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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. Question is whether the black adam is also worth pressing. It looks to be a raw $60-90 type book, but sales are all over, and $160-200 in 9.8. it also looks perfect to me. I just dunno if movie news is going to impact it as it is like the 12,000th appearance of the character. and the movie news is already out, just the release date and co-stars are at issue.
  2. It looks pretty perfect right now, but yeah, if I am spending the money I might as well press it
  3. Oh well, nothing else particularly exciting in the box other than some 10 cent cover price romance comics I knew were in there. A bunch of Red Sonja 1 variants, but none of those are doing so well this week.
  4. Between these two and the NYX 3 I found in a bag a while back with 7 other comics from around then I am probably going to make my first submission to CGC after haunting these boards for 15 years. Crazy.
  5. As you see from the dollar box thread I just struck gold on some variants purchased on the cheap. Granted 5-8 years ago. But if they made it into my lcs 3 for $2 box he would have had them on the rack for $10 or less before he gave up on them. He would have held out for more on more expensive ones.
  6. From the same box of unsorted books purchased at About the same time 3 for $2.. How did a Ross variant get in there???
  7. Ok, this is a cheat as my guess is that it was purchases 5-8 years Ago in the 3 for 2 box, but how in heck did my old shop blow this and should I slab it? (I think I should?) I had no idea I owned it...
  8. The 256ses are 2 per bag. This was just long box 1 of about 5 of 70s and 80s spidey. It appears that in the last 25 years I have never met a cheap box spidey I did not buy. Mental issues.
  9. I hear a rumor that rocket racer and the puma will team up in the next spiderman movie "Spiderman: Villians who Have No Connection Other Than Blob Having a Stack of First Appearances"
  10. With that said they usually have liquidity beyond the regular issues, but it could be in the $3 range. Still, better than 25 cents.
  11. Thank you for your advice. Luckily I have a $2 limit for almost anything not published during my childhood or before.
  12. Honestly, I had never paid attention to the run and probably passed on nice copies in cheap boxes while acquiring My 15th copy of asm 172. My mistake.
  13. Were js comics or zapp there? I would expect to find some decent copies in their $2 or $5 boxes. Although I have now missed the last 2 nycc.
  14. Did you look in the $1 and $2 and $3 boxes? That's where I would look for them
  15. So were the spideys. Just more of them. Going through my boxes hunting for 210s and I realized I have 7-10 copies of nearly every issue from the mid 150s through 200s, mostly 9.0 or better. When the heck did I accumulate these????
  16. I guess they didn't get the memo about mid-100s Spawns being worth jacking up in price
  17. Really interesting the big price swings on the same 9.0 of a book...more than $2 within a month or two. PQ and centering have a big impact it seems. I wonder if some folks are trying to determine pressability in the auction? I suppose the grading notes might impact the bids. https://www.ebay.com/itm/INCREDIBLE-HULK-181-CGC-9-0-1ST-FULL-APPEARANCE-OF-THE-WOLVERINE-/293190858408?epid=85340044&hash=item44438976a8%3Ag%3AbMsAAOSwlCFdV0Ao&nma=true&si=k5rBGBi%2BuujbAIA%2FqNJ8cW9pcBQ%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  18. HUH? Maybe the last couple of issues, but how is this a hard run to put together? Are Japanese collectors hoarding them? Or are you only talking about 9.8 candidates?
  19. I think the OP is lamenting that initially he thought this was a big score and he'd be walking away with many thousands of $ in ebayable books and now he is down to maybe $125 worth of mold. Don't get unrealistic expectations about any of this stuff and you'll be less depressed when a great deal turns into a likely stinker (literally and figuratively in this case)
  20. As for the OP, it is a shame you got the opportunity to buy a bunch of moldy poop. If you want to invest more time into the project/salvage the time already spent, then just be honest with yourself and try to figure out what moldy copies of the ten or 15 best books you saw are worth on ebay. Not what is asking, what they actually sell for. A bit of mold or foxing does not make a real key worthless. I sold a JIM 84 with some ugly funk on it for a decent price, for example. Keys are keys. But folks on ebay don't want moldy run filler. So figure out what 25% of those best 10/15 books is and offer that. Take the rest of the off her hands. What is absolutely hopeless, toss, figure out if you've got some genuine $8-10 books in there despite condition. And are they moldy or just water damaged? If they are not stained you can sell them as "pressable projects" for the junior pressers out there to practice on. As for the rest, the dollar books, blow them out at your next yard sale for 25-50 cents each or list them in big lots on ebay and offer to ship media mail. Any pile of 60s and 70s majority books will sell on ebay, even if in lousy shape. For how much, I dunno, but usually at least 50 cents each. I've done well blowing out moldy BA books at my yard sale for between 50 cents and $1 each. I once bought a huge stack of 3 for $2 BA books at my shop only to take them back home and out of their bags and boards to see most had nastiness on their backs. (They just looked old and low grade on their fronts.) Anyway, I blew them out 12 for $10 at my next yard sale. People see old stuff for under $1 and they get excited. A question for the hive... is there something you can spray on moldy paper that will at least stop the growth of the mold and kill it? You'll still have disfigured books, but they wouldn't be contagious.
  21. I get it. And for the record I am 47 and my 14 year old does not smoke weed. He has a Mexican Pepsi and honey bun addiction. Not that worrisome as he is 5'9" and 120, so he can indulge. But I live in Krooklyn so I use the urban lingo. I need to go do some more listings for my side hustle.
  22. Prefer junior dealer or junior flipper?
  23. Yeah, I don't want to do those. If I am using up a precious listing on a $4 book I might as well run it solo. I don't want to pay for more than a 250/250 store (and, frankly, I don't even want all those auctions, I don't have the time, I'd gladly trade 150 of them for more store listings, I think ebay used to let you have a store that was more about just the store listings). I want to get more of my collection/inventory "visible" to the world. Frankly, even setting up my 250 store slots to actually "list" 2000 items (I'm still doing plenty of solo books...anything legitimately $10 or more probably qualifies) is just going to barely scratch the surface of what I have and I don't want to have $4 solo store listings. I wish more people were more willing to try "best offer." I am running a bunch of $2.99 auctions and if someone just offered me $2 a book for the bulk of them I'd be find with that. And I have so many items with a lot of views and nobody testing the water to see how low I'll go. I frigging encourage offers in my listings. Back in the olden days one of the best deals I ever got was from a "U pick" run by someone who didn't know what they were doing. They listed a bunch of ASM including 300. $3 each. I picked the 300 and some hobgoblin issues at $3 each, $9 total. I could not believe I actually got the 300 in the mail and they did not try to pull a fast one.
  24. I agree, I find a lot of them confusing. I am trying to be less confusing, but it is hard to convey it in the title. I am listing the books as a lot...let's say Avengers 125 126 127 128 129 and 130 for $50, but I say in the listing, if you are only interested in one or some, just make an offer and specify what you are offering for. It seems pretty straight forward. If I only want 125, maybe I offer $12 for it or whatever. I accept. And then I'll probably re-list the lot again as Avengers 126 - 130 at a lower price unless I have another 125 to sub in.