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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. here is a p*x that sold for $1070: https://www.ebay.com/itm/BATMAN-232-PGX-9-4-WHITE-PAGES-1ST-RAS-AL-GHUL-SIGNED-NEAL-ADAMS-NOT-CGC/254820553624?hash=item3b547d1398:g:wKcAAOSwi9Vf6ibH So a voldy should probably be worth something in the middle of this and what GPA sys a CGC is worth With that said, you paid $900 for your voldy when the GPA was no doubt a chunk higher. Wouldn't you expect the differential to remain?
  2. It is not sad, it is the reality of a market that thinks the other guy's 9.4 slab is more likely to house a book that would be a 9.2 or 9.0 for CGC. Folks are still willing to lay out a grand for the book. Plus, he is limiting his universe to "friends," that is hardly a way to get anything approaching FMV. I hunt for vodly books in the hope that I can get something nice at a huge discount as there is probably a 50/50 chance they are the same as CGC on any given book. Generally I don't find anything. the third company..so many their books just look so bad in relation to the grades I have a tough time telling myself there is any hope they are equivalent
  3. Does anyone have some CGC ink transfer books? I have looked at all of mine and they don't have any.
  4. Did you buy these when they came out or have you been hunting them after the fact? I had access to plenty at the Borders near me, but you'd have to get there they day they were put out to get a chance at non-trashed ones and at the time paying cover price for non-hot books seemed silly when 80% of them seemed to wind up in the dollar box at my shop a month later (plus I was not really following moderns at the time as they were getting released... kind of like now). I guess you still would have needed to pick the right ones for it to pan out vs. other things I could have spent $3 a pop on back then.
  5. I had no idea about IM Annual 5. Looks like a nice $20-40 pop, maybe more. There are so many books popping in that range now it is hard to keep up. With all this snow and ice and parking hard to come by due to snow I am not out and about hunting. Probably for the best as I have so much piled up in my comic room, I need to make space.
  6. while there is a lot of craziness on ebay right now, at the same time there is a lot of stuff getting pretty much ignored that you can get at a good price. not everything can be hot and the money supply is not infinite. $1.75 (if you could combine a few items with the reasonable shipping charge...) https://www.ebay.com/itm/WARLOCK-15-1976-THANOS-GAMORA-PIP-JIM-STARLIN-034-RARE-034-MARVEL-/203269192241?hash=item2f53c9ba31%3Ag%3AI2MAAOSwE0BgHL~K&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 (right now all the starlin warlock stuff seems to be down, thanos stuff) https://www.ebay.com/itm/MARVEL-THE-END-1-thru-6-Comics-Full-Run-1st-Prints-2003-Marvel-THANOS/203221162200?hash=item2f50ecd8d8%3Ag%3A1pUAAOSwx~FfHGkq&LH_Auction=1 heck, that mini was $25-50 before Thanos was in movies! A lot of Deadpool stuff is down. I get Thanos, it is going to be a while before they can bring him back and I don't see him fitting into any likely TV shows (the actor and the CGI cost too much), and Deadpool is in a lull. I'm not talking NM 98 so much, but almost everything else. anyway, there's a lot of stuff cooled off and is down
  7. I was thinking he looks really old right and frail right there. Needs a touch of make up. His wife is too damn beautiful, even at 50.
  8. Yeah, I thought about him too, dunno what he looks like without a shirt tho
  9. No. His head from 20 years ago works. That's about it. Rob Zombie is like 5' 8" (he is listed as 5' 10", but then I see commentary that this is bull). He is old. Skinny. He is not the Lobo who became popular. The glimpse I've seen of him on Krypton (why can't I find Krypton on HBO Max or anywhere I don't have to pay???) is actually not too bad. Dunno if the actor was terrible, but that whole thing seems to have been cancelled. Stick a show on a venue nobody watches and it gets cancelled. shocking.
  10. rob zombie is too old now. and he is too short. and not built for the role. https://www.quirkybyte.com/blog/2018/02/actors-play-lobo-michael-bay-movie/ some of these are absurd. the wrestler looks the part, but i have no idea if he is any good as an actor. the rock turned out to be a pretty good actor, but he's a once a generation talent.
  11. And then getting all 12 issues in NM condition.. uhg Sure, the big batman story arcs from the 90s and maximum carnage are not so hard, but there are a lot of those out there
  12. Mamoa looks right for Lobo, but yeah, playing two DC characters is gonna be tough. On the other hand, there's no reason for Lobo and Aquaman to ever be on the screen at the same time.
  13. I have never bothered trying to put together a set because rarely would I see all 12 in a dollar box... so that is sort of the challenge. The 4 issues minis are more feasible. Any of these 12 issue minis are a pain.
  14. And these are folks I would trust to get some schrapnel out of me and get me ready to get operated on if more was needed. The training they receive does not touch in any real way on these other issues. And I understand the concerns about this being an expedited process. I am not worried about us becoming zombies, but do have concerns that there may be preexisting conditions and drug interactions that clinical studies might not have explored. If they feel safe doing their jobs with hard core PPE, etc. then so be it.
  15. You are old. Stan's style was fine for a 8-14 year old in 1963, which is who he was writing for and who he was trying to hook long term, not a 40 year old. Watching most TV from bygone eras and a lot of it doesn't hold up. Heck, I started rewatching the first few episodes of the Sopranos the other day and was asking myself "why did I think this was the greatest TV I had ever seen?" It was ok (I do think it gets better in later episodes, but i stopped as I decided there is so much newer TV I can binge). I was watching Giligan's Island with my 9 year old the other day, a show I loved as a kid, and it was completely unwatcheable other than Ginger and Mary Anne.
  16. My wife is an epidemiologist. Doctorate, blah blah. She has been interviewed on TV about Covid (and other places), so she knows a little bit about it, although she wasn't in a lab working on a cure or anything. She does work with people who were. She did not hesitate to take it. Then again, her employer made it very clear they wanted her to take it. While she is working from home for the most part I don't think it was absolutely required, but I do not think they would have allowed her to set foot in her hospital/school if she did not. A close friend is an ER doctor and Chief Toxicologist of my county (of 2.7 million people) and he pretty much laid out (for us facebook non-doctors) a pretty clear rebuttal of the vaccine criticisms (in response to a non-doctor friend's spouting of pseudo science on facebook). He seemed pretty convincing. And while a paramedic has more medical training than I do and is infinitely more capable of dealing with medical matters within their baileywick, the safety and efficacy of vaccines is not. Paramedics can become paramedics out of high school through a certification program at a community college that takes 6-12 months depending on your jurisdicition. This makes them moderately more qualified than your average joe in the supermarket on these pubic health issues.
  17. sure. but i expected to find it in my endless supply of books pulled out of dollar boxes since 1993 and I have not found a copy yet, but plenty of issues around it, so maybe it was in $2 boxes that were too rich for my blood.
  18. I don't have an OPG in front of me, but I suspect a VF or better copy is $50+ in guide without the show and it was a minor key before that. I mean this one sold for $200 outside of a slab before the Wandavision hype: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Fantastic-Four-94-1st-Agatha-Harkness-VF-NM-Cond/313342253577?hash=item48f4a75a09:g:xHwAAOSwHHtf1t5W $96: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Fantastic-Four-94-FN-6-5-1-Book-1st-Agatha-Harkness-Franklin-Richards-Is-Name/193844603630?hash=item2d2209eaee:g:GscAAOSwp29f-5NU Unlike Defenders 112, which was worth 25 cents 2 months ago and is now and is now $25-$50 on the hope that Dottie is Arcanna (who is not even on the cover of Defenders 112!), FF 94 already wasn't cheap for a variety of reasons.
  19. My trust fund never materialized (thanks a lot mom and dad! (RIP)) so money still matters. Though I am not sure why Avengers 54 would be impacted. He doesn't have a role in the show and they're probably not bringing back Ultron any time soon unless there is a way to permanently neuter his ability to take over nukes and everything. I was more hoping the Wanda / Vision wedding issue would pop more. I have a lot of those.
  20. Yes, but the prices he has on relatively common 1990s newsstands are pretty funny. I actually found a couple of books on the site that, after the 50% off, were priced pretty well, but one of them I have 10 copies of already (one of my long term speculation plays) and I said no more
  21. Are Archies still sold at newsstands? Are there any comics with direct and newsstand versions anymore?
  22. I have from the 90s. Mile High chuck thinks they're all worth $40 or $50 a pop, but the market doesn't. Most of the 2000s books I bought were comic shop overstock. Once in a while someone would sell their books to the shop, who would dump them in the cheap-o box, and sometimes they were newsies, but it was pretty rare.
  23. Didn't Lee create Spiderman and DD each with other another artist (Ditko/Heck). I know Kirby was on all the covers and had some input on DD, but that was after the fact, no? Fact is, on his own Kirby created some visually exotic stuff and interesting big picture stuff/characters, but i never found them particularly readable. Scripts do matter, as evidenced by the terrible stuff DC was writing in the early days of Marvel.
  24. I think this nonsense has boiled over. Folks having concerns about a vaccine that was pushed through much faster than normal is hardly the same as [objectively...as in, I think they are ] offensive tweets or bona fide sexual harassment or whatever. I am in no mad rush to get the vaccine, although my wife has to for her job. Mainly, I think there are people who would benefit from it more than me and I am ok waiting my turn. No rush.