. I know some of you like to produce outrage, but when it comes to comic books it's all somewhat silly. Except when it comes to Mullets those must not be tolerated.
  12. For the last 35 years I've picked up the hardcovers, starting this year on I will not be picking up the publication. Besides being outright outmoded, and their failure to adapt to concept's newer than 1980, Overstreet's supreme vanity in virtually never correcting errors coupled with unprofessional unwillingness to decrease values to reflect empirical data is not only poor business but frankly disgusting. If was a fun ride at one time but those days are long gone. I'll still have my memories thus no need to continue to purchase what I feel is a useless publication.
  13. Superman, the Character that in effect inspired the entire super-hero genre has been treated very very poorly in the comics for most of my lifetime. - Late 1980's; rendered flaccid power-wise by Byrne. - 1993; "Killed off" for a full year - not 30-40 days, a full year! - 1994; brought back with a Mullet. A frickin' Mullet!!! The height of indignity. - late 1990's; Classic costume and powers taken away for over a year. Character becomes pure energy or some tripe and starts wearing an electric blue outfit and or crimson red jumper - WTF? - Sept 1 2011; The total dee-bag Superman (characterization) is born. Classic costume gone for many many years and changed to an abomination + insult to American pop-culture. A costume and characterization change that served merely to stroke the universal sized ego's and tiny u know whats of Jim Lee, Geoff Johns, and Dan Didio. So puhlease no more whining about the Punisher, as the medium itself exists as we know it due to the Superman Character. The same character who has been treated like excrement for 4 decades! P.S. The rule should be; If no mullet, then no whining!
  14. You video does not help fuel lying about mint but is highly plausible will regarding newsstand misleading/lying. ...paved with very best of intentions applies
  15. imho is more accurate to state 1976 (1977?) or Mid 1970s The current wording will be interpeted by many as post 1969
  16. No I do not like it, not even a little. I only wanted the CGC "flip" on my Marvel Cards as it matched the Comics which i thought was an amazing pairing. Sadly it's been back to PSA for me since the announcement. I know I'm not alone in that regard.
  17. IMHO on a character like the Punisher wearing spandex was absurd from the 1970's git-go. Superman was brought back with a mullet, nothing and I repeat NOTHING in main stream comics is more offensive than that.
  18. @KirbyCollector Are you teetering on the ledge? Another Comic Book Character to be killed never ever to be seen again or for 45 days whichever comes first. Marvel Announces The Death of Moon Knight https://www.cbr.com/death-of-moon-knight-marvel/ On July 17, Marvel Comics announced the upcoming death of a fan-favorite character in writer Jed MacKay and artist Allesandro Cappuccio's upcoming "The Last Days of Moon Knight" storyline.
  19. Thats good as long as they realize for DC it took place after mid 1980
  20. Yes Marvel and DC books were available via early Direct Sales channels in 1978, but there was no differentiation except for the Whitman distributions.Non Whitman distributed direct sale Differentiation on Covers was first made in June 1979 by Marvel, then later in Oct 1980 by DC, to prevent books from the direct sale channels from being returned for full credit. BTW: June 1979 cover dated Marvel books were first available for sale in March 1979 at Newsstands and likley late Jan or early Feb 1979 at direct sale outlets, so practically but not quite 1978.