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Everything posted by pmpknface

  1. Ok, I'm bumping this because I just picked up 2 FH books this week and I'll wait until they get in-house before I post but this thread shouldn't fall too far behind. Also, I've noticed a TON of FH books changing hands and I hope you guys are ready to share your new holiday purchases! HAPPY HOLIDAYS to US!
  2. Sweet! That one is on my want list, big time. Also love the Terrific #4 posted above. That's an elusive LB Cole art book!
  3. Just arrived today!!! img host Thanks Rick!
  4. The interior is ripped but I wanted this one for the cover, of course. It was worth it for what I paid, for sure. I've picked up a few others too, I've gotta get 'em scanned tho.
  5. That is a real beaut. Love the deep reds on that copy! I just secured a new FH book from the sale board, but I'll wait until it's in hand to post...
  6. I remember this story being adapted on Tales from the Crypt! Very cool! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0716829/
  7. Looks like a rare early Sleestack appearance! Looks like a rare early Sleestack appearance!
  8. Holy *#^*@!!! Is there any resto on that or is it 100% legit? Either way, fantastic pickup!!!
  9. Yeah, so. About that... here's an infamous cover from the dawn of the genre. Imagine seeing this on the newsstand that fine May in 1888: The villains there aren't who they might seem to be at first glance. The Indiana Whitecaps were a vigilante group whose aim was enforcing their own concept of justice and morality in their area of that state. This is little discussed, as the one well-remembered horrible and infamous group dominates this aspect of the history, but there were other groups with varying aims that were not implicitly motivated by race -- as you can see in this case with the punishment of the white girl of "loose moral character". The arc of this stuff is familiar to those of us who read comics -- the perception of weak federal and local govts which gave rise to the terrible racial struggles in the reconstruction era also gave rise to this. Some particular groups were started with the specific intent of stopping particular outlaw gangs when law enforcement was not equipped to do so. The predecessor to these guys on the cover here was known as the Vigilance Committee of Southern Indiana, which was described by Allan Pinkerton as a group of about 50 men who wore Scotch caps and black cloth masks, and called their leader "Number 1". They were formed to deal specifically with the notorious Reno gang. While many might've looked the other way while groups like this captured and hanged murderous outlaw gangs that the real law couldn't stop, before you know it...inevitably... participants got that I AM THE LAW notion in their heads, and were tying girls to trees and whipping them, and so on. Which brings us to Ricksneatstuff's point about the hero. As the vigilantes started going too far, others rose up to oppose them. In one mind-boggling instance, the masked and costumed Missouri Bald Knobbers gave rise to the Anti-Bald Knobbers, to stop them. That eventually gets us to hero saves girl, and the larger point is that masked vigilantes with various purposes were operating all over the place in this era, scarcely a generation before the foundational golden age creators were born. More than you were looking for in a thread about comic book bondage, probably, but I think it's interesting... Good stuff! Thanks!
  10. Nice pickup! Not an easy book to locate. Plus not only is it a double-skull cover but one is a horse skull AND it's a hanging cover too!
  11. that's some driben you've got there jack! This is awesome! I've never seen that one before! Those pulps are sweet too. I've been soooooooo tempted to pick some of them up. So far instead I've just gotten books about them, but there's one I think I'm gonna pull the trigger on...
  12. FANTASTIC! Always amazed at your quality copies. I'd settle for some mid-grade copies of 7 & 8 so I can complete my run!
  13. Sweet copy of a killer cover! I'll be adding this to my want list!
  14. Whoa! Very nice! I think that one has a killer interior splash too....
  15. Great stuff! Cole's crime books are often underrated. I love the inks on the early books like the Bible one above too!
  16. The "ribbed thermos" is vintage... HA! I didn't even notice that until now! The colors are always what gets my attention... and the tight fuzzy sweater isn't bad either... Only 1 more for the run!
  17. Nice leg show cover. How are the stories? Just got it and haven't read it yet. As a whole this title has pretty good art with GGA and VERY violent. Stories are usual crime fare reading wise. I'll 2nd that - KILLER red dress cover. Correct that.... short red dress cover!
  18. Great covers guys! I just picked this one up off ebay last week. I'm over the moon to have it, as it's one of the only copies I've ever seen so it's pretty rare. I may be posting this one in the LB Cole thread too....
  19. Nice copy - Canadian version? I have the US one, not as sharp though. Not a drive-in, but close!