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Everything posted by ExNihilo

  1. I actually thought about doing this, but figured starting eBay arguments with mystery sellers probably wasn't worth my time or effort.
  2. I liked this idea so much I put it up for auction a penny higher just to be petty. Thanks.
  3. I don't sell much on eBay, but I posted an item for sale below the BIN price of other listings. It's a book I'm just looking to get rid of and be done with it, hence why I priced it low. Within an hour, I get a message from what I can presume is a shill account (no items for sale, very few feedback) asking me to raise my BIN price so as to "not ruin it for other sellers." I didn't respond to the shill account, but I did increase my BIN price before ultimately delisting while I ponder what to do. Has this happened to you? Or what is your take on it? I mean, I understand no one wants to be undercut lest the value of books continue to fall, in which case, nobody wins. I could also just set it up as an auction and let the market dictate the price. But the bigger question has to do with I suppose the morality (probably not the right word i'm looking for) of the situation. Or better yet, what would you do if confronted by a mystery seller looking to prop up the market price of a book? (NOTE: no books have been sold on eBay yet, so a market price has yet to be determined. And if that mystery seller happens to be a fellow boardie, well I'm all ears.)
  4. I'm not a fan of this trend towards an ever increasing number of variants. And I don't read Deadpool. But, as a child of the 80s, I could not stop myself from nabbing a copy of this video game variant.
  5. List only one "sole". To help the wearer become "perfectly balanced, as all things should be."
  6. CGC isn't going to guarantee you a grading time for the same reason that sellers don't guarantee a 9.8 for a raw. They can't foretell how long it might take to grade the books in front of you or how many FastTrack's might be submitted and jump the line. If they come in ahead of 37 days you don't pay them extra or lavish praise on them. But if it falls behind the 37 days, customers start to get grumpy. Like I said, it serves them no benefit to guarantee. The best they can do is offer an estimate.
  7. That's a bummer. I don't have enough copies for a pre-screen sub. I had hoped that I might one day be able to track down the creators (Coates, Acuna, and Jamal Campbell) for sigs, but I would be a little disappointed to not be able to get a 9.8. Maybe I'll have to go back to the store and see if 1 of the other 100 copies or so they had waiting to be picked up are any better.
  8. The same rules applied to Fox and the X-Men franchise. I think there was an unspoken rule from Marvel that creators weren't allowed to create new X characters (or something along those lines). Frankly, I think it's dumb that Marvel allows movie rights to dictate what it does in the comic books. The last few years it's been more detrimental to the storytelling of the printed material.
  9. That's actually Kurt Busiek's signature.
  10. Some people are preying on the uninitiated in the hopes of making some money. Plain and simple. It bothers me enough that the "Infinity War" miniseries saw a bump in price simply because it shares the same name as the movie, despite having nothing to do with it plot wise.
  11. Only from reputable sources where the product I'm buying is confirmed. Like if I went to a Christie's auction and saw with my own eyes that they were auctioning off a legit 9.8 AF15 that required a down payment of $40k cold hard cash within 30 days, then sure, i'd have a Brinks truck ready with the money.
  12. (I posted this in the "Ask CGC" section, but it's pending approval, so I might as well ask here until I can get a proper CGC response) I bought 3 copies of the Black Panther Cape and Cowl virgin variant and all 3 books have the same color breaking spine tick pictured below. I asked the staff to check for other copies and they all appeared to have the same issue (staff must have looked at 10 books). I also asked the owner who said that they reviewed a lot of the books for damages and that all books had the issue. Now, I know if there's a known production defect, the defect will be ignored and will not count against the grade. Most recently with Action Comics #1000 Jim Lee tour variant. In most cases, I presume that CGC gets a lot of books and is able to verify for themselves "yes, a lot of the books all have the same damage so we won't dock them for it." But in a case like the Cape and Cowl variant which is already limited to a production run of 3000 copies, AND catered to a local market (vs available to all markets or large public sales) which must reduce the number of collectors that would submit the book for grading, I'm guessing there won't be as many copies of the book coming to the Sarasota office for grading which thus limits them seeing firsthand for themselves that the damage is across most of the production run. What evidence is enough for the grader to ignore it as a production defect? I had hoped to submit a copy of both the trade dress and virgin variants for grading in the hopes of securing two 9.8s, but under normal circumstances, none of those books would seem to qualify (I'm guessing they'd get knocked down to 9.4s). I would also hate to be one of the first to submit only for CGC to, at a later date, determine that the book had a production defect.
  13. Rich, will you be able to get raw copies of the SDCC exclusive of J. Scott Campbell's ASM800 (Cover I - Black suit Spidey)?
  14. I've been using it since October 2017 but have yet to withdraw funds yet. I prefer to save it up and then just withdraw when there's a sizable amount. Looking at the payout options (Screenshot 1 below) you can select to have it deposited to your bank account or directly to PayPal. You can also accept a gift card in which you get a redemption bonus ranging from 1% - 5%. So if you've saved up a total of $100 and opt to get a gift card, the gift card value would be anywhere from $101 - $105 depending on which gift card you redeem for. Some people might scoff at the clickthru bonus percentage which I have seen range from anywhere between 1.5% to 3% for eBay, but I'll take whatever savings I can get. "A penny saved, is a penny earned." I will admit, the site has some faults. To start there have been occasions where my clickthru transaction did not get recognized by the site. In those instances, you have to call customer service and file a ticket. Also, they send a notification to you after you have successfully made a purchase, but sometimes it takes 24-48 hours for that notification to get sent (ie it doesn't register the purchase immediately after the purchase is made). Lastly, there is a waiting period between when the purchase has been recorded and when the funds are made available to you (Screenshot 2). This is because the site has to wait for the vendor (eBay in this example) to pay the commission to them which they then payout to you. In some instances this can take upwards of 6 weeks. Overall, I think it's worth the few extra clicks to save a little extra on your purchases. If you're buying $500 books and the clickthru bonus is 2%, that means you're getting $10 back from topcashback.com, PLUS 15%-20% savings from eBay promo, PLUS 1% eBay Bucks, PLUS 1.5-5x via credit card rewards. Combine all those savings and they begin to add up over time. And if you do decide to sign up, let me know so I can send you a referral link (NOTE: I realize that's tacky and had no intention of it when I originally posted about TopCashBack in my prior post. I had actually assumed boardies might be using a similar site. But if you're not, let me know. And if referral links are against board rules, let me know too so I can edit this part from my post.) (Screenshot 1: Payout options. There are more gift cards, but I could only screenshot so much.) (Screenshot 2: Dashboard view showing recent transactions and whether cashback earnings are payable or pending.)
  15. I interpreted "limited" to be he's doing quick simple sketches. Not a reference to how many sketches he would be doing. Nothing too detailed.
  16. Per the Celestial Comics post, he's doing "limited sketches"
  17. I didn't like TFA when I saw it in theaters, but on repeat viewings, I think I've accepted it. Sure, I still hate that's it's the same story as A New Hope and Return of the Jedi, but at least it introduced new characters and set up what could have been potentially good stories for episodes VIII and outside-affiliatelinksnotallowed Unfortunately that potential was wiped out by TLJ which was just a horrible movie through and through. The characters that we knew from the original trilogy just felt like shades of themselves. Not as bad as Hydra Cap, but barely recognizable to a similar extent.
  18. $1,160 for a Fantastic Four #48 CGC 8.0 last November. Childhood dream realized.
  19. Don't forget that you can get additional savings by clicking thru on sites like topcashback.com. Also, if you have a Chase Freedom card and somehow hadn't met your reward spend for the quarter, you could have received 5x points via PayPal.
  20. 1st appearance of Crush (aka Lobo's daughter). Frankly, I think it's dumb. Wasn't Lobo already DC's answer to Wolverine? And doesn't Wolverine have a "daughter"? Ah yes...X-23...Laura.
  21. After buying a few duplicates of late (they were cheap $1 bin stuff so I didn't care too much) I've been putting some thought into how to best organize my collection. Excel seems like a good way to go and I like what I see from boardies, but I dread having to compile the data on 3000-4000 books. I mean, I don't get why I can have a free app to track my wine (CellarTracker), but I can't get one to track my comics. Surely there's got to be an API or way to pull from a database somewhere to allow you to build a library while also putting together a Want List. And then to have that Want List connected to any number of online sellers and thus monetizing clickthru's. I might have to check out the CZL app eventually. At the very least, I can twist the ability to track 100 comics and make that my Want List so I can at least carry it in my pocket. But until then, I guess I should get started on that Excel doc. Thanks for all the ideas and great examples from those of you who already have one. What's that saying about "standing on the shoulders of those who came before us."
  22. Wish they would hold off on announcements of new movies until after Avengers 4. Should have just left it as "unannounced Marvel project."
  23. "I don't lie. I write fiction with my mouth." - Homer Simpson
  24. Certainly nothing that caught my attention at the time. If anything he just looked "cool". And I guess the idea of a guy who looks like a ninja with swords and guns seemed appealing. I guess as I've gotten older, my tastes in comics has moved away from "cool" art and somewhat towards a good (compelling) story. And I guess I just figured if they're making a movie based on this character, there must be a good origin/character depth to support it.