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Everything posted by Sal

  1. Beautiful book. Doesn't even have Superboy in it.
  2. Monstro, no offense but I am really looking for you to make a constructive post. I know you can do it. Funny how you don't realize that most of the people discussing here are looking to make things better in the marketplace for those that don't want to talk about it. Think about that. Oh, offend away. Call a twit a twit. We've already raked David over the coals for being oblique, it only makes sense to do as we say, right? No offense. Wink wink. Do you want me to take your flower and *spoon* it while you watch? No offense of course. God, no. What on Earth - ? I don't think anybody wants you to do that
  3. Monstro, no offense but I am really looking for you to make a constructive post. I know you can do it. Funny how you don't realize that most of the people discussing here are looking to make things better in the marketplace for those that don't want to talk about it. Think about that. Oh, offend away. Call a twit a twit. We've already raked David over the coals for being oblique, it only makes sense to do as we say, right? No offense. Wink wink.
  4. I think everyone is tired of your endless sarcastic remarks (sarcasm is effective in moderation, obnoxious otherwise) and your indirect attacks by insinuation. Sarcasm and insinuation only led to confusion, and do nothing to contribute to a positive resolution of whatever's bothering you. If you have something to say, say it. If you have a problem with someone, tell us what that problem is. Otherwise, spare us the vague innuendos and drama and just keep it to yourself. (thumbs u Nothing's bothering me at all. And there are no innuendos or drama. I suggest that you ask yourself why you think you speak for more than yourself. (thumbs u I'd like to speak for myself when I say "I really wish you would stop with the passive-aggression. It drives me nuts and is really beginning to wear on me, which is a shame, because we've always been friendly." Now, you can say "It's not passive-aggression," and I will believe you, but I have to say it's how I'm interpreting it (thumbs u
  5. I don't mind it so much, only because it's not taking up space in the Marketplace, but rather in a thread designed to get the word out about upcoming sales. If you want to solicit offers on books prior to pricing, well, sure. I guess if you have the time to deal with that nonsense, more power to you. As long as the actual prices are listed in the actual SALES thread, working within the confines of the Announcement Thread seems like a nonthreatening way to go about it
  6. Only GPA data for this book in any grade is the one you bought, Vaughn
  7. Yeah, posting in a style that clearly considers grammar, punctuation and spelling to be the province of others is not going to get you what you want. 100% of the time. Taking a couple of minutes to; a - construct your post in such a way that the average user can decipher it without a lot of extra work, and b - leave the histrionics out of it altogether. You'll likely go a lot further in you getting what you want. And you wouldn't have to curse anyone out and alienate anyone who may be able to give you sage advice later on. You're the math whiz, iirc, so it's not like the capability isn't there. If your questions are that important, and you want real answers and not a lot of *spooooon* then take a couple of minutes to show people you care enough to post like an adult .02 YMMV
  8. Common sense would dictate that you don't do it. I'd advise sending a pm - as I did - asking the seller to remove said material, if it hasn't happened already
  9. Bumping this because it's a good idea, and I thought of it first, dammit.
  10. I wonder if it would be possible to have the information in the new "Interstitial" section actually be the default text inside the text box when starting a new thread...? That would kill two birds with one stone, as people would be forced to review it prior to deleting it or whatever...
  11. At a minimum it will curtail, to an extent, the hemming and hawing against those members who do point out violations... Jim True, but it seems like a lot of work for SOMEBODY for something we may be able to fix ourselves.
  12. How? I've seen threads that have gone on for days before a Mod takes action, and a recent one where I got so ticked I hit the "Notify Mods" button, only to be told it had already been done. None of that nullifies the "technically" portion of my post. I chalk up the lack of action to one of any number of things Arch has mentioned in the past, including but not limited to a difference of opinion between the Moderators and the offended party(ies). While I like the idea of having a form and the digital signing thereof as a sort of panacea to the ills of the Marketplace, any action on the part of Forumites reporting a thread will still pass through a human filter. Necessarily so, as leaving that out opens the Forum to all kinds of shenanigans, such as hitting the Notify button to remove a person's sales thread for no other reason than malice. And thus, we are back here again. Obvious threads get dumped fairly rapidly in most cases. Threads that leave wiggle room for interpretation tend to stick around. I don't see any way that we're going to be able to FORCE anyone to follow the rules, or eliminate people from disobeying. All we can do is stay vigilant, and report the people who violate the rules as we individually interpret them, and allow the Mods to do their work as they see fit
  13. It removes the ignorance factor... Jim Impossible. True...but it'll allow the "Forum Police", who/whatever that is, to nip it in the bud immediately instead of the normal "I'm a newbie", "I wasn't sure", etc, goatrope that transpires in most those threads... Jim Technically, they can do that now. The problem with the enforcement of the Rules by Forum members isn't the act of enforcement, but rather the discouraging tendency for other Forumites to excoriate the person making the enforcing post...
  14. All this talk of committees and rules and extra PHP programming is all just blah blah blah by my thinking. Seriously. What the forum needs is a primer in how to construct a sales thread, which of course won't be read by those who are violating the rules already in place. Therein lies the whole of the problem. Getting dumbashes to RTFM. Giving them another thing to not read and then click is a waste of everybody's time. If you see a thread that's in violation, hit the Notify button. Pretty simple. You all do realise that no matter what happens, no matter who implements it, and no matter how it all turns out, not everyone is going to be happy. Trying to force a system to that end is a pretty pointless task
  15. Sulipa's last e-mail seems to have triggered a panic response in the old gregster
  16. Russ Heath + Murphy Anderson. Known and loved by those with an appreciation for SA DC books, but much less known among casual collectors
  17. Interesting - maybe CGC is bowing to public pressure? Too many buyers cracking open books and finding surprises? Hopefully, it's something we'll be seeing a lot more of, going forward. Now, if we can just get the alphabetic grade nomenclature back.
  18. It would be sort of possible, based on my limited knowledge of the way UBBthreads Admin tools work. You would have to make all new users a new "group" who would only have read rights in the Marketplace. But you couldn't automate the PM process, nor the confirmation / rights change process, unless you had a pretty good PHP scripter on hand who knew the UBB PHP code inside and out.
  19. I'd also like to point out that - EVEN IF YOU DON'T SHOW THE LABEL, OR MENTION THEM BY NAME, SELLING PGX BOOKS IN THE MARKETPLACE IS VERBOTEN. But yeah, the whole concept of being unable to tell someone nicely they're breaking the rules without getting jumped on by either the rule-breaker or those who would rush to said seller's defense is all a bit ludicrous.
  20. I think you have a line on every nice BA book in Massachusetts sometimes
  21. Sort of OT, innit? Welcome back, Roy (thumbs u
  22. Never read this. Is it as bad as I think it is?