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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. How is that the same thing at all? I'm not saving any money and I'm using their supplies as intended. What do you mean, you're not "saving any money"...? If you didn't use the double box, you'd have to use more bubblewrap/popcorn, which isn't free. Do you think they "intended" to have people use more than one box per shipment, or is that just a glitch that you're exploiting for your own personal gain...?
  2. There aren't enough facepalms in the digital universe. "Potentially illegal"...? Are you actually trying to claim that getting a discount that ANYONE IN THE WORLD CAN OBTAIN FROM THE USPS IF THEY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS is "potentially illegal"...? You have lost your mind. You're desperately trying to throw any mud you possibly can, in the hopes that something, somewhere sticks.
  3. You say this isn't right, but you don't explain why, as I did in the thread concerning "off eBay" transactions. And you keep saying that in the context of being able to get along with me. Who are you trying to convince, me or you...? We should all be very wary of moral relativism, and conflating best practices with actual right and wrong.
  4. How is that even possible? First, he's continuing his campaign of harassment against me in multiple threads by trying to compare a shipping label discount to "scolding" people about off eBay sales. He's reaching to find anything...anything at all...to throw mud at me and hope it sticks. Second, it's possible because you can use previous transactions (not "old" transactions) and change the shipping address. Third, there's nothing on any eBay page that says you can't, or even shouldn't, do this. I'd been doing it for years and years and years, ever since the installation of the eBay shipping process back in the very early 00's, and long before the Top Rated Seller shipping discount. Why? Because it was better than hand writing labels and, like the USPS Click-n-ship, created a Delivery Confirmation number automatically. Fourth, there's nothing on any eBay page that says you can't use your shipping discount...which eBay negotiated with the USPS for ALL Top Rated Sellers...for non-eBay shipments. It's a negotiated rate that you get for being a Top Rated Seller on eBay...just like if you owned your own company and negotiated rates with the USPS yourself. There are, however, lots and lots and lots of pages about not doing off eBay sales. Lots and lots. However...now that I figured out that eBay's computers treat those new labels as different shipments for the same eBay transaction...which the customer service drones at eBay didn't know, either...I don't do it, because it messes up the 1-day shipping requirement for Top Rated Sellers. eBay's shipping label program evolved over time. Discounts were added, requirements were changed. It's never been a static system. Finally...when is this community going to stop tolerating this endless harassment by "Logan510"? God only knows what he's going to try next. He already tried to smear my reputation by falsely accusing me...in late 2016, mind you...of cheating him on a transaction from 2014, after leaving glowing kudos (which he since has had removed.) What's next...?
  5. Oh for God's sake, get over yourself. You made several false allegations against me, have not been made to answer for any of them, have not even been questioned about them publicly by anyone but me, and are continuing to try to provoke conflict with me, despite having no claim against me, while I have several serious claims against you. All of this has been thoroughly documented elsewhere, and can be documented again if need be. Be very thankful you're not in the Hall of Shame, and for the very simple fact that I am me. That's exactly where you belong. If those who "matter" cared about the truth, they'd tell you to your face that what you did and are doing is evil, not encourage and enable you to keep doing it. Now move along already.
  6. Because cardstock doesn't react the same way as typical newsprint. There is a lot of damage that has not fundamentally altered the physical structure of the paper that can be pressed out on a standard comic/magazine. Once it has physically altered the paper's structure, however, it's pretty much impossible to get out, and remains obvious even after a press. I would imagine the same thing is true of cards. At its core, pressing doesn't "fix" actual paper damage...it merely makes it less obvious.
  7. Oh, are we back to provoking conflict again, "Logan510"...? Consider: "Logan510" is the guy who made a false accusation on these boards that I charged him for a service that he did not authorize...two+ YEARS after the transaction...and went around telling everyone what a cheat I was for doing so, libeling me, when, in fact, he had authorized said service, and left glowing kudos in my kudos thread. Then, in 2018, he managed to convince moderation to delete his kudos in that thread that he had left 4+ years earlier. The fact that he is not in the Hall of Shame for his behavior is a mere function of circumstance; him doing this to anyone else would assure his place there. Your repeated attempts to provoke conflict will eventually be addressed by the moderation. Go away.
  8. Go find something more productive to do with your time, "Stu Cathell."
  9. A store that had its own internal UPC coding, even though part of the newsstand distribution system. This was almost certainly a retail book store.
  10. Oddly enough, Thanos only appears at the end of the last page of #34. #35 is the real winner. By the way...SS #34 is the first appearance of Thanos in the Marvel U as a current character (rather than as a flashback) since Spidey Super Stories #39 from 1979. The character disappeared for the entire 80's, other than in flashbacks and reprints (Death of Cap Marvel, Handbook of the Marvel U, etc.) How a character so damn cool could disappear for so long at MARVEL is mind boggling. To be fair, the original incarnation of Thanos was pretty two-dimensional and cookie cutter, but the Thanos that Starlin re-imagined in SS, Thanos Quest, Infinity Gauntlet...that was a character to be reckoned with. SS #34-50, Thanos Quest #1-2, and IG #1-6 are about as "perfect" a story arc as it gets in comics. It's criminal how little that SS run is respected. And with Ron Lim art to boot!
  11. Well, as usual, whenever the message board admins get to it, your posts will be gone. It's laughable for you to whine about someone "stooping so low" about anything, when you imply that I have sexual relations with my dogs. And you have the nerve to whine about someone "making things up"? Hypocrisy, thy name is "Stu Cathell." And if you think Ricketts thinks you're "friendly"...you're quite mistaken. There's a reason you are banned from Voldermort's board, too. And they've set it up so you can't slither back on. Imagine that. Put away your computer and go spend time with your children. As horrifying a mockery of a human being as you are, you're better than nothing. I hope.
  12. Sure you can. It's the people who try to force a book into doing what they want it to, instead of treating the book like the decades old paper that it is and being gentle with it. And when you do that, you end up with problems, like bad waves, crushed staples, pebbling, warping, cockling, or even cases where it doesn't look like they did anything at all. Somewhere around here, I have a picture of an ASM #122 that was pressed by "one of the most respected pressers in the business" that you can surf the waves on the back cover. Here's another doozy: That's a 9.6 Silver Surfer #7. You can ride those waves. That's a problem with some of the world's (self-proclaimed) best pressers. I've had to fix some of the work of the "most respected" pressers' in the business. And I wouldn't dream of pretending that there have not been a couple of mine that also had to be fixed. There certainly were. It's the ones who act, speak, and pretend otherwise, like their poop doesn't stink, that you should walk away from. We're dealing with paper that is 30, 40, 50, 60+ years old. It behaves in ways you can't predict. Anyone telling you otherwise is selling you something.
  13. I wonder what is lacking in your life that has made you so desperately, despairingly unhappy and angry. Don't bother trying to deny it: your actions scream 180 decibels otherwise.
  14. By the way....for every Mike DeChellis, or Matt Nelson, how many Hooks are there...? I imagine there's dozens, if not hundreds, by now. Lots and lots of amateurs, who don't know what they're doing. The tiny handful with the temperament and personality to do it well will figure it out and make it work. They are the very definition of "the exception that makes the rule."
  15. So classy you are, "Stu Cathell." Hanging out on a message board from which you were banned over a decade ago, implying people practice bestiality, because...why? You have a rich, fulfilling life...? Nah, you're just an angry, exceptionally bitter middle aged man, who robs his children of time he should be spending with them, instead focusing your rage and hatred on various people in the comic book industry over years, of which I am merely the latest. Steve Borock, Steve Ricketts, et al. At least I'm in good company. I'm sorry, who is the sanctimonious priick again...?
  16. Yes, and if "Stu Cathell" had something productive to do with his life, he wouldn't be stalking people, creating shill after shill after shill after shill after shill, laughing at and giving the middle finger to the CGC board administration for well over a decade now. This man has CHILDREN, for God's sake. Don't let some sanctimonious priick set you up for failure by blowing smoke up your arse, convincing you you can do something which most people aren't equipped to do. Yeah, "Stu Cathell"...you tell 'em! You can be an astronaut, or an NBA player, or a movie star, if you just try hard enough! This is about as much sense as he makes:
  17. "Cinder" sounds like a dating site for pyros, or people into burn victims.
  18. Yay! Corporate giants manipulating the addictive behavior of their client base! Yay! That said, beware of the "limited to..." offerings. Apparently, Mr. Sad Lemon didn't learn his lesson from the ASM #797 "limited to" fiasco. "Limited to" does NOT...I repeat, DOES NOT...mean that that's how many were PRINTED. It means, in this case, how many they're releasing for SALE. Big difference.
  19. Yes, as I mentioned in my post, this is what most people say. You are (needlessly) offended by the fact that someone pointed out your lack of attention to detail in your writing. But the question remains: if someone won't or can't put the effort into getting the details correct in their writing, why should anyone be persuaded that they care about finer details? Rebuilding an engine is not any more difficult than following the manual...right? After all, the information on how to do it correctly is easy to find...right? In any event, as has been said before, anyone can buy a press, stick a book in it, turn it on, and claim to be a "presser." And it's quite true, even the most amateur presser will get some results...but at what cost? Putting the book into a press is the last step in a proper press, not the first. And, while judging between individual pressers is a difficult task, seeing the results of poor press jobs is not. I've pressed somewhere between 6,000-8,000 books in the last 8+ years, many for clients, which I suppose makes me a professional presser. And I've had to fix the "work" of amateurs who made a mess of books. I worked on a book that had been overhydrated (the fancy term for "they used too much water") and then put the book in the press while it was still soaked. It created dozens of little vertical rivulets in the back cover. It was a complete and total mess: That the presser let this out of his (or her, but probably his) hands like this is embarrassing, all too common, and totally unnecessary. Leave it to the professionals.
  20. All of it is true, and you don't qualify. Do you know how I know that? Notice the errors in your post: "when your looking a book over." The word is spelled "you're" "But i would hardly"..."I" is always capitalized. "I dont care what anyone says", "I dont mean"...the word is spelled "don't" "its easy!"...the word is "it's" "rebuilding an engine takes"...words that start sentences are always capitalized. "i mean you"...again, "I" is always capitalized. And all those errors are in a mere 8 sentences. And while it's true that many people get incredibly offended if you correct their spelling, grammar, and punctuation, complaining that it's "no big deal, you grammar nazi!!", the truth is, those are small measures of how conscientious and detail-oriented a person is. It's true, many people don't care...and those are the people I don't want within 500 feet of my comics. Proper writing is far, far easier than proper pressing, so what does that say about the person who doesn't take enough pride in themselves and how they convey ideas to others to write properly...? Nothing personal; I don't know you from Adam. But from your post above, it's clear that you don't have the temperament to be a good presser. As others have said, it's a piece of cake to buy a press, stick a comic in it, and hit the "on" button and imagine one is a presser. It's also a piece of cake to buy an easel, canvas, and some paint to splash on it. That doesn't make one Monet. I WOULD compare pressing a comic book to rebuilding the top end of an engine. Both take skill sets that the average person doesn't possess. Just like anyone can buy that press and switch it to on, so can anyone take a wrench set and disassemble the top end of an engine. Putting it back together properly...just like properly pressing a book...is an entirely different venture.
  21. "In fantastic condition. Like brand new!" No doubt, he/she believes this, too.
  22. Why are the variants abused? Is it your view that many were sitting in one place in storage owned by people who were abusive? This is explained several posts back. The vast majority of these variants sat, mostly unprotected, in publisher boxes for many years. A small percentage did, in fact, end up in collector hands at or around the time they were printed...but a very small percentage. 1-5% at best.