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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. I spent $3500 a year on storage for my collection from 2002 - 2007 or so. I wonder how I can factor that into my cost basis? It made a lot of those $1-2 purchases at the time really cost $3-4. I'm not so brilliant it seems.
  2. folks who have been accumlating comics since 1993 were not keep great records. I should have probably kept all the old bags and the old price tags.
  3. No, in the 80s the New X-Men pre and post Byrne were some of the most expensive books out there. Circa 1981 or 1982 or so I wandered into a shop with my older brother and wanted a Byrne x-men. He was completely sold out other than a beat up copy of 127 or 128, which he sold me for a whopping $5, basically the same price my shop would have been selling it for in 2018. You can look at the prices in the ads in old comic books and I assure you those were not mint or anywhere near copies. Many dealers sold 6.0 copies as NM back then, so take any "mint" prices you see with a grain of salt. They were just as expensive, if not more, at my local shops. They were probably charging over guide. Yes, the last few Byrne issues were printed heavily and speculated on. 137 especially, and 141 and 142. I remember stacks of 141 and 142 at shows in 1985 or so, but they were still $5 a pop, so 10X cover price. Meanwhile, at the same time, a nice copy of FF 48 was up on the wall at my local shop for $15. Check out the prices on Warlord comics!
  4. Sorry, you're right, although I see folks trying to sell it for more: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Uncanny-X-Men-at-the-State-Fair-of-Texas-1-1982-Marvel-Comics-Collectors-Item-/363329296077?hash=item54981d16cd%3Ag%3ATjEAAOSwznxgVr~V&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  5. I wonder if Perry is ever going to do anything with this? I saw bits of the movie he made 20 years ago on Youtube, which he apparently animated all by himself, and I have to say, it is pretty impressive if it is really a one man job. The comic is amazingly up to issue 280something in volume 3, and there were like 54 issues in volumes 1 and 2..if he kept the numbering he'd be well into the 300s and competing with Spawn for some longevity award. I'm not necessarily into Manga, but the story seems interesting and I like how the guy started this dream in 1989 and has been doing this for decades. I doubt he makes much money from it, but still. He is at 284 and apparently they plan on ending it with 300: https://bleedingcool.com/comics/fred-perry-to-bring-gold-digger-to-an-end-the-road-to-300/ He was 19 when he published his first Gold Digger story
  6. So does these lists reflect a massive scaling back in the # of titles by DC already?
  7. I see neither book ever making it into marvel continuity. Dakota North has actually been in A LOT of mainstream marvel stuff and we like to joke about her, but she's a better bet! She's besties with Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Matt Murdock, and the Black Panther.
  8. someone paid $8.40 + shipping for a newsstand version of #3. i thought if a book was under 80-90,000 copies it was made direct only, but I guess they needed a chance to see what sales would be like? imagine anyone buying that off the newsstand? at least on the other one a parent could mistake the book as being good for kids or something.
  9. quantity quantity quantity, I guess, although that doesn't seem to matter. in 9.8, which I am guessing is not a terribly hard grade for this heavily printed book, it is in the $300s (current auction is at $357 with 2 hours to go). I wonder if the same person bought like 20 copies on April 14?
  10. wild how actual addresses used to be put in these things (this was a PO box at least), nobody thought about stalkers and such (Wendi was 17 at the time...Richard was was 18 at least!)
  11. Is this a tiny shop? I guess this is the drawback in DC cutting back on titles (has that happened yet?). It is almost like they want to fail at comics so they can get out of the business, Too bad they've been trying to fail at movies too.
  12. This thread has brought to light some marvels I have never seen. I feel educated. This is exactly the type of book I would buy in a dollar box just because it is obscure.
  13. Except nfl super pro 1, 2, and maybe 3 sold a ton of copies.
  14. But seriously, I think there were super hero (or at least sort of in marvel continuity) comics that did not last 7 issues. Slapstick only lasted 4 issues. Is it really the case of comic shops ordering anything marvel until they realize nobody is buying it?
  15. A series that lasted 6 issues and a "Back to School Special" .. who was buying this?? Someone just bought a complete set for $25 though: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Marvel-Comics-Sweet-sixteen-Comic-Lot-Back-To-School-Special/283870050151?hash=item4217f93767:g:9YcAAOSwtyxeqzWn Marvel thought it would be an good idea to do a comic series about the hijinx of ancient roman teens? And it sold enough to get past issue 3? Or did they promise the creator they'd publish the whole thing?
  16. $1000 in 8.0 would exclude X-Men 94 until late February. I'd like to think X-Men 94 was a "valuable" book in January.
  17. none of those hit it in the 8.0 criteria anyway Thor 126 and 134 have gone over $1K in mere 9.0 Thor 225 is nearly $2K in 9.8 Thor 339 is $1000
  18. He can't sell 200 $4.99-$5.99 books for the whole DC line or is this per title?
  19. i'm not gonna argue politics here. J.J. Abrams being involved might be the problem, not Coates. there just hasn't been any news on the project for a while. not shocking because they might not have gotten past page 1 of the --script, so that might be it. WB is not good at hyping the machine like Marvel is. Really bad, in fact, Marvel is constantly keeping their projects in the news. WB introduces shows and you barely hear about them. We'll see an article about Titans Season 3 a week after it starts. Doom Patrol gets zero publicity and has some known people in it. The arrowverse stuff is completely ignored. They tried to give Batwoman a little buzz.
  20. right, if a decent chunk of the folks here haven't done it, I'm not sure it is a great cut-off. I know, in the real world $1000 isn't anything. I get it. Just 3 weeks take home pay for your typical minimum wage worker. Or a crappy used car. Or a month's rent in a lot of places.
  21. Um, the whole reason it got hyped in the first place is the guy writing it because with him getting brought in, it will probably get done. True, I don't think he has a lot of experience in movies.
  22. why was this thread created? i dunno either, especially with the idea that something is only "expensive" at $1000. who here has actually spent $1000 on a comic? I never have. Not even close. Not even for original art!
  23. I know, that's why they got hot, that's why I spent a day searching for them in my boxes. But then I didn't list them for a couple of weeks and once I did, no action. I guess I should just roll the dice with $9.99 auctions and not starting them at 75-80% of what I think they should sell at. But i do have an offer feature on there. So far, only a lowball.