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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. "hellalot of"...? sorry, "hell of a lot of" come down here, and I'll make you some sweet tea and fried eggplant to go with that winky. Goodness. You sure do know how to make a boy blush...
  2. By the way.... The Dark Knight Returns #1 CGC 9.9? Currently for sale for $7K? (Edit, it's been raised to $8K...my bad) Also a one off, a far, far, far more important book than NM #98.... Looking like a steal, ain't it...?
  3. And this bears little relation to the "record prices" discussion currently raging hard in this thread.... Someone pays $300K+ for a 6.5 copy of Action #1... "OMG, what a CUH-RAZY price!!" Except, of course, that it has 50 year of precedent of continual demand and price increases supporting that figure. Same with most of the other books, even the GL #76. This sale has no precedent. The highest selling 9.8U before this didn't sell for 1/30th the price of the 9.9. And the odds of another 9.9 showing up are pretty good. It's totally and utterly out of perspective. It is, to me, the most extreme example of "buying the label, not the book" as I have ever seen.
  4. But still, eat me. Deffinitely true. (to the friend thing, and maybe, possibly, you know if the right combo of liquors end up in ma belly, the other thing too) Goodness. Drunken gay come-ons.... What would Robin think...?
  5. All this back and forth about "it's his money, he can do what he wants with it!" and "what a person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed, paying $12K for a modern book" totally veers around the point. The difference in physical condition between this book and a strong 9.8 is non-existent. Fully 5% of the nearly 400 9.8s now on the census are in the exact same physical condition as this book, or better. It just so happened that the graders agreed to bestow this particular copy with a 9.9 on the day it was graded. Does it DESERVE the grade? Sure, absolutely. But so do at least 10-20 copies of the 9.8s that were graded, too. I have 8 9.8s on the census. Probably 2-3 of those could fairly have been 9.9s. Did they get them? No, but if they had, this copy wouldn't have sold for $12K. The buyer paid $12,000 for a piece of artwork...this: NOT the book inside the slab. Kind of a crummy piece of artwork for $12K, but what the hey, modern art is hot. When more 9.9s show up....and they probably will...then what? The X-Men #141 in 9.9 sold for $14,000. This book sold for 85% of that price. Which was "the best value for their money"...? Perspective. It's totally lacking in these sales.
  6. I am an 80's collector, and as such, have had to learn allll about Whitman 3-Packs, where they came from, why they came to be, etc. It doesn't help that very, very few of these ever made it out to California.
  7. God, I wish I'd been around when this thread started....great thread.
  8. I have no #3 yellow, nor have I ever seen one. Yo, Spreads! You get your Black #3 yet? If so, post pics.
  9. I'm embarrassed that I didn't recognize Jortner's name. I had read Zaid's thread about him but it had been a while ago. I blame old age and senility! I blame viagra.
  10. Who is Mark Zaid....? Come on, man, you gotta READ the boards. (thumbs u
  11. Absolutely fantastic. This is only the second #3 that I...or, I imagine, most of us here...have seen. And this copy looks to be in much, much better shape than the 7.5. Congrats to Spreads for such a killer deal, and yes, it's unfortunate (for the seller) that eBay's system doesn't allow these European sales to show up on search list results, or I imagine it would have gone for SUBSTANTIALLY (as in perhaps as much as $1,000+) higher...if I'm being really bold, I do not think $2,000 is out of line for this particular book. It's just one of those "so rare, but no collection is complete without it" type books. #3 is, by far, the hardest of the ashcans to find, followed closely by #2 and then #1. Taking out of consideration my #2s, there have only been two sales of #2 on eBay since 1999-ish. There have been about five #1 sales, including the mini-hoard shown here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT%&item=280391210712 I will contact the seller and ask about how/when/where they obtained it...with the number, I imagine they got it brand spanking new back in 1993. By the way, JohnnyD...do you have or can you scan an ad that showed these for sale (in the early issues of Maxx)? I don't have access to my books at the moment, and would like to see one. I do have a Maxx #1 in hand, so I'll check that. Congratulations, Spreads, I know how much the set means to you...you're 3 away from the set? I'm still 5 away. By the way...I'm still missing #1 Black, #2 Red, #3 Blue, and #2+#3 Yellows....there's several Black #2s available for trade if anyone's interested.
  12. That's a full on greytone, and the slab doesn't mention it! How odd! very nice!
  13. Edited by fingh <3 If I could figure out how to put in love songs here, I'd do it. If you're interested in selling or trading... Verrah, verrah nice. That damn #3 is impossible. Yay!
  14. Well...to be fair, unless buttheadcollectibles chimes in again, it's pretty much run it's course, no?
  15. Mmmm...tastes like blowhard. Most be lonely on top of that mountain of yours, Rocko. P.S. I always thought Zephyr was hot, too. Who...really...is the "butthurt" party, here...? The one ignoring two months worth of attempts to get the other's attention....or the one making the attempts to get someone's attention who clearly isn't interested in interacting? And really? Calling me a blowhard is like calling Bill Gates "rich." Well done, Captain Obvious! Now, back to our regularly scheduled program. (thumbs u