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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. You are barking up the wrong tree, brutha.....
  2. Perhaps there should be a nominal membership fee to join the Boards with CGC holding each Boards member's credit card on file. Finally - voices of reason instead of silencing the messenger CAL getting more and more determined How about a mandatory psych eval while we're at it? You just made "The List". Welcome. I've been on "The List" for years My apologies. So hard to keep up with it. I wish it would be published. From 2007 AMATEURS, one and all. *I* was on The List back in 2001, suckas!
  3. Did you get a thrill up and down your leg...?
  4. It takes alot of wood to scare us woodchoppers, that's for sure. Right Mike! (thumbs u I'm not scared of you. I'll just hold up a 10.0 Locke & Key, and you'll be powerless against it.
  5. Never fight a man with a chainsaw.
  6. Shmoyoho...emphasis on the yooooooooooo.... My favorite YouTube guys. They did They Climbin' In Yo Windows, They Snatchin' Yo People Up.
  7. They have more important mess to take care of. Like banning me for a month for talking politics. A plaguing problem that they seem to have no issues with as long as I'm not taking part in the conversations. BTW, every single WC thread during the past week or two has been heavy on the politics We miss you I know. I read the WC from time to time. There's a sticky at the top of every forum that says "No Politics Allowed," yet for some reason they single me out because I was warned. Yeah, and so was everyone else. It's funny. The subject of the thread that got me in such deep mess had three other threads started about it after I was given a month off. None of those thread starters were given a strike over it. I won't be back to the WC. I just look at it from time to time and laugh about the utter hypocrisy by the mods. I'd have no problem with the length of my wildly_fanciful_statement strike if there truly was "no politics allowed." It's either allowed...or it's not. Why is it not allowed for some? Would this be the appropriate time to post the "get off the cross, we need the wood" jpeg...? I won't, though, because I still love you, jerk.
  8. Oh, but they most certainly did. They'd probably admit it, too. I don't believe that for a second. They were definitely teasing, but why would they actually want to hurt Mark's feelings? Good question.
  9. Oh, but they most certainly did. They'd probably admit it, too.
  10. Just trying to present the balanced view. Give them lots of love.
  11. That's the point, SKY - there IS no chat on PGX site. What does Patterson know that we don't? CAL can't stay long I don't see the horrible people RMA sees, That is because, my dear SPB, you are a nice lady, and it's not directed at you. That's fine that you don't see it. I imagine it makes the world a lot nicer place. But surely...surely you can at least recognize that it exists, can't you? Did you just not notice the particularly vicious exchange in this very thread between F_T, Mark_1, and Chromium? To which Human Torch had to reply "can't we all just get along"...? I dunno, Sha...I'd love to see the world through your rose colored glasses, I really would.... It's easy, I will lend you a pair...I didn't see anything vicious, I saw some young guys (maybe not chronologically;) sparring with each other...school yard stuff. It's not that I think everyone is perfect, I know I'm not...I've just seen enough really bad stuff to know the difference...and I know that things can be interpreted in the wrong way...so I count to 100, mumble a bit and I forget...deliberately. and I look for something that was good...not something that was bad. Sure, when it's not directed at you, it's easy to write it off as "sparring." There's a reason why people are given vacays for trolling. And it's not because the mods think they are "just sparring."
  12. That's the point, SKY - there IS no chat on PGX site. What does Patterson know that we don't? CAL can't stay long I don't see the horrible people RMA sees, That is because, my dear SPB, you are a nice lady, and it's not directed at you. That's fine that you don't see it. I imagine it makes the world a lot nicer place. But surely...surely you can at least recognize that it exists, can't you? Did you just not notice the particularly vicious exchange in this very thread between F_T, Mark_1, and Chromium? To which Human Torch had to reply "can't we all just get along"...? I dunno, Sha...I'd love to see the world through your rose colored glasses, I really would....
  13. Paraphrasing Shakespeare, "All the world's a stage and everybody's got their role." Additionally, I'm having trouble thinking of a place on the Web where people congregate and everyone agrees with everyone else and no one is ever rude under threat of banishment. Except Byrne Robotics. And to that I will paraphrase someone else, whose identity escapes me, "The exception proves the rule" or something Oh, but there's a colossal difference between working out disagreements, and shredding people we don't like any and every chance we get, no...?
  14. Ok, so I saw one of these at San Diego. The dealer didn't know its origin, and thought it was a sketch of "Dangerl Girl" he'd gotten a few years ago. It was, however, this. Sadly, as is typical with this dealer, it was radically overpriced ($300.)
  15. I don't determine for other people what is "just fine" for them or not. The seller may have been happy with "just breaking even" or he may not. I DO know this: when sellers can't make money, they will stop doing whatever it is they are doing, and the supply dries up. As a seller, I will sooner burn an SS book before giving it away for $22. And I'll still take the "better book premiums."
  16. Not if your pages are set to something besides the default. huh? i don't understand what you meant. this thread has now gone more than 800 pages. there was a WD post, but it stopped, and this one started. i'm curious if anyone remembers how many pages that post was? You can set your posts per page to anything you want (within the pre-programmed limits.) Mine is currently 25, which means this is now on page 322.
  17. Whats up with that? The other bidder retracted his bid. Unfortunately, the high bidder has left himself terribly exposed to peckers.
  18. :shrug: That's an unbelievable steal, considering SS costs $27 or so just to slab. The sig and book were free, with a discount on the slab. Great for the buyer, bad for the seller.
  19. Not if your pages are set to something besides the default.
  20. Dude, these are unbelievable. Good for you for having the wisdom to save this stuff!