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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. I have Diamond sales rankings but no print run numbers: September 1992 MoS 17 was #97 on their sales chart. All Superman titles were low. Adventures didn't even make top 100. October 1992 MoS 18 moves up to #77. November 1992 MoS 19 jumps way up to #19 It's not quite as big of a difference between 17 and 18 as I would of thought, but def shows 17 was a lower print run. I also wonder if more newsstand copies of 18 survived. MoS 17's may have been pulled by the time people caught on to the whole Superman's being killed thing. Even with the lower print numbers, according to FastballSpecial and the Diva. They are pretty easy to come by, if so, I'll buy every single copy NM/MT of MOS 17 these 2 lovebirds can find for $10 each. NO BS! Dude what is your problem? I don't know even you yet, your responses are extremely hostile. If someone disagrees with you do you feel the need to insult them to feel better? I already picked up 3 copies of MoS 17 for just over cover and plan to pick up a few more this week. I sold a VF copy for $20 this week why would I sell you any for $10. How can you get to know someone you'll never meet over a message board? It's not my fault people on here don't have a thick skin, I'd say the same thing here as I would to you in person. I'm not here to make "online friends" That's retarded. I try to make a point and I'm wrong when I know I'm right. I stand behind what I believe and what I say and I will fight for my opinion, you are just taking and others on here what I say, personal. And yes, I do make jokes out of people's posts when they state the obvious. I've said it once I'll say it again, In person I'm Bruce Wayne, On the boards, I'm Batman.
  2. No worries. Now what book you want to boost next? Seriously, I don't think what is said on these boards has an impact whatsoever on the marketplace-at-large. It's a far bigger world out there than you think. You know, it would be easy enough to find out! Take a completely useless book featuring the 1st appearance of some throwaway character. Throw out some "facts" about a movie announcement with said character. My bets are on that book generating heat. If you could get a couple of boardies to go in with you on the scam, I wouldn't be surprised if the book took off in price. As an experiment, it would be interesting to see the results. Just not sure how people would treat the person who starts the rumor, especially if real money is spent on the book... I think someone already did that, with New Mutants #98.
  3. You get one mulligan a year, where you're not charged. I'm not quite sure how that works when all bids are cancelled, and then the listing is ended.
  4. ...you think a book that only has FOUR copies known, despite the others selling for hundreds to THOUSANDS (yes, a Black #1 sold for two THOUSAND dollars), is "ridiculous" at $2,000? Boy, you better not check what Silver Age Marvels sell for.....
  5. By the way...in an interesting twist of fate, Strange Tales #180 features Gamora's first appearance...but is CLEARLY a cameo. #181 is her first full appearance....
  6. I understand your perspective Hado, and I know HOS seems extreme, and should be used in those most egregious scenarios... but think about how our marketplace works. Its a social contract between internet strangers (often). Unless stated otherwise we all agree to sell books to each other via the typical conveyances of the . Thats the most basic of our marketplace protocol. He violated that. Thumbed his nose even at honoring an outright in a standard sales thread. If we let someone get a pass on abiding by the basic agreements of the marketplace, what are we saying? No one is socially bound to anything in the marketplace? While his act was done to a particular member, it was also done to the marketplace as a whole. And to me that's the egregious nature of it. While some of the HOS listees are there because of big dollar screwjobs, or repeated cheaters, I would say someone outright blows off the rules of the marketplace and shows no regret for doing so doesnt have a path to make things right. There's nothing from preventing him from participating in the message board as a whole, but the fact that he doesnt give two shakes about how the marketplace abides, to me, means he isnt welcome in the marketplace. And that's before even getting into his attempt to change his own sale thread rules, trying to make someone pay via paypal personal, etc etc... Understood and well stated. Like I said, it was just my opinion, that last nights choices were the result of feeling like a cornered animal. (I'm not going to even comment on the illness thing.) I still have trouble equating $15 dollars and a poor attitude to what Mr. Thaeda did, and would think after a night to cool down SC might be able to think of ways to begin making a mends to people and get off the PL. Understandably some may not want to deal with him regardless. My dealings with SC have been amazing, he even helped me get a book from Europe, with no gain for himself. I mostly just wanted people to know that the "No" votes, at least my own, were coming from people who feel the HOS is too much of a penalty. And not from shills. I've learned from my experiences that someone who lies for $15 should be watched even more closely than the person that would lie for $15,000. If they'd lie for $15 there's almost no level to which they would not stoop. To be fair, the guy did help him get a book from Europe He negotiated a price through a friend in another country, had a book then shipped to his home then on to myself, some people would charge a finders or facilitator fee. I was trying to show why I have a good opinion of SC. Apologies if that offends. I'm not offended, I'm amused. He was able to help you out with a book you wanted, so he can't be that bad of a guy...right?
  7. Here's the actual information about Paypal personal: Because Paypal operates under certain financial laws, they MUST have a fee free option for people to send money to one another. That is called "Paypal personal." It is called PERSONAL for a reason: it is for PAYING BACK, or GIVING GIFTS, to people you know. It is NOT, explicitly spelled out in Paypal's terms, for buying merchandise from ANYONE. That is why you cannot open a case about it. That is why there is no protection for it. Because it's money that isn't subject to dispute. After all...if you're paying somebody back because they fronted you the cash for lunch, what possible dispute could you have with that? You're paying someone BACK. I use Paypal personal all the time. How? BeerThirty subbed some books for me to CGC at SDCC. He subbed them under his account. He wasn't selling me anything. He was simply passing on the services of CGC through his account. CGC charged HIM, and I paid him BACK. Since he wasn't selling ME a good/service, but was merely the passthrough, I used PP personal, which is PRECISELY the type of situation this was designed for! He didn't pay fees, because he wasn't the one who sold me something. It has nothing to do with how well you know the buyer/seller...it is NOT for merchandise. Paypal is in business to make money. Whether you love, hate, or are indifferent about them, the fact is, they earn THEIR money by making it easy for you to SEND money. Using their services in a way that is contrary to their terms, and denying them fees they have legally earned, is nothing more, and nothing less, than stealing. Regardless of the people who try to justify it, and oh, are there people who try to justify it any way possible ("they earn enough", "their fees aren't fair", "they'll never miss it", etc.) If you didn't know about it before, you know now. If you DO know, and still do it, you are a THIEF. And if you are a buyer who sends personal "so the seller doesn't have to pay fees", you are an ACCESSORY to theft. The seller should rightfully refund you, minus the non-refundable 30 cent transaction fee, and tell you to send it the right way. And those of you who abused the service and accepted personal payments for merchandise? You will, if you have not already, lose the privilege to use it at all...and you will ANNOY your friends who would, oh, I dunno, like to PAY YOU BACK for fronting the cash for a signature opportunity. But no, you ruin it for you, and you ruin it for others. Why do *I* harp on it so much? Because this board lays claim to a higher ethical standard than usual, and it is the height of hypocrisy to maintain a "Probation List" and "HOS" for people who steal from others here (among other things), and yet turn a blind eye to the Paypal personal abuse. What, it doesn't matter because Paypal is a big nameless, faceless corporation....? I think not.
  8. PS. JLI #40 is one of the most gut wrenching comics I have ever read. #38-41 is one of the best arcs in comics. So very, very underrated.
  9. You always this miserable? Who cares if it sells, gets relisted or doesn't sell at all? I'm sure you have other things in your life to focus on other than someone else's auction. Life is short, don't be a Debbie Downer! oh the irony... No Irony here, I'm merely saying that he always has something negative to say. If he's not biding on the book, then who cares what the auction does?? Yeah, no irony there. I've been reading your verbal diarrhea since I signed up for this board in 2005, and now you are calling other people miserable? Laughable I've turned over a new leaf! Stan Lee has rubbed off on me, I'm much more positive now!!
  10. What I have seen or know about: 5-7 #1 blacks 13 #2 blacks 4 #3 blacks 4 #3 Yellows 2 #2 Yellows 4-5 #1 Yellows The rest are much more common. I would even remove the Number 1 yellow, it seems to be more common than a few others (Red #2). And with a total list of 150 (plus any aps), it's somewhat manageable to track each book. Just to be clear, these are tracked sales, not a census, correct? Neither. It's the absolute number of copies that I have seen with my own two peepers, or know for sure exists. I have tracked these on eBay since they first came up with the e-mail alert program, what, 12 years ago? The only ones I missed were the international ones that they don't report on. So it's a personal census, not a complete list, but no fault of your own, just the limitations of one person's awareness. Well, yeah...that's what the words "I have seen or know about" tend to mean. What value does MY personal list have over, say, Harry Smith's list...? Well, like I said, I've tracked every listing on eBay for well over a decade. But your mileage on the value of my personal list may vary. There was a #3 Yellow on eBay last year? Date? I have every single Maxx Ashcan e-mail alert sent through eBay since 2007. I'll revise my number on the #3 Yellows, if there are two on the census, to 5.