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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Sharon, I appreciate your point. And this situation with Chunkybutt definitely shows confusion between the parties involved. My concern is there are different situations that come up, and not all may make sense to handle them the same. Especially if there is repeat history involved, or many parties impacted. But like I said, not looking to fight over the topic. Was just interested in the stance taken. Everybody...every single person...should have the right to face their accuser and respond, in any and every situation. There is not a conceivable situation in the universe that exists whereby the accused should not have the ability to present his/her side of the story. That is a foundation of Western jurisprudence, which itself is founded on British and English Common Law going back 1,000 years. Everybody, in every case, whether it's their first or 10,000th, has the right to present their side of the story. There shouldn't even be a question on this point.
  2. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... ...it still deserves the right to present evidence that it's a goose. If it doesn't, then fine and good.
  3. I'm innocent. I was never with that girl. No, that's not her sitting next to me. No, she's not naked. You can't prove anything.
  4. I love McFarlane Spideys. I'll get all 29 books in 9.8 together at some point. Spidey #308 is currently the rarest McFarlane Spidey (aside from Spec Spid Ann #9) in 9.8. One of these I bought last year for $20, because I was confident it would grade 9.8. 10 years ago, even 5 years ago, this would have been unthinkable to me...to pay more than OPG for a modern...? I finally, however, figured out that it was foolishness to pass up a $XXX book for $20, if it was a 9.8 potential book. McFarlane Coppers.....
  5. Last, but most certainly not least.... Subbed for a customer. Great taste. I think GL #46, as the catalyst for the last 17 years of GL continuity, will become a very important book in the coming years. AF #51 is a tough book in 9.8, as is the Adventurers #1 variant. I love Death in the Family 9.8s.... ...as well as Ten Nights of the Beast...
  6. Handful of keys. I love Supes #50. It's probably the very first "instantly hot" book I ever got to buy, and I haunted the newsstands at Pac N' Save in Dublin, CA for this book to hit, having already sold out of direct stores some 2-3 weeks earlier. Within a month, they were selling for $25 each. I ended up buying 12 copies for cover price at around 11 PM as they were unpacking them. Those were the days. Also super tough in 9.8, with only 4 copies on the census. Issue #258 is actually a tough book in this grade, too, for the same issues as Amazing Spidey #317 (the spine kinks.) My first new issue of X-Men at my LCS was, I think, #263. If not, it was #264. #266 came soon enough. I love Wolvie #10, and would have bought 100 copies when it came out if it could, but I wasn't buying. I "hid" 3 copies in the Wonder Woman section (priced at $2.25 each) at Fact, Fiction & Fantasy in Livermore, CA, and when I got back, they were gone. Both -1s are the variants. The Classic X-Men #39 is only the second copy of this book in 9.8! Unbelievable!
  7. Pre-screen, which requires 50 book min. 30 book "chunks", because that's the way CGC's system allows it. Pressed? Many, not all, done by myself to keep costs down (the dry mount press has paid for itself many times over.) Best way to sub moderns is pre-screen, 60 books. That will give you the best return shipping rate, allow you to pre-screen, and assures you don't end up with clunkers. If there was no pre-screen, I would have subbed no more than a couple dozen over the years.
  8. Some Punishers. Zeck The #1 is the DF version. These are copies #10-14 in 9.8 from my personal OO stash. Imagine what I'd have if I'd started in 1985 instead of 1990... Super Coppers.
  9. More back from CGC: The #93's actually fairly rare, compared to the rest. Can't get enough #87s. These are both golds, and the first two 9.8s on the census. Flimsy, bad production, these books are typically spine splits and stress galore. Couple of Linsner beauties. The RIP is the only 9.8, and a devilishly hard book to find. Hulk #369, 2nd on the census, Rai #3 is centered, #5 is tough, and of course Sandman #8.
  10. Pretty much worthless, with a tiny handful of exceptions. Harby #1, Solar #10, A&A #0 Gold, EW #1 Gold flat, Rai #3-5, Unity #0 Red, CEAR, etc. Anything Unity and later is pretty much a no go unless it's last issues.
  11. A Platinum #492, signed by Norm Breyfogle, and noted on the label as such. Yay. Also got a third print, which is a beast of a book to find, and this was also obtained from Chuckles. Plus, the obligatory Banes... More to come...
  12. Some of the rarer McFarlane Hulks, including: Previous pop: 7. New pop: 10. The complete PC series is next on my sights... The Grips is 1 of 2 The Gen 13c is the Holiday variant...bought from Mile High. The two Gen 13 1/2s are the first two in this grade. The book is notorious for shoddy production, resulting in spine splits and flakes galore. These two came from the Wizard warehouse.
  13. My old copy, sold last year, still one of 2, might be able to coax one more out of my boxes.
  14. You know reading and comprehending are disallowed here. People are allowed to make up whatever they feel like to suit their own agendas, regardless of actual facts. (thumbs u Cripes!! Responding to a 5 day old post? You aren't that crazy guy on my train who's always reading last year's newspapers are you? You, more than most, know how depressingly accurate my comment is. Enough to make some folks no longer bother. Fizzzzzzzz...
  15. You know reading and comprehending are disallowed here. People are allowed to make up whatever they feel like to suit their own agendas, regardless of actual facts. (thumbs u
  16. My red box has everything signed by both Campbell and Garner....
  17. They're kinda cute and cuddly looking.... Until they open their mouths and then OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!
  18. In my experience, Xenozoic Tales have never really been available much. Maybe they didn't make it to the west coast? I've been buying these for years, but I never see them "in the wild."
  19. Why, is it 10 times normal sized?