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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=unikorn+%231&_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1&campid=5338116315&customid=CGCForum&toolid=10001&mkrid=711-53200 MYCS's $2 copy sold a some point on 4/20 and immediately after that the prices jumped, Before that it had been a $2-3 book. Did some announcement happen on 4/20?
  2. https://www.ebay.com/itm/133735650439?hash=item1f23441487:g:6R4AAOSwzFVgf3S- So what is the rule here, when the last $2 copy of a book gets sold off of mycomicshop (like this one and the $2.10 copy of secret warriors 2 sold on 4/16), the book immediately jumps to $10-15?
  3. I met him at a big contemporary art show at the javitz, not a comic convention. I dunno if he is brusk with folks at comic conventions, but he seemed very pleasant there surrounded by non-comic folks, a few of whom knew him, a few more recognized his images, over half of the crowd being women, not smelly guys...
  4. no. but his son spyda used to frequent here a bit. maybe he still does, i dunno.
  5. I don't have them consecutively for sets, just a mish mosh of whatever my shop put in the dollar box that did not sell on the rack or subscriptions that did not get paid for, but frankly, i'm not seeing sets do that well either. there are story arcs no doubt, like issue 61 starts, that are probaby expensive
  6. I've had one sitting in my store for under $25 since forever and not even a lowball offer
  7. there might be an invincibe movie, but i don't see this as a live action show... the episodes would cost $25-40 million a pop with all the required CGI and the big name actors (I guess we couldn't use the same actors though as yuen is too old and jk simmons is too old too)
  8. I know, I sold one for $100 or something crazy. It is definitely a book i bought out of a $1-2 bin way back when (although it did have a $10 price tag on it, so at some point someone thought it was worth something). Even my Bone #1 2d print, which I thought was worth $5, is worth a nice chunk now
  9. good, i guess, not happy about paying $20, but I have not been to a con in so long (NYCC 2017) i would like to go somewhere and the ones in jersey seem to be a long commute for me
  10. so people are now getting stupid on heritage (when heritage used to be a place you could occasionally snag a deal on a lot) and paying significantly more than ebay prices? i get paying a premium...likely more consistent grading than the average ebay seller and only paying shipping once vs. paying shipping buying the comics in 5 or 6 places.
  11. going to shops is no gauge for me because none of my shops carry a real back issue selection. i do know the 50 cent bins I went through did not seem cherry picked as I was able to yank 10 perfect copies of 52 Week 11 out of them and that's a $10-15 book and not a "new" one either.
  12. My job does want me to do some work today and I can't speak for heritage auctions, which are their own world, but just looking up recent sales for the books in the Cap Marvel 83 84 96 88 89 lot (I can't look up every lot), those books seem to sell for $50-60 or so in VG nowadays, so pretty much in line with the $336 you paid for the lot? they are not selling for $100+ in that grade.
  13. I am not a modern slab chaser, 9.8 or otherwise, but I don't mind having a few for some classic modern covers. I'd like a Catwoman 51 one day, but can't justify the price. As for the mangazine, 3rd Golddigger, I have the 1st and 2d apps, I am not so much a manga guy, but I find Perry's story inspiring how he has been doing this for nearly 30 years and the concept seems interesting, and the price of that slab was too good to pass upI a
  14. were you able to get them dirt cheap in 2018 and 2019? I'd bid on books like those all the time, throw out those sorts of low ball bids, and would never win them.
  15. you are citing to a few early issues from a heritage auction. i am shocked those books are that low in OPG. I am looking at a broad group of ebay sales. with that said, i used to sell low grade fawcetts for over guide on ebay in the 2000s, oddly enough, the better stuff was harder to get guide for. folks had a $25-30 mental cap and would buy a junky book for that rather than a nicer one for $75. here's a slabbed 4.0 marvel family 3 for $153: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Marvel-Family-3-SHAZAM-CGC-Captain-Marvel-Mary-Marvel-Captain-Marvel-Jr/202755719732?hash=item2f352ec234:g:pAAAAOSw1NNdUjxc How does that compare to GPA/guide? are you telling me this was $50 before?: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Captain-Marvel-Adventures-49-Cgc-4-0-Fawcett-Radio-Cover/265123031591?hash=item3dba906a27:g:ulEAAOSwNqBgbNOA or this was $43: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Whiz-comics-64-1945-Captain-Marvel-Fawcett-WWII-Great-Condition-/265122896708?hash=item3dba8e5b44%3Ag%3ALbEAAOSwbOZgdegL&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 or this was $19: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Golden-Age-Captain-Marvel-Adventures-82-Low-Grade-Combine-Shipping-/114764490106?hash=item1ab87f257a%3Ag%3Ab~YAAOSwTKVgdYrs&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 or this was $17.50: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Fawcett-Magazine-Golden-Age-Captain-Marvel-Adventures-52-1946-/184759642067?hash=item2b048867d3%3Ag%3A6kIAAOSwXXpganau&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 $18?: https://www.ebay.com/itm/MARVEL-FAMILY-29-Fawcett-Publications-Nov-1948-/363355267593?hash=item5499a96209%3Ag%3AHyUAAOSwUL9gby0Y&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 $4?: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Captain-Marvel-Jr-77-September-1949-The-Irresistible-Sword-Fawcett-Pub-/294124362159?hash=item447b2d99af%3Ag%3ALWIAAOSw-GZgeOEv&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 I'm no expert in this market, true, I throw out some bids and usually lose, but that's because i am trying to pay the same prices I saw in the 90s, but prices on many of these books don't seem much different than when i sold off most of my fawcetts 10-15 years ago.
  16. Which GA books are spiking outside of some pre-code horror and the usual timely stuff? I didn't get the sense that the current madness was pulling that stuff up so much. Of course, not much was "cheap"... depends on what you're looking for, but these fawcett prices don't seem so wild: https://www.ebay.com/sch/68/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=captain+marvel&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1 A collector who wants to get a decent looking book for $100 or under each month seems to have options. frankly, I'm not sure some of these prices are that much higher than what my shop had in the 90s (yes, he was negotiable and some of these prices were for the uneducated)
  17. I plan on listing my copies at next month's prices. I see no reason to sell any of them for $5-6 and under, which is what you can get some of them for on ebay right now. These are books that had pretty low print runs (a chunk lower than walking dead in the same years and those WD books exploded when they took off). When the 5 or 6 cheap copies of each issue get bought up I think most of these will be double digit books. Half the sellers seem to be taking this approach, pricing them at $10-12 each in anticipation. With that said, successful animated shows do not seem to drive back issue prices the same way as live action, even though Invincible is really popular. Otherwise we'd be seeing some bounce in various Harley Quinn issues (Love on the Lam, etc.), Crazy this only sold for $53: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Harley-And-Ivy-Love-on-the-Lam-2001-CGC-9-8-Sexy-Joe-Chiodo-Cover-/293408820240?epid=1272124016&hash=item4450874c10%3Ag%3AFr8AAOSw2RdeEYbG&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 I was selling raw copies for $25+ not that long ago.
  18. I actually have no sniping capabilities. I am content winning about 1% of the auctions i bid on.
  19. Why? You're bidding on comic books. Their goal, like your's, is to get the item, preferably for as little as possible. The only time you might get ticked off is if you think they're putting in punishment bids to get to your max bid and make you pay more than necessary, but if they win it they didn't punish you.
  20. Deals to be had on stuff that is not on the speculation radaar this moment: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Anime-and-Manga-Comics-Mangazine-12-Antarctic-Press-/164736409052?hash=item265b0e1ddc%3Ag%3AxvwAAOSwTNBgNBHs&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 2d Golddigger (I found a 1st appearance in a dollar box!). Yes, obscure, but a series that has gone about 350 issues since its introduction in these anthology books. The guy animated his own movie of it, which was not bad, I'd like to think something gets done with this property at some point. Some of the Barks Disney stuff is selling for what it did 30 years ago. I know, it is all anecdotal, and does not help if you are looking for that hot book.
  21. It is a common book in that condition. Unless you're talking about in 40 years when inflation could do whatever, for that book to be $100K means that everyone who collected silver age comics who was serious about it who did not sell off their books is a going to be a multi millionaire. Where is the money going to come from to buy the books at these prices? Some hedge fund manager won't want a 3.0. I'm saying this from the perspective of $20K for such a book seeming insane, so what do I know?
  22. yet every week folks here post hauls they got on the cheap, so the books are still out there, just not as much low hanging fruit. the next con in NYC is scheduled for May 1, when we have an anniversary party scheduled, so I won't be able to get a sense of what things are like in the wild.
  23. Interestingly enough, while Invincible key and early issues are selling for hefty prices, most of the rest of the run seems to be selling and listed at $3-5. Indeed, I went through a stack of about 20 issues I have and aside from one $50 book and 2 $10-12 books, it looks like everything else I had falls into that category. In this era that seems awfully cheap, particularly as many of those issues in up through the 70s had sub-20K print runs. I'm just tempted to list all my filler issues at $10-12 each with B/O and wait for the market to catch up, like it did with WD books. Once the cheap copies are bought up (which would take very little as we are only talking about a few per issue).... OR do we think folks interested in reading these are just buying TPBs or reading them online and the filler issues may never see action?