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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. NO. Post 'em here. The real estate is well worth it.
  2. Looks like the original post, though quoted by others, is gone. Makes for some confusing reading.
  3. You could mind your own business and get on with yours. Too easy? thanks for the insightful advice noob How is someone who joined 5 years before you a noob? http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7759855 I forgot about that one. Not to mention this one: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=5546821
  4. Well, that was a nice, understated morality tale on expectations and perceptions of the super hero genre.
  5. If that was a CGC 10 with no signatures that would possibly be up to a $10k book. -J. Based on.......?
  6. Watson hasn't posted on these boards in 3 months. I'm glad he's found a place that makes him happy.
  7. Found it! Whadaya know, it was religious. This song got mainstream radio play. Interesting. Came out in 2001, so I was off by a couple of years. The band's name, Payable on Death is what I was thinking of...
  8. Collective Soul? You wouldn't have listened to Stryper. Gag. Not Stryper. No, the band isn't religious...the song has very oblique religious overtones to it. Something about life and death, maybe...? It was like a top 40 song, nothing earth shaking. Man, this is stupid...I have the album somewhere. It'll pop into my head after I stop thinking about it. Now I'm curious as to what the song is. Let's know when you remember. If I could remember ANY of the damn lyrics, or the name of the group, I could google something...but...nothing but shadows and whispers in the dark recesses of my mind.
  9. What's hilarious is that there are echoes of impressions dancing in my head right now, nanosecond snatches of fuzzy pictures and sounds....like trying to grab someone's hand on the tilt-o-whirl on the playground from 20 feet away...
  10. Collective Soul? You wouldn't have listened to Stryper. Gag. Not Stryper. No, the band isn't religious...the song has very oblique religious overtones to it. Something about life and death, maybe...? It was like a top 40 song, nothing earth shaking. Man, this is stupid...I have the album somewhere. It'll pop into my head after I stop thinking about it.
  11. That face is what every girl in school always made when I walked into the room.
  12. Damn it. Now there's a song that escapes me. Ok, name some late 90's bands that were mid-level, not stars, but not nobodies...rock-alt ish...there's a song that I like by them, and all I can remember is that it has something to do with...religious? This is really stupid, too...I have their album....somewhere...in a box, maybe. Ugh. My brain doesn't work anymore.
  13. The only thing I'll ever ask of you...you gotta promise not to stop when I say when...
  14. The Foo Fighters are the sound of my late 90's. I have mixed feelings about Foo Fighters. I respect the band members, but I've never really been a big fan of their music. Grohl is a fantastic drummer, but when he came out from behind the kit...I don't know...writing, singing and guitar playing are not his strong points IMO. When I hear this song, I can tell you exactly where I was, and what I was doing, feeling, and thinking. I'm 25, the future is unclear, but I'm young and have my whole life ahead of me.
  15. The Foo Fighters are the sound of my late 90's.
  16. Most educated people think it is truly great? Do they? I'll bet a lot of otherwise educated people don't even know the source material. These same people probably think RL created these images himself, instead of basing them off the works of others. I do love the qualifier: "most educated people outside of a handful of indignant comic fans"...so GP's allowing that there are, in fact, educated people who also happen to be comic fans, indignant or otherwise. That does nothing for the terrible logical fallacy invoked...the classic "argumentum ad populum" (appeal to popularity)...with the implication being that if you don't think the art is "truly great", the odds are pretty good that you're not "educated." How do you even prove such a claim...? You can't; it's impossible, which is why it is used by poor debaters. The truth is, there are vast swaths....veritable plethoras....of educated people who have never even heard of Rob Lichtenfield (sorry, couldn't resist) and have never seen his art...nor 5th, 10th, or 50th generation derivatives of same. The world has changed a whole lot in 50 years.
  17. Now you're just making it up as you go along. His originality was called into question because he was reproducing actual objects, like panels from comic books (and stenographer's notebook covers, local advertisements, etc.) At no point did he attempt to conceal this fact. Sorry if that totally undermines the flimsy straw man you have attempted to create.
  18. I just got an e-mail from a friend who died in July. Spammers are so cool.
  19. By the way....speaking of challenging pre-conceived notions, every one of you should experience John Cage's "4'33"" at least once in your life. It is magnificence in mind-bending conception of what is music and musicality.