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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. No, Quasar will come around. He had a series that lasted 5 years. Longer than Darkhawk! Then again, Ravage 2099 lasted 33 issues. How is that possible? Somehow 9.8 newsies have sold for both $21.50 and $152 all within a week of eachother https://www.ebay.com/itm/RAVAGE-2099-1-CBCS-9-8-WHITE-NEWSSTAND-EDITION-GOLD-FOIL-MARVEL-COMICS-LIKE-CGC-/124513518125?hash=item1cfd95822d%3Ag%3AKjUAAOSwCbJd9Qaa&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Ravage-2099-1-Newsstand-Variant-CGC-9-8-NM-MT-WHITE-PAGES/164653387130?hash=item26561b4d7a:g:eYQAAOSw7L9gBmWS
  2. My advice... spend 30 years acting like a vacuum cleaner around cheap books and buy way too much krap, spend almost a million dollars on a house so that you can get crushed under the weight of a mortgage and home repairs, but have half a floor to house those comics... wait until a pandemic and all of a sudden stuff that wasn't worth selling is now worth big bucks! hope the hysteria lasts long enough for you to list all those issues of spawn and GI joe you need to unload....
  3. Not gonna read this whole thing, but NFL Superpro comes to mind if nobody else has said it. Not saying I haven't hedged just in case. I feel like U.S. 1 and Dakota North and any number of New Universe titles have a chance. U.S. 1 is gonna be tough because it is spawned by the whole trucker craze that was popular with Smokey and the Bandit and BJ and the Bear (Marvel came 2 years late, of course, but whatever), but it actually has some interesting art and spawned a few characters that appeared in Marvel continuity, although poor Barn von Blimp never escaped to the rest of Marvel.
  4. It has gone up about 80% since January, which always worries me, but then again, what hasn't?
  5. It's funny, my 15 year old wants to learn about investing, although he has very little interest in actually working to make some money in order to invest, which is nuts because minimum wage is $15 here right now. If you can get a job, a great time to be a teen! Apparently he has gotten his fundamentals from tick tock videos on investing, I told him I would give him 1000-2000 low end comics and he can try and make money from them. Has he taken me up on my offer? Of course not! Lazy mo-fo.
  6. I sold copies of NYX 3 for $7.99 and $49.99, respectively. The $49.99 I cry less about, of course. The only reason I still own a copy is I was going through bags where I had stuffed 5 or 6 random moderns and there another copy of NYX 3 was, right in middle.
  7. I don't like whatever she is doing with her eye make up, but everything else works...
  8. Please do not bring that book up. I sold my 3 copies for $10 each. It gives me nightmares.
  9. Good luck. I won't give advice. Every time I have cheaped out on buying a good book it has cost me money. But some of these prices are wild. I am seriously tempted to spend $600 on a BA key that was $400 in January because something similar has tripled since January? If i'm getting delusional, the cheapest mofo you will ever meet, then who knows?
  10. Nuts. I have a few #6ses, but the second app is always ignored in comparison unless it is the first cover appearance and comes with adamantium claws or throws exploding playing cards
  11. I have half a short box of issues in the 30s to low 40s.. uhg!
  12. It seems plausible it might have had a lower print run than 155...shops might have ordered more 155s as a last issue, bon voyage, whatever. 153 is nothing to sneeze at either right now. There are more 155s for sale, but that's just anecdotal. This seller didn't do his research: https://www.ebay.com/itm/GI-JOE-A-REAL-AMERICAN-HERO-154-NEWSSTAND-/174673512481?hash=item28ab5a4821%3Ag%3Ae0oAAOSw2XJgRtsh&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  13. the top one showed up with a "wendi pinni red sonja" google, but it was another early cosplayer (who looks great). Pinni has a toned atheltic red sonjaesqe body you just didn't see on many ladies in the late 70s or whenever these were taken. kudos to her. the dorks who attended cons back then (I was like 8) must have been losing their minds. she could definitely pull off that costume.
  14. I had all my copies of 316 scanned and ready to sell when the venom movie came out. glad i was too lazy to actually list them then.
  15. thundercats are worthless junk. please send them to me for proper disposal,
  16. I see too many 99 cent auctions finish at 99 cents or $2 or whatever. if it is a medium in demand book you run a real risk. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Earth-2-26-New-52-VF-NM-Val-Zod-New-Superman-Bizarro-Batman-DC/174704351763?hash=item28ad30da13:g:kaYAAOSwNHJgWzun -- $1.75 auction https://www.ebay.com/itm/EARTH-2-26-DC-Comics-1st-Appearance-Of-Black-Superman-Val-Zod-Movie-TV/133683913868?hash=item1f202ea48c:g:JLQAAOSwTNBgQouj -- $24.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/EARTH-2-26-DC-Comics-1st-Cover-Black-Superman-Val-Zod-/174682971610?hash=item28abea9dda%3Ag%3Ag4IAAOSwajtgTlgQ&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 - $19.98 All on April 3. That's a book I would probably start an auction at $14.99 or $19.99. I'm not giving it away for $1.75. Anyway, I mostly do store listings anyway, but I've been running 10-15 auctions a week too.
  17. opening bid I don't have a problem with. i might not take it, but i don't have a problem. 5-10% below, maybe not a problem either. but half?
  18. ok, that isn't her, but there are some pretty good ones of her
  19. wendy pinni was smoking hot back in the day: https://www.google.com/search?q=wendy+pini+red+sonja&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS814US814&sxsrf=ALeKk01cSP2lQ82dgipsrP9VWS6NLT_K1w:1618248434321&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=-tP8eDHRPPsKgM%2CUG8nQ1hnPTITeM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTvRobBN0n_yDCKlsg7xAZ2njvcgQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwifqteYnfnvAhXlFVkFHawkAscQ9QF6BAgKEAE&biw=1536&bih=754#imgrc=-tP8eDHRPPsKgM I appreciate elf quest even more now
  20. I was surprised he is only 46, I also thought he was older, and shocked that Leto is 3 years older than him. Yes, he did look old for the part of a guy who is supposed to be battling Batman in 20 years, but he's had a rough life in the movie and he lost a lot of weight for it, which made him look older. I know folks who look like that in their early 30s, but usually due to drugs.
  21. nuts. a PFC makes less than minimum wage where I live. yes, they have basic stuff taken care of, but it isn't enough for a family, and sergeants aren't much better off
  22. I'm not talking about SS. Or newsstands. Or even cgc 9.8s.
  23. sometimes, sure, but if folks here who do it for a living (practically) miss a 9.8 half or more of the time on submissions, I'm not going to try. I feel much more comfortable 9.4 and below. I base my prices on raw sales, not slabs, anyway.