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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. Are you the guy who was trying to sell an x-force 1 with the deadpool card for $200 on facebook?
  2. Is he going to walk around in a bright red outfit to stick out like a sort thumb? That's the funny thing about 70s books, I guess regular people were walking around in outlandish outfits anyway back then (at least where I grew up), but he is hardly incognito here..
  3. I am going to confess, I do not believe I have ever read one of these. But i decided to set up a short box to put them in as I organized my collection, figuring they should be handy if demand for filler issues picks up (I only have one copy of #15 left, a few of 16, etc). Apparently, every time I bought bronze age books I seem to have bought a few of these. The short box is now stuffed. I keep on finding a few of these in every "unsorted" box I come across. I may need a magazine box. So I have a magazine box full of a title I have never read. This is mental illness.
  4. that happened during a hiatus from selling. with that said, it still seems to go for $15 or so. Not sure why the one I have up has not sold. The picture is a little crappy.
  5. OK, the newsstand version, raw, is $99.99: https://www.ebay.com/itm/THOR-339-1-84-1-STORMBREAKER-3rd-BETA-RAY-BILL-SIMONSON-9-8-CGC-IT-NEWSSTAND/392913225562?hash=item5b7b74075a:g:d5gAAOSwKUhc5Idp the direct is $79.99: https://www.ebay.com/itm/1-THOR-339-1-84-1st-STORMBREAKER-3rd-BETA-RAY-BILL-SIMONSON-NM-MT-9-8-CGC-IT/154051365423?hash=item23de2d4a2f:g:TlAAAOSwuJlcjt0e Clearly this guy has some inside information we do not.
  6. Did my trademark symbol after "the most important key of the late bronze/early copper age" give it away? [Come on man, you're Canadian, the homeland of half of our comedians, is your sarcasm detector frozen??) But in all seriousness, "pump and dump" would be "Gosh, I wish I could find a copy of Thor 339, they are so rare and awesome, especially the direct market version. I would really like to buy a lot of them because I think it will be the next Batman 227, too bad I don't have any."
  7. What I love is that half the time it is some monster eating another monster. This beastie is eating a bunch of vampires or ghouls or something. Makes it look less like a serial killer type scene. I showed this cover to my 9 year old and he could not believe what he was looking at.
  8. I don't know why, but I love those covers so much. I realize they are crudely drawn, with some effort I could probably do about as good a job, but they are still awesome.
  9. I read Gina Carano is being brought in the edit Immortal Hulk. We can only hope she brings some common sense to the job.
  10. It is until my 50 copies are gone. Then it is just another book.
  11. Outside of the context of 9.8 copies of some books that actually doesn't make sense. Pick a random early 80s book .. ASM 214, Avengers 227.. seems to be a pretty even mix. Where you see the directs way outnumber is where a book had extras ordered due to speculation and what not. Avengers Annual 10 comes to mind, and even then I see plenty of newsies, Even Thor 339, "the most important key of the late bronze/early copper age" (TM), has a pretty even mix of direct vs. newsstand copies. Indeed, an even number of newsies vs. direct 9.8s have sold in the last 3 months and the # for sale is about the same (that actually surprises me, my local shop might have been one of the few to order an extra case or 4 of Thor 339s)
  12. What year is your cut off for keeping them separate? I feel silly segregating 80s newsies although late 80s they're probably getting tougher.
  13. I hate you people. It is bad enough I look at a box of 90s drek and ask myself "why?", now I am disappointed and disgusted when they're all directs. I went through a packed long box of 90s x-men and there were 2 newsies out of like 250 books. Blech!! A mixed box of 80s through 2000s x-men and other than a few of the 80s books, zilch. I did find some late conan newsies in the 250s and 260s though.
  14. I am shocked re: the prices on these spawns. I figured the red one is $30-40, no $80-100+. And the others. I never met a spawn over issue 75 in a dollar box I did not buy. I am surprised the post homage covers are so much as at that point everyone was talking about low print run spawns. So, with a magazine box of these later issued packed to the max this box might be worth $2-3k. And why is spawn hot now? He isn't in wandavision or star wars. Any movie / tv stuff seems far off.
  15. I am not so sure anybody claimed this. The market seems to believe that a chunk of the time their 9.4 might be a 9.2 or worse, hence your lower prices. As this is a 25-35% difference n price on any given day, this is substantial. Not always, but sometimes. When CGC was offering a discount if you sent voldy/pg&&x slabs in we saw a wide variety of results. with that said, i don't think people were sending bad looking obvious overgrades in to get their 9.2s come back as 8.0s, so there is some self selection going on. I think they sent in good looking books that they thought CGC would be kind to and they often were.
  16. I wasn't aware it was a clink auction from the screenshot (which had no link). Well, in a sense it was the same seller. I guess clink just lists them as they get them, but man oh man I would be ticked off if my item ended within 20 seconds of the same item
  17. It is impossible for there not to be good stuff that is cooled off. I know supply is an issue, but Apocolypse is too good a character to get killed off by one bad movie. All of his stuff is way down. I'm not a CPV collector, but I would have bought this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/X-Factor-6-CGC-9-2-Canadian-Price-Variant-1st-Apocalypse-/164501705368?epid=85392499&hash=item264d10d298%3Ag%3AQ-IAAOSwTwRfqdWa&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  18. I'm not doubting you, but where does it say that as to any post? We've seen an image in this thread and I swear I have seen folks post PG^ books with "what the heck is this???" type comments? I see it in the sales forum:
  19. yeah, so much of the DC stuff was so stiff and dopey. Not all of it, but enough of it.
  20. Kubert's war books are works of art. I will admit that while I collect them and look at the pictures when I flip through them, I haven't read that many, though I read the first appearance of Enemy Ace not so long ago and didn't feel like it was written for a young child.
  21. Their forums are pretty hard to look at and navigate. This place is a better user experience. I thought the rule was no selling other cos slabs, not that you can't post a picture of one?
  22. DC was writing for an 8-14 year old audience that was eating more lead paint chips than Marvel's I guess. More like a 6 - 8 year old audience. At least the super hero stuff. The War and other books were more mature.
  23. You found one example from nearly a year ago. I assume the same seller as well? Absolutely bizarre that they would have auctions ending within 20 seconds for the same book? Are people stupid? Why on earth would someone list the same book to end so close? And I see this a lot.