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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Had a transaction with the Hermster and it was smooth as glass. Very professional, quick pay, thank you!
  2. That woman was made of rubber, and has no blood.
  3. Never argued if it was valid or not. Simply stated the OP asked for questions and he got one. Not the one he wanted I'm sure. Mods cleaned it up...so no problem. I like to think that even the most obtuse board members would realize that when a seller says questions are welcome, that they mean about the comic itself. Not questions insulting the price and offering to sell one for less money. That is my fault though, for assuming. We all no where that leads. Know, where does it lead....?
  4. By the way.... Silver Surfer #46 is the return of Warlock to the Marvel U. Just sayin'.... Yes, I have a bazillion copies (maybe 6-7.)
  5. I like this.Did you sleep.that night? It's not my story. I knew that when I got to "shutter"...
  6. It's generally a very civil place here, although people tend to read way too much into emoticons . . . (for example)
  7. "Saucy"...I love that word applied to people. I have a new quote for my sigline.
  8. I'm on ignore Welcome to the club! Water's good! Honestly, the real solution is to ignore. If everyone ignored people who were only around to denigrate people, they would find no audience, and either adjust their attitudes, or go somewhere else.
  9. I assume that's staged, but if not...that's an awfully intimate pose they've got going there...
  10. There's a good example of you doing #1, breaking the rules of civil debate, by changing what you said into something that sounds like what you said, but isn't. You said (and it's still right up there, for all to see)" (emphasis mine) Now, you've changed it to: Subtle change in wording...big change in meaning. And you do this all the time. If I am of the opinion that someone is a fat, lazy, stupid slob, do I have the "freedom" to express that opinion? Even if I can prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that it's true? Just because you CAN express an opinion, doesn't mean you SHOULD. We all could do better with this, myself included. There you go again...the "hidden insult." You accused all the dealers here of having ulterior motives in their posts, of simply posting for "professional advantage"...and while that's certainly true for some people, some of the time, it is most definitely NOT true of everyone, and it's an insult to suggest otherwise. "Defense mechanism"? I'm not a dealer, so I'm defending...others? I guess so. And what on EARTH does being a paying customer have to do with this situation...? Other than the veiled "you better not post things I don't like, or you might lose customers!" As Resurrection said...save the shots. Just chat. Easy cheesy.
  11. More than CG? I think not. Wait... if you are baiting me, I would appreciate an emoticon. Sorry I did not clarify, I was talking about the most out of the " Age" forums. Modern does have it's fair share, but for some reason copper has almost as many, and they go on for pages. I believe it is because most of the posters in this section and modern are dealers. Which would make sense, since these are the comic ages with the largest print runs and most available copies out there for people to sell. A lot of ribbing, puffing and jockeying for professional advantage going on. (thumbs u -J. or comments like this... You insult people and expect no repercussions. Try and have a touch of class about you. There was no "insult" in my observational post in the least. -J. You mean, other than the fact that it's not even remotely true? Your opinion, thank you for sharing it. Carry on. (thumbs u -J. You cannot dismiss facts as "your opinion." You try often, but it always fails under scrutiny. You have consistently accused people who disagree with you of having ulterior motives, and while that is certainly true some of the time, for some of the people, it's not anywhere near as true as often as you have accused it. And it is accusing people of ulterior motives, as you have done, and as The Resurrection rightfully pointed out, that is the insult. And no, most of the people posting in this section are NOT dealers, despite what you wish to believe. Carry on. (thumbs u Um yeah, I think you (and the resurrection) read way more into that then you really needed to. And I've never accused anyone of anything on here. Unlike you, I don't try to make things (nor do I take things) personal on these boards. -J. Ooo! The definition of irony! You literally just made this conversation personal in your last sentence, while claiming you don't make things personal. Jay, buddy, I don't really care one way or another about you personally. I don't know you, and have no opinion about you as a human being. The problem you have is that 1. you violate the rules of civil debate with alarming frequency, and 2. you say things that are factually wrong, and refuse, when shown explicit evidence to the contrary, to back down, and 3. you accuse everyone who disagrees with you of ulterior motives. That's not cool, and you should cut that out. No one here would have a problem discussing things with you...the problem is that you feel the need to engage in shenanigans if someone doesn't agree, rather than just disagreeing. And that's unfortunate.
  12. I dunno...that's a pretty serious niche right there...
  13. Most probably follow GPA and price a book a little higher than the previous sale. If the market shows resistance then they lower the asking price. I'm not sure what drove the $529 asking price. That was a MCS listing that had been there for a while, I believe. I have to say, I'm getting REALLY peeved off at these prices. I sold multiple copies over the last few years, and I had to fight with lowballers constantly. I settled for $235 for a 9.8 SS for crying out loud. Really, really getting peeved off about all of this BS, and makes me want to raise all my prices. I've learned that BIN is the way to go vs Best offer option every time. That way no negotiating. Part of the perks of being a collector, we can list the books but honestly are not sad when they don't sell. But when a book heats up, and being a hoarder, we can unload some of our 30 copies. Raise all your prices.................except on that SIP I've wanted for years. Yes, there are many advantages to being a collector, rather than a dealer...except, of course, when I'm short on cash...and I sell a New Mutants #98 CGC SS for $650.
  14. More than CG? I think not. Wait... if you are baiting me, I would appreciate an emoticon. Sorry I did not clarify, I was talking about the most out of the " Age" forums. Modern does have it's fair share, but for some reason copper has almost as many, and they go on for pages. I believe it is because most of the posters in this section and modern are dealers. Which would make sense, since these are the comic ages with the largest print runs and most available copies out there for people to sell. A lot of ribbing, puffing and jockeying for professional advantage going on. (thumbs u -J. or comments like this... You insult people and expect no repercussions. Try and have a touch of class about you. There was no "insult" in my observational post in the least. -J. You mean, other than the fact that it's not even remotely true? Your opinion, thank you for sharing it. Carry on. (thumbs u -J. You cannot dismiss facts as "your opinion." You try often, but it always fails under scrutiny. You have consistently accused people who disagree with you of having ulterior motives, and while that is certainly true some of the time, for some of the people, it's not anywhere near as true as often as you have accused it. And it is accusing people of ulterior motives, as you have done, and as The Resurrection rightfully pointed out, that is the insult. And no, most of the people posting in this section are NOT dealers, despite what you wish to believe. Carry on. (thumbs u
  15. Most probably follow GPA and price a book a little higher than the previous sale. If the market shows resistance then they lower the asking price. I'm not sure what drove the $529 asking price. That was a MCS listing that had been there for a while, I believe. I have to say, I'm getting REALLY peeved off at these prices. I sold multiple copies over the last few years, and I had to fight with lowballers constantly. I settled for $235 for a 9.8 SS for crying out loud. Really, really getting peeved off about all of this BS, and makes me want to raise all my prices.
  16. More than CG? I think not. Wait... if you are baiting me, I would appreciate an emoticon. Sorry I did not clarify, I was talking about the most out of the " Age" forums. Modern does have it's fair share, but for some reason copper has almost as many, and they go on for pages. I believe it is because most of the posters in this section and modern are dealers. Which would make sense, since these are the comic ages with the largest print runs and most available copies out there for people to sell. A lot of ribbing, puffing and jockeying for professional advantage going on. (thumbs u -J. or comments like this... You insult people and expect no repercussions. Try and have a touch of class about you. There was no "insult" in my observational post in the least. -J. You mean, other than the fact that it's not even remotely true?
  17. More than CG? I think not. And Copper doesn't hold a single candle to Modern. Not even one of those little birthday cake candles.