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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. 30 long boxes for $24.5K. Primo stuff. Many future $25 iconic covers. All of my Thor 339s. So selling NM or better Thor 339s for over $15 is a slow process, but I listed 3 dented copies as pressing candidates for $30 and someone bought them immediately.
  2. why would they do that? some folks don't even have a computer. i print my shipping lables right from my phone. it is great.
  3. It doesn't help that this crazy uptick in sales coincides with my real job being crazy busy and I am trying to get my mom's home ready to sell as she passed and I have 2 kids still doing remote learning who need to get screamed at constantly because neither thinks education is worthwhile (despite both their parents having graduate degrees, a JD and a PhD). Video games, youtube, tick tock, etc. have destroyed this generation.
  4. did they take that away? I was having problems yesterday, but i just thought it was a temporary glitch, and I was actually revising some old "place filler" listings I had put in previously. it is a pain to get my pics off my phone into my laptop.
  5. enough people do that and they take away the extra 1000
  6. I have the books to list. Just takes time as I am doing the listings on my phone because that's where my pics are.
  7. if that is an "iconic cover" I can think of about 500 other wolverine covers that are on par with it. Is this something found on t-shirts or fridge magnets?
  8. maybe copper, X-Men 11 is selling for $15-20+ based on it being some sort of "iconic cover" ? https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=x-men+11+lee&_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1
  9. This picking the next big modern game is a tough one for me, my closest shop has a lousy selection of non-Marvel/DC. Working from home I am no longer a 10 minute walk from Midtown, which has everything. I bought SIKT #1 because I thought the cover looked really cool an i happened to be in the shop when it came out, I didn't even know there was hype.
  10. I watched it. I don't know if I finished the whole first season. I thought it was good, but they certainly weren't copying whatever I saw in the Revival covers, which implied those revived were a bit murderous? I think we were DVRing it and we had some glitch where saved episodes got lost and that was that, we gave up.
  11. It just seems with so many streaming services looking for content all of these should be viable. They just need to be able to do them on a tight budget.
  12. I guess this is why I buy Image #1s out of the 50 cent box if they look remotely interesting. Crazy how titles like Revival and Morning Glories ( and Chew, Elephantmen, and Skullkcikers any number of other books that came out and are now seemingly forgotten) seem to have no interest right now given that they were actually popular when they came out and have enough material for a couple of seasons of scripts already. I never heard of this one. It was $7-10 in February, I would have bought it in the cheap box though as the cover art looks promising. I was commenting to myself how it is sad that Image has so many titles that started out strong, but only lasted 5-12 issues or so (as well as the above, which had much deeper runs). I guess the creators of many of those books did not have a long term --script in mind.
  13. I was not really familiar with the character, but yeah, I guess any BA 1st app of a character who has been around has an opportunity. I did not realize she became a regular member of the Champions at that point and was in the rest of the series and has appeared over 100 times in the comics, so, honestly, $20-25 or water is pretty par for the course for a 25 cent cover price 1st app, in nice shape, like that. It does seem plausible they may have a character in the movie who is named Petrovna or something, but I doubt they will introduce her as a super hero at this point. I wonder how they're going to play with the politics here. I assume Marvel is going to play nice with Mother Russia.
  14. not gonna be in the movie i think. maybe the characters real name as a scientist, but not as a superhero type. i think they're going to have a more standard secret murder assassin academy explanation, maybe a little bit of krappy knock off super soldier serum for hopper, because otherwise he's just a big old guy.
  15. Hulk 258 was popping months ago, in 2020. I know I put some in a "sell" box a while back. Though "popping" was probably $10-15, not the $30+ it is now
  16. The folks on this board seem to run the numbers. It seems like the folks who submit a lot of these books are doing the same. I assume there is no data on what CGC's business looks like in terms of small time submitters and big submitters. we have guys here who make a living via a lot of submissions. with that said most newbie's seem to have stories of their early submissions and the shock and horror that nothing was a 9.8... For the record, I have never submitted anything, because I KNOW I need to protect myself via a pre-screen on these sorts of books because I have seen beautiful moderns I thought were 9.6 - 9.8 come back 9.4s and books I thought were 9.2 come back 9.6 (reports from buyers). Hence, I never say anything is better than a 9.4. I was actually putting together my first pile and then the price increases came so fast I didn't have time to submit the paperwork
  17. literally the first 5 or 6 books I checked 9.8 outnumbered all the others, sometimes all combined, and these were books I knew nothing about the census on (shockingly I own a couple and never bothered looking, I just wanted the book and figured 50 9.8s or 500, it didn't matter)
  18. not sure what the offer was after they stole our taxex, don't feel like going to that other site: https://www.ebay.com/itm/324371711802?hash=item4b860f873a%3Ag%3Ae3EAAOSwOHhfrWt~&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Now I have to hunt my 10 copies of this and M Feature 1 I have scattered around between my conan boxes and misc marvel and the unsorteds. great
  19. yeah, made no sense to grade it until very recently and even then below the cut-off for most folks here. but we have a lot of dumb people in this country, so perhaps you are right. i expect people to run numbers and think, but many are not capable. people are paying multiples of cover price for unicorn 1 when you can buy it at cover price directly from the publisher.
  20. but a 9.4 sold for under $70 in february, so I'm not sure those submissions made much sense when made unless people think it is worth it to get back a $40-50 book. this doesn't make sense to me. doesn't alter my alternative "noob" theory... folks get a $150 credit to use and maybe they make dumb choices, who knows? who here would be slabbing this book for a likely $40 sale in 2017/18?
  21. and how much were those sales? i have no recent sales data beyond one, so i have no idea how much it goes for. it just seems like the sort of book that wouldn't get much. but maybe it makes sense financially. if it is a $100 book i suppose it is worthwhile for someone. the last sale was $84. i dunno, i guess it might be worth it, maybe these were put in piles of 9.2 pre-screens, who knows? is this the book, in that grade, folks are really taking a chance on all that often? i suppose if i did a massive pre-screen i might be looking at $80 and up values.
  22. ursa major has the potential to have king shark / drax / rocket levels of hilarity if done right