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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. hah, i see I was all over that 2012 thread. at the time I still had my hoard of SE 15s, but did not think any of them were 9.6 or 9.8 and did not have the money to slab them. i could not sell nice raw copies for diddly.
  2. A book I could not sell for 1/3 of guide a few years ago. Uhg, There was ZERO interest. Koch used to list beautiful 9.0-9.4 copies at auction in about 2003/2004 for $9.99 when they were probably $75 in guide and I would win them all for the $9.99 starting bid. I had a huge stack of them, but could never sell them. 6 or 7 years ago I could probably get about $40 for them when they were like $150 in guide or something silly. It was a dead hopeless character and i got rid of all of them but one low grade copy. So stupid. With that said, I think there are a ton of these out there. I would not invest a ton of money in this.
  3. Are you made that you're having a harder time finding stuff at shops that would sell for more on ebay? Comic shop pricing errors are a market inefficiency we love, but hard to expect them. I'm not seeing what you are complaining about for your middle of the road SA and BA filler books in mid grade or below, even books that might be semi-keyish. As far as I can tell that stuff has not really gone up. Shipping makes it expensive. Here's a nice looking ASM 137 that only sold for $25: https://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Amazing-Spider-Man-137-Oct-1974-Marvel-/265128078869?epid=85416145&hash=item3dbadd6e15%3Ag%3AROwAAOSwo91gc65h&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 What fraction of guide is that? It's the shipping that killed the price there. A 137 and 138 for $20: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-Spiderman-137-138-Bronze-Age-Key-Comic-Books-/393209226842?hash=item5b8d18a65a%3Ag%3A4VoAAOSwAYRgVmKM&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Shipping is really killing the prices on all of these mid priced books. Listen, I'm not saying there has not been a jump in prices for some stuff... at times a crazy jump ... but it is far from across the board. Believe me, I wish it were the case, because I have thousands of SA and BA books I would love be worth listing on ebay (readily sellable at $10+ each), but i am not seeing it.
  4. I had a JIM 84 that was in a taped up sealed mylar and you could see some mold on the back. It was a nice book otherwise but I was scared of it infecting my other books, so i kept it wrapped in like 6 bags, taped up. Eventually I got tired of being scared of it and sold it too cheap. Oh well. I probably could have gotten it removed somehow.
  5. Under $100. This is only nowadays due to comic money coming in. It used to be under $50.
  6. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Elfquest-2-First-Print-by-Wendy-Pini-Warp-Graphics-1978-Great-Condition-LOOK-/333805251675?hash=item4db857ec5b%3Ag%3AL5wAAOSwht1fwaUU&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 you bought this one? i was in a best offer counter offer back and forth with him and decided to leave it alone, i had just bought 2 of them and I decided that was enough.
  7. who the heck is he fighting that he only has a 95-41-48 record? i understand, his claws might not come out in a bar fight, but he has a metal encased skeleton and is virtually indestructable, etc etc. Is he a really lousy fighter or is he so drunk? I know he has a bar (in NY) he likes to go to where there is a guy who can "turn off" mutant abilities and then he's a regular bloke and all
  8. It was bad. But mainly because they tried to rush what should have been 6-8 50 minute episodes into 90 minutes. it wasn't a 90 minute movie. No character development. Nothing. Just plop them in there. Illy was a one dimensional underdeveloped cliche "mean girl" character. she is a fabulous actress and it was wasted. the guy from stranger things got nothing. maisie williams, nothing. even the main character, moonstone, nothing. was dr. reyes a mutant? we get wacky illy flashbacks, what is that from? it actually could have been good if they took their time.
  9. i can't read the writing on your's, but i was subscribing in the 60 cent cover price era and they were those brown wrappers. shockingly the comics were not horribly mangled when i got them.
  10. my subscriptions came like that. i had x-men, alpha flight and thing. marvel ran some great deal in like 1984 or something. and then my childhood shop made all new 60 cent cover price books 3 for $1. Must have been some loss leader to put the other shops under and kill the newsstands. so I wound up buying dupe copies of many of these at the shop they were so cheap.
  11. If in doubt raise your prices. I am raising all of my $5 store books to $8. I really don't feel like packing and shipping stuff for a $5 sale.
  12. So this set is selling for cover price? Not so exciting.
  13. PS 4 and PC. The PS 5 isn't happening. Allowing this into our childrens' lives was one of the stupidest mistakes I've ever made.
  14. I have only heard "dad I will give you $60 in cash if you let me use your credit card to buy ___"
  15. Action 485 is a better green chain breaking cover at 1/16th the price
  16. As opposed to no background on 233? 233 is a 10 minute sketch. Adams draws that in this sleep.
  17. I like they cover to action 419 more. I guess I will never be able to get a cheap one without a water stain now.
  18. There are a ton of batman mini keys because collectors ascribe significance to moderately significant books... Just as significant superman books not so much. So it makes sense that the significant ones will be worth more. Anyway, the 233 cover is copied, but looks like a few other muscle flexing superman covers. It may be folks don't know it is a 4 digit book in the 9s.
  19. The 9.0 233 is listed for what 8.5 227s sell for. Have not idea if that is just hope though
  20. It isn't exactly a cheap book. Mainly a mid grade copy is a chunk cheaper. What have 9.8 and 9.6 some for? The 9.6 ss on ebay is asking half as much as the 227 9.6 ss, but they both might be crazy. I see a lot of them, putting aside the census, might it be more common? And superman is just less interesting. There are zillions of batman mini keys and special books people buy, far fewer superman. Yes, it is an iconic cover, but 227 is more interesting.