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Everything posted by Sal

  1. You done with those titles yet? Got to be really really close to "upgrades only" on Superboy
  2. Or at the very least, make it like a prison sentence, and give him X years on the list. After his behavior and repeated problems/time on the list, removing him now would be a real joke. I think that's a good idea, perhaps Arch could be persuaded to give Connor a Custom title, stating that he is on probation from buying and selling for x amount of time (like till he's 18). I don't believe at burning people at the stake, but I do believe in teenagers learning about consequences and not getting a free pass. I asked Arch for this around a year ago, albeit for all probation list members. I seem to recall his response as being willing to look into it further, but it didn't go anywhere
  3. ...and it's Jon Sable, Freelance, not Silver Sable. For the record.
  4. Not only are you an utter person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed, but you clearly have no respect for others. Boy, I don't know filter81 from Adam - no pun intended - but even if he had sent you a bag of dog poo instead of the Avengers 4 I would side with him in this instance. You were given every freaking chance on this thread to act like a man and apologise for stringing him along with promises for five months - five months! - and instead we get mangled messages describing your oh-so pitiful reasons why you're not to be held up to the same standards you expect from others! :doh: I'd guess you're an only child, as this sort of selfish ego-centrism is a pretty common characteristic of only children - being one myself, I can speak a bit from experience - but maybe you're acting like a total dillhole on account of stress. Either way, I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're pretty much done here. You should still be able to sell books to n00bs, but good luck buying or selling anything and don't even mention posting anywhere else on these boards
  5. I like the way that CGC note the demise of the GG by putting the word death in speech marks! Great book though (thumbs u They do the "Death" thing with everyone. Any character deaths - in new label slabs at least - get quotation marks around the word death
  6. oooo... i presume you bought it raw? find me some others!
  7. Very pretty. Now sell me your Doom Patrols!
  8. You bought something! dude, i ruined someone's week with this buy. 9.4 btw, if you're keeping track. i also notice that i didn't include the entire label, so only the eagle-eyed would have noticed the PQ. without a tiny indent above the "D" in "Showdown" on the TE, this book is a 9.8. It's puuuuuuuurrrty
  9. This book has a $300 sticker on the back of it. I paid substantially less than that. I know what you're thinking..."cream pages? ugh." There are six copies of this book above 9.0. You take what you can get.
  10. nice copy! i have been accused of possessing man-love for that particular ish
  11. oh, snap- i just noticed they forgot to include that it's the Mass copy on the label- so to answer your question: "marnin." I bet they didn't give it the designation because of this: Why would that stop it? because i don't believe there were multiple copies of the Mass books. i think bob is correct and i was mistaken. Thought so. These are not the same book. no, they are most definitely not the same book. not unless Marnin figured out a way to create a whole screamingassbuttload of new cover at the bottom...
  12. It's a two-way street, and Diggs here brocked out with lightning-fast payment, so kudos to him!
  13. Your hosting site asks me in a pop-up for a username and password to display your images. Please look in to this if you're going to be using that site for your images
  14. Did you send a note to the Mods? I realise they are nigh-omnipotent, but you can't honestly expect them to follow every single thread in teh Marketplace nor every book for sale
  15. i'd like to say that I do not in any way, shape or form believe the original poster to be just some guy who is hoping for good karma here
  16. eh, it's a nice book, but it's certainly no Jimmy Olsen 53
  17. Mark- PuLeeze! "Neither RareHIghGrade nor Matt Nelson own a copy. jb You tell him, Jon! .....and tell him the title's supposed to be MPFW #1 and not MPWF #1. Oy, I keep doing that too. at least you refrained from calling the book "illusive."
  18. hell, even asking the question in the first place puts you above most n00bs. WTTB!