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Everything posted by Sal

  1. very nice piece of history rick "The Archer" is one of the stories in the "Superman from the 30s to the 70s" book, iirc. Sweet scan, BZ. Thanks again for posting it!
  2. the probation thread isn't so much about money as it is about communication. i doubt there are many sellers here who wouldn't be 100% understanding of an unforseen financial situation that kept someone from following through on a purchase, as long as there was good communication from the buyer. even divad, as hard as that is to imagine.
  3. the way i'm choosing to interpret drbanner's take on it is that if this example was about someone we - as a community - did not know, then your point would be completely spot-on. but since we are talking about a known and trusted member, then we can agree that strict and deliberate rules-following isn't doing right by the community. we put the Forum rules in place not just so we can have rules to go by, although that may have been the impetus for some, but to minimise the amount of chrap we as a community would have to deal with. to say that we won't allow for the opportunity for some dealers people to sell at a Forum-only discount because it doesn't follow the strictest interpretation of the rules...i think that does the community a disservice. that being said, i'm not advocating the elimination of rules, as i think they have really helped this particular Forum remain vital and a great place to buy great books at good prices. in Brent's particular case, i don't think anyone would argue that we are looking at a situation where the dealing of chrap is an issue. but again, i do think the dialogue about this is important and appreciate Jim's take on it, and his willingness to speak up and be called out for making the case he's making
  4. seriously. i'm about out of cloud 9's for this thread, but wait until that Hit 1 pops up and i might change my mind
  5. i'm all for it, with a caveat; one thread per dealer, per month (or other acceptable time period). i don't think anyone here wants masses of dealers blowing out their unsellable dollar box stuff here every day. having a dealer add to an existing thread with new books would allow the forum to stay mostly Forum-centric, and further keep high-volume dealers from throwing eight billion books in a thread, for fear of the chaos such a thread would likely invoke
  6. hey, howabout helping your fellow forum members out, and giving up a name? don't be the one covering for an -hole. let them explain their side of the story. in a related note, but not specifically geared to dudeman, if i have a transaction wherein i send money and don't get books or send books and don't get money, and then find out that someone else had the same problem and didn't say anything, i'm going to be mighty pisssed off
  7. finally got my scanner up and running at the new bachelor pad... "'Murphy Anderson' written on 1st page in pen."
  8. my position has always been that if you have books to sell, get your together before you start your thread. the best sales threads here have always done this, i don't know why some people should get to make announcements beforehand, unless it's an hour before. i don't want six or seven announcement threads pushing actual sale threads down. i don't want people griping about announcement threads that never turned into actual sales because the announcer got busy, forgot, got pm offers prior to the thread starting, or whatever. the idea of giving people a couple of days advance notice is great, but why not put it in General? Start a thread saying "I'm getting books x, y and z back from CGC in grades a, b & c, and will be selling them in the marketplace in n days. pm offers seriously considered. don't clutter up the Marketplace - a venue for selling, not advertising - with "COMING SOON! THE DINGLEBERRY COLLECTION! WOW!" &etc.
  9. i selected even though i thought it wasn't 100% my way of thinking, as i would have a 1 hour time limit, instead of 24 hours. if you want to announce your sale 24 hrs in advance, do it via pm or something, like Flaming_Telepath did with the Mildenhall sales
  10. Kudos to sd2416 for going above and beyond on our transaction. oh, and kudos well in advance to Flaming_Hertfordshire for just being him. and thanks to finecomics for the free books last week. some nice 9.4 copies of the Paul Smith X-Men run, in addtion to a spotless 9.6ish 201, which isn't a Paul Smith book, but it was nice of him regardless and i recommend everyone buy from him
  11. NO. 'Cause then we'd all be on probation. You're married and way too busy packaging to take care of her. Oh, right, go ahead...burst my bubble. your sigline is fun to look at
  12. well, that's just ridiculous. we're all ostensibly adults, here. and a community of collectors to boot, who hopefully can look out for one another to a wee higher degree than the morass on eBay. if i decide to sell a book and someone cannot bring themselves to honor their commitment for whatever reason - and avoids dealing with me directly to resolve the issue - then there will be ramifications. giving people carte blanche to be *spoon*s just because they "changed their mind" is just stupid
  13. Great. it would probably be easier to find a nice copy of Millie 2 and trade it to Donut for his set...
  14. the single most misunderstood sigline in probably the history of siglines
  15. question; does Joe's helmet fly off like that on every cover of this series, or does his head have a sort of anti-magnetic field around it? might want to start looking in to a "Helmet Expelled from Head Region Cover" run
  16. now, admittedly, i have not read every thread in the GA forum, but this is the first time i have ever seen anyone post their copy of one of my grailest of grail books. and what a copy it is.
  17. oh. my. God. thank you thank you a thousand times thank you. Uncle Sam
  18. stupid fresh book. a full run of HG Schomburg airbrush covers is one of those things i will likely go to my grave wishing i owned
  19. doubleplusgood. now i am waiting for the first five issues of National and the first five of Hit. an Uncle Sam Quarterly 1 would be okay, as would early issues of Smash and Police Comics
  20. only because you offered...any Quality books in them there piles?