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Everything posted by Sal

  1. IMO WB has only 3 choices for MOS 2. It has to be either Brainac, Doomsday or Metallo for MOS 2 to be successful. If WB does Lex again they will loose the audience. I think Mongol would make a good adversary with his Warworld. Although that would also make for a good villian in a JLA movie. I love Mongol. But he is a blatant ripoff of Thanos, and it would be too similar to Thanos being in the Avengers movie. it would look like they were trying to imitate, and that would be bad for biz. So Marvel rips off Darkseid with Thanos and then DC returns the favour by ripping off Thanos with Mongol. Sounds like Marvel needs to go back to that well once again
  2. I've got a Dec 13, Wally but it's 1965. I'm sorry I must not have been clear. I have dozens of this date. but what the heck, what do you have... you going to heroes? It's a hot Doom Patrol 109, raw in VF-. I don't know. I might. Don't really want to stay overnight in CLT if I can help it and am not feeling driving six hours to walk around the floor for a couple hours, not buying anything.
  3. I've got a Dec 13, Wally but it's 1965.
  4. The chick on the left is Alfred E. Neuman's twin sister. Nice Adam Hughes art on that ad, though
  5. That book is crooked and thus you will have a hard time selling it as is
  6. I liked the art, but the writing was sophomoric. A book about four female fantasy characters that talk like high school boys might be someone's cup of tea, though
  7. I'd love to walk a show with you sometime, october. You have pretty good taste in books
  8. Bah, that sucks. Sorry to hear it. Poor thing.
  9. Howabout the fact that it is still essentially a wild animal? I can't imagine wanting a cat that's bigger. Does one use a spare bathtub as a litter box? And the whole purpose of owning a cat is not having to do stuff like walk it, so I don't get that at all. Of course, I don't get the whole concept of paying for pets in the first place. There are so many great animals killed in shelters every day, but to each their own I guess
  10. My condolences; it's never easy to lose a pet, especially when it's not planned. The price of love is loss.
  11. 10 I would take straight to a Chinese restaurant to sell Side note, my dog from last week seemingly made a miraculous recovery and was perfectly fine the last few days. Today, he won't eat, seems to have trouble breathing and can barely stand up so I'm back on my way to the vet with him now Good luck. Hope he's going to be okay.
  12. You better hope someones off the rag since thats technically "masking" When your panties get in a wad, I don't think the Sword of Damocles could get them unbunched. Are we to expect comments about your strike(s) in perpetuity, or will there be an expiration date?
  13. WTF is an 'ampho'? Why is it not Amphiman? Sure, you don't get to do that cute H2O thing in the title, but at least it doesn't sound ridiculous. He sounds like his secret lair would be inside a bowl at a Vietnamese restaurant
  14. I haven't posted in here yet. I post on your behalf. That's like Jack London writing for Hustler magazine Your post is the pinnacle of my posting career, easily. Thank you, Sal. You earned it, buddy! Hard work does pay off in the end. Also in the beginning and the middle, but no one really pays attention to those The end? You're recommending my FDQE, aren't you? "End," dear Tupenny, is relative. As is "lately" in "what have you done for me lately?" But by all means, FDQ away. I look forward to a good read, about one third of which will go completely over my head
  15. In some ways it is a personal discussion, but it is personal to oneself, as opposed to projecting upon another person, the way many here are trying to do. I have many flaws. Self-delusion is not one of them. In my many years on the Boards I have let my judgmental, priggish (and prickish) side govern my behavior from time to time. I have trolled people, at times mercilessly. I am not proud of it. The Ignore function doesn't save me from other people. It saves those people and the community from me. The community gets more of Sean and less of Sean. And the community still gets plenty of If nothing else, I would suggest that every one at least consider that Moderation starts at one's own keyboard. Chances are you are not going to change the person that grinds your gears. But, you may be able to change your own posting behavior in a way that benefits yourself, your blood pressure and the Community. Where's the fun in that?
  16. I've thrown up in mouth at least 3 times so far Did you spit it out, or swallow? See, Tupenny? I'm only messing with you, Dice.
  17. I haven't posted in here yet. I post on your behalf. That's like Jack London writing for Hustler magazine Your post is the pinnacle of my posting career, easily. Thank you, Sal. You earned it, buddy! Hard work does pay off in the end. Also in the beginning and the middle, but no one really pays attention to those
  18. I haven't posted in here yet. I post on your behalf. That's like Jack London writing for Hustler magazine
  19. And, alas, some too little. Everything is ok in moderation.
  20. If there are any moderators acting upon personal feelings, they should be removed from their posts. I doubt that happens, though. Every moderator I've ever encountered in a community forum like this takes that role pretty seriously, but that might be confirmation bias on my part
  21. You seem to have great difficulty in determining the difference between "outrage" and someone forthrightly disagreeing with your assessment of the situation. You do, however, have a very easy time with threatening people. After all..."non constructive" conversation (with what is, and what is not, constructive of course being up to you) is a violation of policy, and a strikable offense. I really wish you, and whomever it is that is contracted to do this work for the Certified Collectibles Group, would move on to some other company already and let someone else take your place. You really don't seem to be able to handle it when people take issue with the way you do your job. I do hope that wasn't too "outrageous" for you. (thumbs u I respect your opinion, but as an unbiased observer...I completely disagree. I had the exact same reaction as Arch when reading your post; my view about your argumentative style is that you deliberately choose to use quite a bit of inflammatory language. Perhaps you do so for emphasis; I don't know. I think you, like most of us, has a real hard time being criticised. I mean, the eyeroll at the start of your post is just about as perfect an example of what he's talking about, short of a graemlin that's giving the finger. I'm not saying this to argue with you, or to get into a prolonged parsing of your original post, but rather to give you a perspective from someone who hopefully you know doesn't have any antagonism towards you. If you think this should have been done via pm, I apologise. It seems easier this way It was, and is, for emphasis. One is allowed to be unhappy, and express that unhappiness, without someone else reading their unhappiness as inflammatory. Emoticons are used to express emotions. We are not emotionless automatons. I did not "flip the bird" or use any emoticon which could be construed as provocative. It expresses how I think about the situation. And the situation here, despite what Architecht may believe about me and my posting habits personally, is pretty bad, much of the time, in many ways...an opinion shared by very many. But what you're discounting is that your demonstration of your unhappiness at the situation wasn't really necessary to make your point. You're right, it wasn't the worst example, but do you not see that rolling your eyes at someone else's post like that isn't really going to help? I understand your unhappiness, as it is something I share as well, albeit for different reasons. You're married, right? Allow me an illustration from marriage: sometimes, and this is especially true for men, wives need to occasionally raise their voices, to make their husbands understand that the point they're trying to make is a serious one, and they would like it to be treated seriously. Is yelling going to help? Maybe. Maybe not. Is it going to get someone's attention? That's the key. I may be wrong in using the eye rolling, and it may not be necessary...but I do it for a reason. What Arch thinks about me, personally, has nothing to do with this issue, and what I think he thinks about me also has nothing to do with this issue. The issue is an environment of toxicity that is far, far more dialed up than it ever needs to be, a result of the "hands off" approach that this moderation team tries to apply, with the resultant overcorrection when the problems blow up. That kind of moderation is what leads to...well...the situation we have here. There are many, many things that could be done to correct this course, but this moderation team, for reasons of their own, chooses not only to not do any of those things (example: deleting posts that are obvious personal attacks, and have been reported as such, without making a fuss about it, regardless of the who or why. People will get the hint...), but they talk to the boards as if the boards are being moderated just fine, and if you're smart, you won't bring it up again. As I said earlier, Arch isn't speaking down to me...he's speaking down to everyone. I don't disagree with anything you're saying regarding the Forum. I also wasn't talking about that, though. I was talking about the post I quoted, in which - well, you can read it, it's nested here. Having to do with how I viewed your - imho - misinterpretation of Arch's tone and your response to same. I admit I've not seen any response to any poster complaints by the mods excepting Arch's, here. I assume his post was made in response to something, rather than just a decision to come down from the Mount
  22. You seem to have great difficulty in determining the difference between "outrage" and someone forthrightly disagreeing with your assessment of the situation. You do, however, have a very easy time with threatening people. After all..."non constructive" conversation (with what is, and what is not, constructive of course being up to you) is a violation of policy, and a strikable offense. I really wish you, and whomever it is that is contracted to do this work for the Certified Collectibles Group, would move on to some other company already and let someone else take your place. You really don't seem to be able to handle it when people take issue with the way you do your job. I do hope that wasn't too "outrageous" for you. (thumbs u I respect your opinion, but as an unbiased observer...I completely disagree. I had the exact same reaction as Arch when reading your post; my view about your argumentative style is that you deliberately choose to use quite a bit of inflammatory language. Perhaps you do so for emphasis; I don't know. I think you, like most of us, has a real hard time being criticised. I mean, the eyeroll at the start of your post is just about as perfect an example of what he's talking about, short of a graemlin that's giving the finger. I'm not saying this to argue with you, or to get into a prolonged parsing of your original post, but rather to give you a perspective from someone who hopefully you know doesn't have any antagonism towards you. If you think this should have been done via pm, I apologise. It seems easier this way It was, and is, for emphasis. One is allowed to be unhappy, and express that unhappiness, without someone else reading their unhappiness as inflammatory. Emoticons are used to express emotions. We are not emotionless automatons. I did not "flip the bird" or use any emoticon which could be construed as provocative. It expresses how I think about the situation. And the situation here, despite what Architecht may believe about me and my posting habits personally, is pretty bad, much of the time, in many ways...an opinion shared by very many. But what you're discounting is that your demonstration of your unhappiness at the situation wasn't really necessary to make your point. You're right, it wasn't the worst example, but do you not see that rolling your eyes at someone else's post like that isn't really going to help? I understand your unhappiness, as it is something I share as well, albeit for different reasons. I suspect you are convinced that Arch doesn't like you and that he's speaking down to you from that perspective, so rather than reading his post objectively, you start from there and the whole process circles around and around. At any rate, none of this is my business and I don't want you to think this is the pile on RMA thread. I do hope that you and he can reach an understanding