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Posts posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Dear bcruze22,


    You really need help. Please, get it.



    - comic-sutra




    Dear comic-sutra,


    I need help? thats why you feel the need to keep emailing me, to humor yourself and post the emails on the boards? Come on man.. Stop emailing me cause I wont reply after this.. I have had 4 board members email me say'n stay away from you cause your a trouble maker.. We'll I am a bigger trouble maker so I could care less.. If this is what you need to do to feel like a big guy go ahead...


    no need to respond here... whats done is done... I am sure if you were a decent guy you would have at least took the time to see what more I to offer. I always look at all offers from potential buyers..





    - bcruze22




    Alright, who's the wiseguys badmouthing me..?




    Need I really point out that good ol' Bobby went tothemarketdownthestreetforsomeCRAZY for quite literally zero reason at all...? And do I really need to point out that we're BOTH messaging EACH OTHER..?


    Logic ~ confounding the simple since 486 BC


    Man, too funny. I notice ol' Bobby's cleaned up the threats and the language, now that he knows it's being made public.


    (thumbs u

  2. More tothemarketdownthestreetforsomeCRAZY ...





    From: comic-sutra

    To: bcruze22

    Subject: Re: bcruze22 has sent a question about item #200473402782, ending on Jun-15-10 22:00:12 PDT - * Evil ERNIE #2, 1st Lady Death Cover! CGC 9.8 White *

    Sent Date: May-17-10 18:03:13 PDT



    Dear bcruze22,


    I didn't say YOUR copy sold for $300...I said A copy sold for $300. *I* didn't sell it for $300, either. Someone else did. And that other book did, in fact, have white pages.


    You've been blocked from bidding. Your foul mouth and ill manners betray you, Bobby Cruze. I'd reconsider how I interact with people if I were you. You really need to reconsider who you are and what you do before it's too late.


    - comic-sutra



    Dear comic-sutra,


    dont tell me to watch it bud... Id gladly spend a night in jail to have 2 mins w/ you....



    - bcruze22


    (ok, granted, I got a little melodramatic with the "before it's too late".. ;) )


    But man, from 0 to tothemarketdownthestreetforsomeCRAZY in 5.4 seconds...

  3. Dealin's just another word for

    Nothin' left to lose

    Comics, don't mean nothing

    Boy, but they ain't free


    Oh feeling good was easy, lord

    When Bobby sang the blues

    And feelin' good

    was good enough for youse,

    Good enough for you and

    your Bobby Cruze


    Sing it, Janis...

  4. More replies...(these are completely unedited. The originals weren't "spooned", obviously. If anyone doesn't realize what a psychopath this guy is, what more do you need...? All because I said "no thanks" to his offer.)





    From: comic-sutra

    To: bcruze22

    Subject: Re: bcruze22 has sent a question about item #200473402782, ending on Jun-15-10 22:00:12 PDT - * Evil ERNIE #2, 1st Lady Death Cover! CGC 9.8 White *

    Sent Date: May-17-10 17:09:20 PDT



    Dear bcruze22,


    Why would I want a $300 book that is priced at 4 times what it sold for 6 months ago...?



    - comic-sutra



    Dear comic-sutra,


    your full of mess I have had this book for several months! you may have had the other 9.0 but not white pages and thats your loss for selling it for 311.00 I seen that on gpa.. the book guides at 700.00 in overstreet.. so you can lick me running when you say priced 4xs to high... its 76 yrs old and has white pages.. i think its resonably priced... Its cool you dont want to trade I have thousands of books you could of said what your looking for or something instead you were an !


    best of luck in your sale.. I was going top hit the buy in now button but no way will I do business w/ a bite such as yourself...



    - bcruze22

  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    From: bcruze22

    To: comic-sutra

    Subject: bcruze22 has sent a question about item #200473402782, ending on Jun-15-10 22:00:12 PDT - * Evil ERNIE #2, 1st Lady Death Cover! CGC 9.8 White *

    Sent Date: May-17-10 11:39:36 PDT



    Dear comic-sutra,


    would you be willing to shop around on my items and make a trade for the 9.8 lady death? let me know

    734 *** ****




    - bcruze22





    From: comic-sutra

    To: bcruze22

    Subject: Re: bcruze22 has sent a question about item #200473402782, ending on Jun-15-10 22:00:12 PDT - * Evil ERNIE #2, 1st Lady Death Cover! CGC 9.8 White *

    Sent Date: May-17-10 16:33:38 PDT



    Dear bcruze22,


    No thanks.



    - comic-sutra





    Dear comic-sutra,


    not even if I offered the 1934 white pages cgc 9.0 mickey? wow thats insane...



    - bcruze22



    (that Mickey Mouse sold for $311 in November in this grade. Ol' Bobby's got it priced at $1199. This, by the way, was entirely unsolicited. I especially like the part where my response is called "insane" simply because I said "no thanks.")




  6. In the Midwest, those were scoffed at and considered uncollectible at they time they were released. Methnks I may have to track some down.

    Because #1 was reprinted material?


    Yeah, exactly. It's funny to think now. But the word "reprint" or "reprinted" was the absolute pinnacle of badness in the 80's- early 90's. It literally was like a scarlet letter of badness. A book written by Idi Amin, edited by Hitler, and published by Satan would be better received than a reprint, in the 80's.


    It's true.


    That's why, when the "reprint" designation by OPG got slapped on the diamond covers for Marvels 1977-1979, people for years and years wouldn't even handle them...they may as well have been radioactive.


    Reprint, second print, third print...it was the kiss of death as far as collectability was concerned, and that really didn't change until Batman #612 came along in 2003.


    Then, everyone discovered that later printings were "rare", "scarce", and "worth $$$!!"


    The rest is history.



    But there's only one, and it's one of one, and it's the first-only-last one in this grade...if he buys it we will have to catch up just to join HIM. :ohnoez:


    Are you mocking my marketing techniques....??





    On the contrary, they are hypnotic and effective and hypnotically effective.



    Must play to the audience....




    By the way....the Caliber Presents #1 CGC 9.8 that good ol' Barrington O. Levy is trying to sell for $850...PLUS shipping..?




    Also my copy.




    I dunno, it just seems weird to charge $850 for a book and charge S&H on TOP of that...







    You have an unlabeled Canadian price version!


    Don't let anyone take it from you for the regular US price...that baby is RARE!


    VERY nice!



    Is there really that much of a difference?! Also how do you tell?.. I live in Canada So I honestly did not think anything of it .... I wonder why cgc would not have labeled it if they normally do ?... Should I be asking for a free reslabing or something ?. :roflmao:


    There's a MASSIVE difference. The Canadian price versions ONLY appeared on newsstands in Canada, had a tiny print run compared to direct and US newsstand versions, and are almost non-existant in 9.8.


    So yeah, you did very good. Instead of the $70 or so dollars it's worth, it could conceivably be worth $300-$500 to the right collector.


    (thumbs u


    As far as CGC not labeling it, they just missed it. Will they relabel it for free? Sure. But you have to pay to get it to and from them.


    How is that for my first two books :) I was quite pleased, both me & my LCS thought my TWD would be 9.5- or up & web 9-9.5 range & maybe off white pages... Now that one really surprised me :D



    I would have been more surprised if they came back 9.5's lol


    CGC does not use 9.5 as a grade designation :gossip:



    I thought the same thing, but didn't want to come across as being rude.


    There was a 9.5, but it was only used for Wizard direct-submit books, wasn't it?


    Not aware of any 9.5's for Wizard, maybe it was only used for the 1/2 issues :insane:


    The hideous "Wizard First" program graded brand new books at the 9.0, 9.5, or 10 level before it was axed because of its hideousness.




    (Sorry for the bad pic.)




    Which is more rude? to correct someone? or let them continue to use the wrong information. (shrug)


    A man after my own heart... :cloud9:

  11. IMG_3236.jpg



    How is that for my first two books :) I was quite pleased, both me & my LCS thought my TWD would be 9.5- or up & web 9-9.5 range & maybe off white pages... Now that one really surprised me :D





    You have an unlabeled Canadian price version!


    Don't let anyone take it from you for the regular US price...that baby is RARE!


    VERY nice!

  12. Here's my 4th submission to CGC from the UK - and the first time I've been dissapointed. My past submissions have all resulted in multiple 9.8s - not one this time! :(

    I'm not having 'off-graders-sulk' but kinda takes the winds from one's sails!


    Starting with Swamp Thing no.30

    I got this graded because of the double-cover (and it's a cool book). Thought the out-cover was a soft but inner at least 9.4. Came back a lowly 9.0.




    Next Miracleman TPBs

    These were actually "to see how they'd do" as I'd previously submitted a factory shrink-wrapped Apocrypha which came back a 9.8. So not expecting super high grades but none below 9.2.

    I'm particularly concerned about the Book 2 and Book 4 as both now have rear spine white marks as if the inner holder supporter has sheared paper-off because the books are so thick. I'm sure they weren't like this before. I know I should call for grader's notes. There's also a little sliver of spine in Book 3 which lends itself to my shearing theory. Anyone else had this?







    Next the Miracleman covered (still not on the label!) rare A1 Sketchbook. I have had 3 9.8s of this in the past. Thought these would be a 9.6 and a 9.8 (but the other way round!)





    Miracleman 17 Gold edition. This was previously a 9.4 so I guess it took its time to rest and has now become higer grade! :)




    Finally and by far the most surprising off all is my Preacher Preview which I've previously shown on the board. Found inside it's original DC promo mag, untouched by human hands, just perfect in every way.... ONLY came back a 9.6. I genuinely thought it'd be 9.9 or 10.0. Certainly now lower than 9.8. :D




    So not sure what to do with these now....


    Hasn't put me off CGC just a bit of a bummer!


    Sorry you're not happy with these results, Ewan, but you still have some wonderful, wonderful books.


    Oh, and the gold foil edition should be in a green label. It was added by a comic book retailer (New Dimension) over a decade after the were printed. If *I* add gold foil to a book, will *I* get a blue label back?



  13. Where do i vote for dekeuk?


    (thumbs u


    That guy still owes me for the original shipping on the Bats #428 he returned because he didn't like CGC's grading...also about $150 I lost in the 4 month delay between selling it to him and actually receiving it back because he was too cheap to pay for return shipping.



  14. Man i love the Poseidon Adventure, both as a kid and an adult hmmm got to be careful i dont drag this way off topic, but at least they both star Ernest Borgnine and Roddy McDowall so theres kind of a link...just! But nothing beats Anthony Perkins getting shredded by Maximilian, childhood bliss lol


    I loved PA as an 8 year old...


    Then made the mistake of buying it in college on VHS.....


    It is horrid. Just awful. As cheesy as it could possibly be.

