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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. i didn't know there was an issue on Gamora's first full appearance. i thought all the while it was Strange Tales 180 If you read both issues, 180 comes off more like a cameo and her name isn't revealed until #181 Sorry fellas, I agree with CGC ST 180 is the first appearance Gamora not cameo. She is talking and shown in multiple panels and key part in the current story. No way CGC changes this. reference: similar issue iron man 118 There is not much dispute on this one, 180 is first. I agree with the contention that #180 is more of a cameo appearance. Just read them recently, and came away with that perspective. RMA do you know a book that has similar character appearance that was labeled Cameo? when I say similar, I am not talking the last page or where the story refers to a book that wasn't released in local comic shops yet. Omega Men #3. His first "full" appearance isn't until #10. X-Men #120. Alpha appears on several pages within the story. That's just off the top of my head. Yeah, but Lobo is the centerpiece of the cover on Omega Men 3...a little different That's my point. He's on the cover, and its STILL called a "cameo". How much more so Gamora, who doesn't appear on the cover, and is only on a few pages?
  2. One night, my parents and I went to see a screening of Batman Begins. As we were walking home after the movie, an internet bully stepped out of the shadows and demanded to have access to all of our private messages. We had no idea what a "private message" was, so the internet bully began hurling passive/aggressive taunts at us. My parents, being innocent of the ways of sarcastic rejoinders, could not figure out if the bully was being serious or not, and died there on the street, the victims of massive confusion. Right then, I vowed to bring internet bullies to justice. I would become as they were, but instead use my abilities for good, rather than evil. I trained for hours, and developed the ability to post walls of text and slightly funny memes to foil the cutting jibes of these unfinished basement dwellers. After several days of grueling internet searches and "How To Combat Message Board Bullies With Wit and Charm" videos on YouTube, I was finally fully prepared to tackle message board villainly, but I was missing one key component: where would I find the most villainous, most wretched hive of scum and villainy that existed? I would have to bring the battle to them. I Googled "most wretched hive of scum and villainy message board"... ...and the rest is history.
  3. Congratulations. I spent 5 minutes earlier today researching that book because you mentioned it. Nearly bought one too. Damn you RMA. Damn you. You wanna know the best part...? I literally pulled that issue out of thin air. Had no clue what was in it. But watch... It wouldn't have worked without an obscure first appearance. The odds of randomly selecting such a book is very, very low. so ... And yet, that's precisely what happened. Why are you calling me a liar? Especially over such an utterly inconsequential fact, about a book about which no one cares, and has little redeeming quality, especially in light of my beyond obvious tongue-in-cheek "attempt" to "create buzz"? Just so you understand, it is *difficult* to pick Bronze books that do NOT feature the first appearance of some random new superhero/villain. Marvel especially was throwing everything AND the kitchen sink at the wall during this period, to see what would stick. It's something that makes Bronze so unique. Some people don't understand boundaries. I shoulda just gone with "hey, whaddaya know, I beat the odds! I should play the lottery!"
  4. HYPE HYPE HYPE! I attempted that with the Fun and Games #8 as the third Groot. All the US copies for sale disappeared from EBay. BUY BUY BUY! The next book after that is Fantastic Four #204 (disclaimer for Silverdream: I have no idea what happens in that book, and randomly pulled it out of thin air.)
  5. Here, watch, I'll come up with another random issue off the top of my head, having no clue what's in it: Daredevil #127 is the next Hulk #271.
  6. Congratulations. I spent 5 minutes earlier today researching that book because you mentioned it. Nearly bought one too. Damn you RMA. Damn you. You wanna know the best part...? I literally pulled that issue out of thin air. Had no clue what was in it. But watch... It wouldn't have worked without an obscure first appearance. The odds of randomly selecting such a book is very, very low. so ... And yet, that's precisely what happened. Why are you calling me a liar? Especially over such an utterly inconsequential fact, about a book about which no one cares, and has little redeeming quality, especially in light of my beyond obvious tongue-in-cheek "attempt" to "create buzz"? Just so you understand, it is *difficult* to pick Bronze books that do NOT feature the first appearance of some random new superhero/villain. Marvel especially was throwing everything AND the kitchen sink at the wall during this period, to see what would stick. It's something that makes Bronze so unique. Some people don't understand boundaries.
  7. i didn't know there was an issue on Gamora's first full appearance. i thought all the while it was Strange Tales 180 If you read both issues, 180 comes off more like a cameo and her name isn't revealed until #181 Sorry fellas, I agree with CGC ST 180 is the first appearance Gamora not cameo. She is talking and shown in multiple panels and key part in the current story. No way CGC changes this. reference: similar issue iron man 118 There is not much dispute on this one, 180 is first. I agree with the contention that #180 is more of a cameo appearance. Just read them recently, and came away with that perspective. RMA do you know a book that has similar character appearance that was labeled Cameo? when I say similar, I am not talking the last page or where the story refers to a book that wasn't released in local comic shops yet. Omega Men #3. His first "full" appearance isn't until #10. X-Men #120. Alpha appears on several pages within the story. That's just off the top of my head.
  8. I was once a shy, withdrawn internet denizen. Other people would make fun of my lack of message board participation. Then, I was bitten by a radioactive private message, and developed the ability to post thousands of words in a short span of time. The rest is history.
  9. ACTUALLY.... There ARE quite a few Bronze Age first appearances...and of fairly important characters...that don't get (as) much love. Spotlight #32, X-Men #107, X-Men #109, X-Men #121, Astonishing Tales #25 (this has been rectified a bit since the Shield series), Spotlight #2, etc. Let Marvel make an Alpha Flight movie, and #120-121 become $1,000+ books again in 9.8.
  10. Congratulations. I spent 5 minutes earlier today researching that book because you mentioned it. Nearly bought one too. Damn you RMA. Damn you. You wanna know the best part...? I literally pulled that issue out of thin air. Had no clue what was in it. But watch...
  11. Currently, the book has *some* interest, but it is extremely common, so unless it is a slabbed 9.8 (or SS 9.6 or better), it currently has no value above $5 or so. As to the last responses you got: it is an unfortunate by-product of the culture of these boards, but this is the critical thing: you can't let it bother you. Seriously...if you let all the trash talk bother you, you would become very bitter, very fast, or just give up and leave, never to return (which has happened to THOUSANDS of members here.) Just use what you can use, and ignore the rest. It takes discipline and practice, but it can be done. Meanwhile, there are established members who try to keep the folks who insult in check, so hopefully it won't be as bad as it could be. On the other hand, if you give off the impression that you're here to scam, or just BS your way around, you will be found out and summarily dealt with, too. That's one of the positive aspects of this place: there is very little patience for that type of nonsense.
  12. Is that just because of the number of people who posted about it? The overall tone of the thread, with some exceptions, was pretty professional, all things considered.
  13. 6 years, you live 40 minutes away, and yet....
  14. ? Ya like the Night Flyer, RMA? Yes. Buy, buy, buy. No ulterior motives for miles around.
  15. ? I'm going to guess that that was a typo and was supposed to be 217 (first Marvel Boy/Quasar) ' No. #213. RMA doesn't make typos.
  16. ? Buy it. I have nearly 38,000 posts, and have been here for over 9 years. Therefore, by definition, I have no ulterior motive. Clearly.
  17. That's possible. I'd have to open my 20s to make sure. But yes, some of the DOS books in the 20 packs, and the 2 and 3 packs, were later printings.
  18. There is a tremendous volume of suck around here, that's for sure. That's okay. We love you anyway RMA. N00b shots.
  19. I was one of the founding members of the eBay comics board. When that started to fall apart around 2002, I drifted off and discovered Valiant Comics.com. Wish I'd found here, instead. Would much rather have gotten into the SS program when some favorite creators were still alive.
  20. There is a tremendous volume of suck around here, that's for sure.
  21. For my set I placed the cut at 1993... essentially once Marvel started putting "Direct Edition" into the UPC I stopped considering them Copper. The vast majority of the 2nd/3rd prints are from 1990 to 1992 anyway. The exception may be the Hulk 377 3rd print from 1994 as the original was from 1991. BTW, does anyone know if there are any cover differences between the Nam #1 1st and 2nd prints? I can't seem to tell them apart online. I would have to get them both in front of me at the same time. I'll see if I can find them both. I *think* there is a slight difference, but I'm not sure. It is one of the few books of the era that doesn't have a UK price. GI Joe #4, for example, the only cover difference is the font of the Canadian and UK prices, and it's extremely minute.
  22. i didn't know there was an issue on Gamora's first full appearance. i thought all the while it was Strange Tales 180 If you read both issues, 180 comes off more like a cameo and her name isn't revealed until #181 Sorry fellas, I agree with CGC ST 180 is the first appearance Gamora not cameo. She is talking and shown in multiple panels and key part in the current story. No way CGC changes this. reference: similar issue iron man 118 There is not much dispute on this one, 180 is first. I agree with the contention that #180 is more of a cameo appearance. Just read them recently, and came away with that perspective.