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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. I just bought a book for $9 from Mile High that was a quick flip on ebay for $50. Every 1 millionth book they mess up the pricing.
  2. Disagree. These are exactly the sorts of villians Ant Man needs to be up against. These are fun and funny (at times) movies. I look forward to the next one. Granted, probably not to the point I need to see it on the big screen, but maybe. I find Rudd endearing for some reason. He is always cast as the handsome guy, but usually is falling down around him, so I find him likeable.
  3. my logic was that if it ever got back to $57 I would have turned $1000 into $57,000. and even if it only got half there, I'd be at $28K. genius, right? And at one point I think it was over $2. should have sold, but I thought that was the start of something big! anyway, at the same time, roughly, I bought QQQ at the bottom and that bounced back very well, doubling in a few years when I sold it (I need the $ to buy my house). Of course, I bought it at about $21-22 or so and it is now $340, so i should have kept it, although my house has done well too
  4. what ticks me off is that somehow i got wiped out when it went private (ok, i think they paid me 25 cents a share or something), but the company was sold a few times afterward and every time the sellers made lots of money.
  5. They were a hot website development company, late 90s. Eventually they went private in 2003 and I lost pretty much everything, which wasn't a lot. I was wrong, it head peaked at $57. I bought under $1. It is actually bigger now than it was back then, but it is a subsidiary: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Razorfish_(company)
  6. I am a lousy stock picker. I rolled my eyes when my wife bought some Tesla in 2019.
  7. razorfish had been $100+ during the internet bubble. I bought it at under $1 when it had finally had a profitable quarter. I thought this was one of the internet companies that would bounce back. I used the same approach I had used for formerly hot BA books that had crashed. Razorfish had gotten a lot of press and such. apple had not yet introduced the ipod, it was still just computers and at like .00001% of that market. on the brink of death.
  8. Brain hurts. I'll go back to being depressed about buying 1,000 shares of razorfish in 2001 rather than nearly 3000 shares of Apple at the same price at the same time. If I am reading stock splits right that would be about $20 million now.
  9. I have high school friends on facebook who say they dabble. I am not sure how someone buys a sandwich with bitcoin. You can use .0001% of a bitcoin? I know I should not criticize things that hurt my brain. But internet stocks selling for 1,000 P/E (or that were never making money) in 2000 hurt my brain too. With that said, my parent's apartment being worth $750K in 1997 hurt my brain to the point i told them they had better unload it. It is now $2.5-3 million. How would someone have even bought bitcoin in 2010? How do they do it now? Hurts my brain. Missing the boat on apple at 60 cents a share is easier to grasp.
  10. I wish I could just rent out a cgc grader for a couple of days and have the pre-screen done at my house. for the old price, of course.
  11. Is that true? I thought lots of folks were dabbling. A few years ago one of my local delis had a sign saying they accepted payment in bitcoin. i took a picture of it. Makes me think a lot of folks are dabbling.
  12. If more people were doing it then the gains would not be as high. Folks are pointing to bubble slab and raw prices mostly on ebay, but other auction sites. I am comparing those slab and raw prices to the stock market. You are talking about finding an undervalued raw book (possiby in the wild), possibly pressing it, slabbing it, etc etc. There's a lot of expertise and knowledge that goes into finding the books that will be winners. If you've been doing 500% better than the stock market playing with comics you should have been doing it full time.
  13. But the discussion was not about you. We are looking at prices being paid by collectors on ebay. The market. Not whether you are a genius at finding the right raw books to slab.
  14. people not believing will be crypto causing a crash. I wonder if this could all be wrecked by a virus?
  15. It is backed by huge governments with armies and vast police powers and taxing powers and other resources who have an interest in keeping them afloat. That we don't have a gold or silver bar to back the pile of bills is not critical. What is bitcoin backed by? Just trust it seems. Elon Musk seems to be interested in it, so maybe that's enough, I dunno.
  16. Does/did VA have capacity restrictions for events like this? I'd go to a con now. I've been vaccinated. I am pretty comfortable about masks and such. I would not have gone in August. There is a lot of pent up demand for this stuff. Ebay is fine and all, but paying $4-8 shipping on every order and taxes makes a lot of books not worth buying. If you're buying a $15 book you practically need it to double in value for it to begin to be worth selling. Even a $30 book often costs $38 after shipping and taxes. You need a 50% bump to begin to break even. Shipping (and taxes) are what make me decide not to buy stuff. So I am tending to buy more expensive stuff where the shipping is less of a portion of the price. So I can totally see why shows are the place to go. Also, what do you consider a modern book? Stuff from the last 5 years or stuff from 1993 onward? And since when is people coming to shows a bad thing? I'd see folks posting pic of small local shows over the years and, frankly, they looked empty and depressing. The guy in Buffalo, those pics are sad.
  17. It is a fake asset just like internet stocks had stupid valuations in 2000. OK? It has some value as a trading tool, no doubt, but $1000 into $300 million is just nonsensical. Eventually it is going to crash. And to keep on pointing to the dollar or Euro also as imaginary concepts...currencies backed by governments of huge, real economies, is silly. We do not even know who created bitcoin. Those governments will prop up those currencies. Who will do that for bitcoin? Listen, I don't know squat about how it all works either and maybe my brain has not evolved to the point of being able to comprehend it. I am not playing with it, but when it crashes, it will take us all down with it.
  18. $1000 in bitcoin in 2010 is worth almost $300 million now. I can call that fake. That is more nonseniscal, by far, than $900 X-Men 244s. This was a currency that came to prominence for illegal purposes. I don't think it will take that much for it to all come crashing down. Not so the dollar or the euro. They might take a tumble, sure.
  19. There is no current shortage of Thor 339s. Despite that, there is still money in them, apparently.
  20. I was wondering the same thing, but i don't think that many folks got rich on crypto. maybe i'm wrong. but when crypto pops I really wonder if that will crash the economy. not only have we had governments pumping dollars and euros, etc.... there is about $1 trillion in bitcoin out there. $600 billion or so in other crypto. That is roughly equivalent to the amount of physical U.S. currency in circulation (yes, money supply is much higher). what if bitcoin fell by 50%? the early buyers would still have huge gains, but $800 billion in fake assets disappearing overnight??
  21. of course, frankly, i am tempted to get some of my thor 339s pressed. the book is now arguably worth it in 9.6 and 9.8.
  22. I have not bought this much on ebay in years. I am trying to avoid books that look like they have popped in the last few months (or at least avoiding paying popped prices). There is plenty of stuff out there. Yes, I might have just paid 2021 prices for a book on these boards, but it is a SA key that was a bit undervalued and overlooked before and the character has been underutlized in TV/movies, so I think it is still good long term,