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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. "for a while" .. yes, i was there, teen titans was the only DC comic I read in the early 80s (i bought ronin too, of course), perez had a great run, it was just a few years though and I'd have to dig for actual sales numbers... by 1985 teen titans had dropped quite a bit (I saw some sales numbers printed somewhere that had it in line with many other DC titles), x-men kept chugging along... Lobo was pretty big for a while too (not comparing NTT to Lobo, of course), Azrael was pretty big... Alpha Flight sold a TON of comics.. while Byrne was working on it at least.
  2. A cyborg movie sounds like a disaster unless they make it very cheap ... under $50 million .. which seems unlikely given the need for special effects. They do a cheap cyborg in doom patrol, but no way they can do that for a movie. I have read they are trying to do Morbius on a very low budget too, which is a smart idea. If they can get it done for $50 million they can do $200 million box office and it will still make a profit. And if you have a Joker type scenario (unlikely), it is hitting the jackpot. Birds of Prey only did $200 milion. Yes, it was poorly marketed, near covid, and with an R rating, parents who might have wanted to take their kids to a super hero movie did not ... I know, Deadpool managed and Joker wasn't just comic fans. I acually kind of liked Birds of prey, although 3 of the female leads did not look right (I am fine with black Canary, the other three, no ... I just don't find 5 foot tall 56 year old rosie perez beating up armies of baddies believable and Huntress needs to be hot and the girl...how on earth is that couch potatoe ever supposed to turn into some bad arse warrior?)
  3. It is an $800-900 book in 9.8. There are over 500 9.8s and over 700 9.6ses. So it isn't exactly a cheap book. Yes, it is almost unique in the 80s for introducing so many characters of note, the closest comparitor being GS X-Men1 and X-Men 94, which are not good compairsons (far fewer in census, bigger comic impact, appeared in their own title).. I guess the closest one is ASM 238, which has about the same census #s and is 2X as much and yes, did not introduce 3 characters of note... all I can say is that Marvel usually beats DC and Spiderman is king? NTT #2 has even chunkier census numbers and sells for almost as much as DCP 26, which shows Marvel collectors must like Deathstroke.
  4. you can make some money spotting those, but go blind in the process
  5. with that said, that is a pretty big difference between newsie and direct, even at that late date... like 10X the price of the direct ... I guess you only get that big bump on cool covers?
  6. copies sold for around $60-90 in december and november, why would they have they have appreciated a lot since then? it isn't like venomized wolvie is going to be in a star wars cartoon or get his own disney+ tv show
  7. I am encouraged that my 9 year old is excited by the show and his main point of irritation is that the episodes are too darn short, which I agree with. All this anticipation and they should have made these 1 hour shows.
  8. Cyborg was a boring character in JLA, Doom Patrol, every JLA cartoon.. the only time I liked him was in Teen Titans Go when he is played by King Ezekial
  9. My name is not Shirley. Clearly you have never flown a prop plane to bumblephuck upstate New York. I'm not sure those have any licensed pilots, but they do know to space the fat guys far apart.
  10. Where did you get your doctorate in time travel? I am stuck in the house in a snowstorm, I might have extra time on my hands. stark figured out the mechanics of it in like 2 hours, right?
  11. that's not how the snap works. hawkeye's wife and 45 kids all disappeared. fury and hill both disappeared. it doesn't save the person next to the dusted one.
  12. I yanked a 4th print out of a box, figured it was a $10 book nowadays as everything has gotten excited. apparently it is a $100-$150 book. yikes.
  13. well, the 2 is the one to cry about. I probably sold 20 copies of #3 over the years.
  14. It is all theory. Only Henry Pym and Tony Stark have figured it out (and Pym didn't mean to).
  15. That's another topic. Hoping they don't totally miscast him. There are not a lot of clear options who aren't already in Marvel or DC movies. Radcliffe and Harrington are tossed out there because they are short and not american. I just don't see either giving us the sense we are dealing with a 150 year old. Andrew Lincoln maybe.
  16. they did spend a chunk of time trying to intellectually dissect time travel and all that
  17. The movies have not touched on the TV shows, but Agents of Shield certainly exists within the Avengers universe, but we already have a whole world of people there with latent "inhuman" genes just waiting to show themselves. Not much difference between that and "mutants" in the x-men sense of things as the alien DNA may not show up in all descendants (it really could not as nearly everyone on the planet would have it after 400 or whatever generations). Mind you, I am only on season 3, so if that is all cleared up and put to bed later don't spoil it for me. anyway, i seriously doubt they do it, but I did think this would be a way to merge the x-universe with the current MCU. wanda reaches out and wants her brother, and pulls the x-men version of pietro into her world along with the rest of them, not sure how you can do a full merger of the two worlds though..things would get awfully crowded.
  18. I assume Jarvis is supposed to be dead in the current timeline, I can't remember if Stark says he is dead. He'd be like 100, right?
  19. They have been off living with each other in Avengers Infinity War for a while so who knows. If he has a lot of jarvis in him maybe jarvis was a real nice guy? I haven't watched Agent Carter yet, but he was kind of a hotty (he was in Avengers Endgame for half a second):
  20. I think she is great. And Thor 1 was in 2011. Wandavision is 20__ (?). Plenty of time for her to change majors and get a doctorate, assuming she was not snapped out of existence.
  21. They're dead. Just like everyone who was in planes piloted by folks who vanished are dead. And cars that crashed into people when the drivers diappeared may have killed those people. And patients whose surgeons disappeared mid surgery and on and on. So, Thanos succeeded in killing a bunch of people. And I will thank my 9 year old for pointing this out ... if you just rematerialize where you were before, what if someone else is standing there right now or there is an object there??
  22. yeah, an ultron was running around without the mind stone, so why can't vision at some point? granted, it is not clear ultron really had the whole range of human emotions like vision did
  23. Yeah, I want "more" too. No reason these shouldn't have been hour long shows and we'd be be getting the whole "Sword" thing in the second episode. there are 9 episodes coming. so, 5 more, at an absurd 26 minutes an episode, about as much as a marvel movie