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Mr bla bla

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Posts posted by Mr bla bla

  1. 52 minutes ago, AMightyEsquilax said:

    No way, there's been some killer stuff since then, stuff like Annihilation, Annihilation: Conquest, War of Kings, Bendis, Brubaker, and Waid runs on Daredevil, Brubaker Cap, Tom King's recent Vision stuff, Captain Britain and MI13, Agents of Atlas, so much good stuff, and that's just off the top of my head. On whole their events have been really weak, and the overall direction maybe not the best, but there have definitely been some gems in there.


    The recent Thunderbolts is... not great. Any of those throwaway titles like Slapstick and Foolkiller have been pretty weak imo.

    In the same wein: dont forget Hickman Avengers ... ! 


  2. 1 hour ago, Bookery said:

    As one who enjoys paper collectibles across a broad spectrum, even after decades in the business I will never cease to be amazed by these books.  I don't believe there is another collectible of any kind that reaches these kinds of valuations with such a large number of copies available.  Compared to some collectibles, Action 1 & 'Tec 27 would be considered abundant!  With several copies having blown past $1-million, it's interesting to note that a First Folio Shakespeare, complete, can be had for around $2-mil., with probably fewer than 2-dozen copies in existence, and only a handful of those not locked away in museums.  Poe's 1st book, Tamerlane, I believe now goes for around $1-mil., if you can shake free one of the 20 or so known copies.  I think there's only about 2 or 3 dozen known copies of Tarzan's 1st app. in All-Story... which goes for around $20-k or so... even fewer copies of the 1st edition hardback in dust-jacket... maybe $50-k for a decent copy.  There are several KEY movie posters out there with fewer than 10 copies, going for far less than $1-k.  The 1st ed. 1st Pocket Book I think has fewer than 20 known copies... somewhere around $20,000 will get you one... if and when one shows up for sale.  Weird Tales #1 is not all that rare... but there are still certainly far fewer known copies than Action #1... can be had for around $20k.  1st edition Frankenstein, which was issued in 3 small volumes making it difficult to find whole, maybe $100,000, with I'd guess fewer than 50 existing copies.  Others with more knowledge can chime in... but I'm guessing there are not even any classic automobiles, furniture antiques, rare coins, etc., that will bring over $1-mil. with estimated quantities of 200-300 in existence?

    I read this as a pretty well founded argument *against* the claim that were looking at 300 copies or more ....

  3. 28 minutes ago, G.A.tor said:

    Of course most is hear say. This isnt a court of law requiring proof doh!

    its mostly conjecture and opinion, but experience and first hand knowledge do validate some opinions slightly more than others, or maybe not  

    And many do share. Like the lawyer we (yes pickie) met in sdcc a little while back that did share pics of his 3 fortressed action 1s (among others). 

    That said, no one likely will ever know. I shared my conclusions and why...how bout share yours?

    Im sorry if I came across sarcastic Gator. It was certainly not the intention.

    Secondly, I obviously cannot compete with your experience on this matter. Thats for sure. But never the less I like to throw in my 2cents now and then. And still *validity* remains what we're looking for to generally optimize the guesstimates which are being pulled out here on the boards. And so I still maintain my point that there is a risk that a particular copy could be registered across multiple accounts. So Here say is always risky. And yes I tend to believe that if the population is 250-300 copies we would see more than 60 slabs in census after 17 years of entombing. But full disclosure: this IS gut feeling.


  4. 13 hours ago, G.A.tor said:

    Not only do I believe it, i think that 100 might be low. This comes from talking to 1000s of folks at cons, other dealers that knownof copies/sold copies etc etc. pretty safe bet there are way more than 100 

    Will hear-say do the job? Someone bragging that he 'held this book' or 'have heard about this book' being 'in this or that collection'. Hardly valid, since one particular copy could be registered across multiple accounts from these 1000s of folks.  

  5. 9 hours ago, gadzukes said:

    With the worldwide popularity of Marvel Movies, have foreign collectors/investors been tapping into rare high end comics like AF15?  If so, how much?  Are we competing with them in a lot of these auctions?  Are a lot of AF15s leaving the country.  Just curious.

    A friend told me not terribly long ago a prominent US auction house was 'touring' Europe. Seeting up 'a la carte' meetings with interested parties. They would hardly do that if not there was some meet on that bone.?

  6. 3 minutes ago, G.A.tor said:

    That's the key. An oct copy rarely if ever, seems to come to market. The reality is that folks don't really have a choice. The market for a marvel 1 "is" nov copies , in essence 

    even the pay copy is a nov...in fact I believe all pedigree copies are nov 

    Put me down for a september copy please ...

  7. 6 hours ago, Gotham Kid said:

    Looking at my archives found that the 35 just auctioned on ComicLink went for $34,333 last year. Buyer had book re-subbed (likely crack/press) only to come back same grade and sell for $30,009 minus the 10% minus grading costs.




    Ouch ...