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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. This is not kinder garten where the one who hits hardest, shouts loudest, or has most friends is right. You are correct, Alexander, it is not. The one who is right is the one who is right. Jay has made contradictory, conflicting arguments, ignored facts that don't suit him, repeated statements that are factually incorrect multiple times, despite being corrected multiple times, and drawn conclusions that are not within reason to draw based on the scant data available. He has steadfastly and stubbornly resisted correction, and you have completely supported his arguments the entire time. You have, in opposition to reason, claimed that Jay is "making the most sense", even though he keeps doing what I just described. These arguments are simply not within reason to make. This is nothing personal. I don't dislike any of you. This has nothing to do with "winning", or "shouting the loudest", or anything like that, despite your repeated attempts to make it that, and despite your repeated attempts to make it personal with others (including myself) by discussing the people, rather than the topic. These arguments are simply not within reason to make. And yet...here we are. You are correct: popularity of a position is not evidence of its soundness. That is fundamental. However...that is precisely what Jay is doing: saying the moon is made of cheese. It's not within reason to say the moon is made of cheese. No, they are not. And no, stubborn resistance to reason, "standing your ground", when you make contradictory, conflicting statements, ignore facts that don't suit you, draw unreasonable conclusions, and make factually incorrect statements over and over and over and over, despite being corrected, is NOT "deserving of respect." It's a complete and utter unwillingness to admit one is wrong.
  2. This is not what happened. You are talking about two entirely different types of books.
  3. I nearly missed my flight. Like minutes nearly. Then, the 8:45 connection in Philly had mechanical problems, and after sitting on the plane for an hour, we had to get off and get on another plane, on the other side of the airport. Your flight was clearly better than mine. I didn't roll into LAX until 4:30/1:30.
  4. This is true I just got negative feedback (since revised) because the white pages on a JIM #114 weren't white enough (and white pages for this era is about the color of sweetened condensed milk, which this book, from a collection, was.)
  5. 95% of you cannot be reasoned with. And that scene scared the sneetches out of me when I was 9. Definitely not a scene for kids.
  6. Page 44, then 45, then 46. It is the summation of their relationship, start to finish, beginning to end. They are the quintessential Batman and Joker pages, in the entire mythos of Batman v. Joker.
  7. This is not a reasonable conclusion to make, based on the data available. That is the fundamental problem you are having. You are trying to paint a picture with a few droplets of paint, on a canvas that's mostly blank. This is not reasonable. He makes wrong claims in every post (addressed to me anyway) and got the basic sales data wrong. If you read our conversation you can find easy to spot errors in every post. One of his many errors was that he counted the 9.0 2012 sale for $1434 as a 9.2 sale. This is correct. And he's been doing this since the beginning of the thread, and despite being corrected multiple times, he continues to make the same wrong claims in post after post. Unfortunately, he, bronzejonny, AlexanderM, and blazincomics have been a mutual admiration society of sorts, arguing the same unsound reasoning for pages, and supporting each other's commentary. Oh well.
  8. This is not a reasonable conclusion to make, based on the data available. That is the fundamental problem you are having. You are trying to paint a picture with a few droplets of paint, on a canvas that's mostly blank. This is not reasonable.
  9. Most of the Zero issues also have these variants as well. They are not common, but they came from a couple of different sources.
  10. The GL #51 2nd is found in two sources, both tough to get a hold of.
  11. Polls on this board, which represent opinions, mean nothing. It doesn't change the actual publicly available sales figures, which represent facts. -J. Except when you don't understand what those "publicly available sales figures" mean, and when you don't understand that a signature series book is not the same thing as a universal book. But, other than that, sure. Back to the con. See you gents when I get home.
  12. Oh, right. This is the Bizarro thread. My mistake, I'll get my coffee and donut and have a seat. And, is it odd to brag about someone's ability to "take on the High School-Grade Scarcity Team" and yet, call it "A introductory"...?
  13. Thank you, bronzejohnny and hippiecop. Such kind words, and you saved them for the 100 Page Super Spectacular! I think anyone who compliments me displays an aptitude for sound, logical reasoning, an unbiased understanding of all the relevant facts, and an extremely high level of class and sophistication. Okay, so who is going to start the "What will the Overstreet 2019 Top Ten List Look Like?" thread? I have a feeling that blazincomics has an opinion or two on this. I was just about to raise the question about whether Overstreet will place Hulk 181 above Cerebus 1 especially after Jay's fantastic analysis. What are you reading....? You know, BJ, it's going to be really funny when you disagree with the guy, and figure out the smoke and mirrors. Or maybe you won't.
  14. You're still not keyed into the difference in extremely rare books. The rarer the book, the more exponential the price increases with each grade level. $12-15K? More like $25-$30k. Going to have to call you out on this. The notion of anyone paying $25k or anything close to that for any copy of a cerebus 1 is nothing short of wishful thinking. The book may be "rare" but demand is weak. And you still haven't explained why you believe a sale of a copy of cerebus 1 in 9.4 in 2004 for $10.6k or thereabouts and then again in 2014 for $9k "isn't" a 15% decline in value over a ten year period based on publicly available sales data. -J. Excellent point Jay (thumbs u The decline in prices based on publicly available sales data (which happens to be the most reliable data we have) clearly demonstrates a decline. This is still not true, no matter how many times you guys wish to repeat it.
  15. Your question is unclear. 15x more than what? A 9.6 over a 9.2? 9.4 is highest 100 Page 5. You, Sir, are trapped. You have to admit either A.) DC 100 Page 5 is expensive toilet paper or 2.) You were making an unreasonable statement. Blazincomics=Message Board Champion Your post makes no sense. Sorry. You have touted DC 100 Page 5 yet the highest graded copy has only yielded around $1900. Please do not debate poorly. Misrepresenting what people say is poor debating. You do not understand the dynamics of very rare books. The fact that you are trying to make an analogy between Green Lantern #76 and Cerebus #1 is very solid evidence of that fact. And no, I have never "repeatedly slammed" anyone for a purchase. Well, maybe the guy who bought New Mutants #98 9.9 for $12k, but that was because he was here, shoving it in everyone's faces. If you cannot have a debate without using buzzwords and mischaracterizing the nature of other people's comments, why bother? Would it be fair for me to say that you think 100 Page #5 is really a $5 book, and should be shredded by everyone who owns one, if not burned, too...? Why, or why not...? And, we're done. I will not debate with people who cannot have one without making it personal. Thanks for the conversation thus far. Take care.
  16. You're still not keyed into the difference in extremely rare books. The rarer the book, the more exponential the price increases with each grade level. $12-15K? More like $25-$30k. Going to have to call you out on this. The notion of anyone paying $25k or anything close to that for any copy of a cerebus 1 is nothing short of wishful thinking. The book may be "rare" but demand is weak. Where's the hard, publicly available data that supports that claim? That "demand is weak"...? I'll hang up and take my answer over the air. Because they aren't the same things. And even if that weren't true, you are trying to base your claim on two sales in ten years as some sort of "trend." But it IS true, and you are comparing books that aren't the same thing.
  17. Your question is unclear. 15x more than what? A 9.6 over a 9.2? 9.4 is highest 100 Page 5. You, Sir, are trapped. You have to admit either A.) DC 100 Page 5 is expensive toilet paper or 2.) You were making an unreasonable statement. Blazincomics=Message Board Champion Your post makes no sense. Sorry.