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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. I've been painting a lot lately, mostly abstracts. Tonight I am going back to some more figurative work. Was looking at some George Pratt work and got inspired. I haven't done a face portrait in nearly 30 years.. Anyway, the mouth is tough on these.. Tough to adjust and correct water color... I plan on doing a series of 9 jokers.. By the 9th one I think he'll look decent... Practice practice practice!
  2. As I flipped through the images and thought ("hmm, maybe make an offer on all of them?") I said to myself "a dealer is probably going to scoop these up all at once" and that's the first thing I saw....
  3. Joker had a billion dollar movie with no Batman in it. Highest grossing R rated movie of all time .. and that might even include adjusting for inflation. I'm not sure a Green Goblin movie (without Spidey) could pull that off. Yes, Phoenix was brilliant in it, etc. And true, foreign audiences loved it (the R rating probably hurt it here).
  4. The art looks well executed. Here's my ignorant opinion on a new comic company hanging around ......... if you can sell enough comics to break even, keep yourself entertained, build a niche audience, string together some story lines .. ba bing, maybe netflix or amazon or hulu or .... basically the list is endless nowadays ... buys the rights and makes a show. Zenoscope ges screen credits in Van Helsingf even though the TV show seems pretty far from the comics. Or the person writing the stories, if they're any good, maybe becomes the next Jim Zub or Michale Fiffe and gets a real paying job eventually in comics (a good artist will find work if they can meet deadlines)
  5. Interesting how Batman New 52 #3 used to be the one that got more $ for court of owls folks, but now it is #6? Or did #6 always get $? I owned a lot of #3s, not #6
  6. that has a slight reading crease. totally worthless. you should send it to me so that i can properly dispose of it.
  7. Anyone from the Northeast and ohio or who knew anything about baseball knew who Steinbrenner was. Maybe not the schtick they did so much, but he was nationally known.
  8. I gave up reading after a few pages, didn't seem like anyone said no bid deal, someone asked if this could be accidental... anyway, he has cashed out for millions over the years, so I'm guessing the lawyer game was not so lucrative for him
  9. OK, I know, I should do my own research, but are there any other Conan books that have popped lately? Obviously the BWS stuff is what it is and has been since forever, there's the Adams issue, the first Big John issue, 58, maybe 59 (though the sales don't show it), 100 (again, the prices are pretty tepid), 241-242 (just for the covers), (some of the issues in the 240s and 260s seem to be good $5-$6 books), 275... arguably 270-274 just for lower print runs (allegedly), maybe annuals 1 and 2...anything in the king conan or savage sword runs? Conan (the comic, Savage Sword seemed pretty good throughout) got pretty mehhh and formulaic in the late 70s and 80s and then seemed to get interesting again in the last 3 or so years before cancellation ... I have a lot of conans. I always enjoyed the title because the stories were somewhat self contained.. no 14 part story arcs and cross overs ... I could read a stack of CTB or Savage Swords on the can and not be confused... Comic folks sometimes forget how yuuuuge conan was at one point.. 2 comic titles and I believe 2 magazine titles all at the same time
  10. I wonder if a complete set of Conan and the annuals might do well right now or if folks just don't care for the filler? 1 - 275 only got $1200. of course, a lot depends on the condition of #1 up of the BWS books and 58, 275 and a couple of others. sadly many of those great Buscema issues under 100 are just not sought after because they aren't first appearances and such of any recurring character. at least the market has realized that all of the issues in the 270s, not just 275, are a bit harder to come by.
  11. Defenders 10 .. sure Hulk was in the title... but Hulk / Thor Battle cover, it's basically a semi key just because of that. with that said, DD 163 is only a $5-$10 book in mid-grade, it only gets the real spike if it is very sharp
  12. Cool, I have at least 10 of these: https://www.ebay.com/itm/CONAN-the-BARBARIAN-58-FN-Buscema-Howard-1970-1976-Belit/124368829305?hash=item1cf4f5bb79:g:Vi8AAOSwmfFffOIb And despite the fact that GS Conan 1 is misattributed as the 1st app .. the market has spoken!
  13. Every time I drive by Javitz (which I do frequently as it on the route to my mother) my 15 year old starts getting weepy eyed about how much he wants to go to comiccon again...
  14. Holy cow: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Marvel-Super-Heroes-20-CGC-6-0-First-Dr-Doom-solo-Story-1st-app-of-Valeria/383680202199?hash=item59551f45d7:g:CrEAAOSwkHNfOasX I did not know this book got hot. I have had a 6.0 slab for years that I bought for under $10 just to have as a grading exemplar. I guess it is time to let her go!
  15. Here's a Drunk Bear in the Woods I have posted before from our very own Shiverbones
  16. Many of us own work created by other boardies. I finally got around to framing these lovelies painted by our own Darth Corgi / Christian Slade. known for his family friendly Corgi comics, there's also a dark side... alas, the reflection on the glass frame is annoying. Not sure which room it goes in...the photo does not do these justice... below are them outside of glass
  17. I need to get back out... I have not gone sniffing for comics since like February (I bought a couple online here or facebook or ebay, I think, but pretty limited)
  18. it depends on how optimistic your opening price is. 50% is deserving of a counter if your price has 10-25% wiggle room. I don't see 50% as an insult, I see it as them feeling you out. considering I have gotten major dealers down 25%+ on their prices (for example, my copy of showcase 23), why not start at 50%? you might have 50 copies of that book and are very willing to negotiate.
  19. It is a PITA, but refunds are pretty easy with paypal, unlike olden times