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Everything posted by selegue

  1. I wouldn't and you wouldn't, but I don't see any Spandex, X-ray vision, zombies or angst. Let's ask over in Comics General. That poor, neglected Popeye book sat unloved and ignored in skypinkblu's VCC booth until I nagged and wheedled her into selling it to me. Cost me a pretty penny, believe you me. Jack
  2. I'm salivating in anticipation. Drooling =water stains;) I promise to keep them in the baggies. Jack
  3. I like Harvey's quite a bit Jack, so if you have some more...post 'em! I'll have to ask my pusher favorite VCC seller if I have any more Harveys. Lots of unusual Pines like these with a bonus peek at the carpet in Ms Blu's comics room! Again not Harvey, but I really like this Sagendorf Popeye cover. Just look at the gooofy expression on that giraffe! And while I'm counting unhatched chickens, check out what I won last night for only $2.01. A beat but complete 1940 comic book -- the seller touted the full page ad for the upcoming Bill Everett Hydroman feature in Heroic Comics. Is that an Abbie 'n' Slats cover? And another double-digit Four Color issue! Yeah, that one cost well over $2, but I like it. The Short Bus is getting crowded! Jack
  4. Yes, I have. Unfortunately too late! But after I'm done hawking these primo books on the Short Bus thread, people will be clamoring for them. Quick flips! I'm salivating in anticipation. Jack
  5. What a freakin' odd cover! The best part is the floppy pink welding helmet with a yellow skull motif. It's the rage among demented villains, especially when worn without a shirt! Did Blue Beetle just shoot Muscles through the head and the bullet came out of his eye? The young lady in traditional red evening gown is correct to look aghast at the lab bench. A flask fitted with an unclamped Graham condenser (with a yellow liquid that's not being heated, yet it's refluxing a red vapor and there's another yellow liquid in the condenser jacket -- ) and a red (??) Büchner funnel filtering into an Erlenmeyer flask, not a filter flask.... I know, too much detail, but that's a very strange lab scene. Lovely copy of a cool book! Wanna trade it for the one with a grinning BB drawing a donkey? Jack
  6. The Short Bus collection got a MAJOR boost at last weekend's VCC, thanks to a seller who shall remain anonymous but she has two colors in her board name. They're not in my hands yet, but here's a preview. Can you imagine a more action-packed cover than Picture Progress Vol 1 #5? A photographer! A printing press! Floating on ominous red and green clouds against a static yellow sky! Harvey Hits 18 featuring Buzzy the Crow, star of TV and movies! Eh? Has anyone here ever seen a Buzzy the Crow movie? I have only the vaguest memory of seeing him in a few Harvey cartoons on TV, classic black stereotype crow with a voice imitating Eddie Anderson (Benny's Rochester). More to come, if you can stand the excitement. Jack
  7. There's a good reason for that! Like the website says -- Superman is a "spoon" Jack
  8. If they didn't, maybe Elsa would quit flappin' her jaws. Jack
  9. Another DC unnecessary exposition CLASSIC! ...and a fabulous copy. Jack
  10. I have always liked GA GL's. Crude, cartoony art and all. Plus, it was one of the best logos of the era. Do you even like the later logo on #36? I like the large #1-27 logo a lot, don't care for it as much reduced in size on 2-34, and don't like the 35-38 version at all. Jack
  11. Hey, Wonder Woman fans! Two pleas for help from Roy Thomas. Wonder Woman #2 & #49. Anyone? Jack
  12. Very nice! The Dart reminds me a lot of the generic superhero in Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan stories. I wonder if he was a direct inspiration. Jack
  13. Is that an Archie 1 swipe!?! Thanks. I wish my #15 weren't in storage already or I'd index it while I'm at it. Jack
  14. Quite right. I forgot to mention that it's pitch black overhead and broad daylight on the river! I also am puzzled how the Commie falling in the foreground got past the Super-GIs. His companions all got picked off long before they got that far. Jack
  15. What a great great cover. I love how the cover shows motion with the upside down commie soldier. I am baffled by this cover. Were the two GIs hiding out under the rope bridge, now they're dangling by ropes with one hand while machine-gunning with the other hand an entire commie platoon one at a time as they try to cross the bridge? The bottom guy seems to be more floating than hanging on. Is that a tank about to cross the rope bridge? Entire barges of commie troops about a mile below on the river? What am I missing? Jack
  16. I wasn't sure if the Pic Romances went through as the server started to hang up, so much so I couldn't upload the Diary Secrets I shoulda known. Thanks! Diary Secrets is there now. When is GCD going to get of that @#$%^&* unreliable server? Jack
  17. Me three? Do you guys collect comics with centerfolds? Heck, a good 70-80% of mine have centerfolds! Jack
  18. I'm confused !?! Well, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and this may be purely coincedental, but given Baker's history with such things, this was probably intentional. Holy Fudd! It's "pictures within pictures for children who know how to look”!!!! Jack Sorry.....wrong thread...I was looking for "job".....not "jive" ( see header ) I thought maybe this caught your eye -- predates Obadiah! I remember from seeing the original that it's got quite a bend to it, but that should be easy to take care of. Jack (Do you need directions to an airport washroom?)
  19. Thanks. Pictorial Romances was already there, same scan apparently. Maybe someone beat me to it. I'm trying to upload Diary Secrets now but the server is hanging up. Jack
  20. I'm confused !?! Well, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and this may be purely coincedental, but given Baker's history with such things, this was probably intentional. Holy Fudd! It's "pictures within pictures for children who know how to look”!!!! Jack
  21. Darn nice looking giant! Ever notice how on virtually every hand that Baker drew, the two middle fingers are together and the other two fingers are spread out. Ken Frank Miller was famous for that. I loved that he did that...it makes the character seem more elegant...more fluid. An artist that draws hands well needs to be taken with serious appreciation...that is a tough part of the body to master. R. Also very common at Archie, I think usually attributed to Harry Lucey. Here's the first Archie cover I spotted on a quick search where both characters are makin' the hand jive. Someone correct me if that's not Lucey. (A good Archie art spotter -- here? -- told me that Lucey's characters are always tilted or leaning, never straight vertical.) Jack master of my hands
  22. I'm already getting a bad feeling about #6. Good thing this quiz is posted in Gold, not General. Jack
  23. Billy must have been very excited to do this group shot. Come on, guys, it's just hair gel. JPS
  24. Great cover, but funny yellow "stockings" on Wilma. (If that's her) Don't you suppose that Frazetta intended her legs to show? Maybe the editor asked the colorist to tone the cover down a bit. Not a very attractive choice. Jack
  25. Mort was the editor. He also edited Startling Stories and Captain Future. I didn't realize that he was editing that early! He was just repeating himself in 1960. How 'bout that. I wonder where the idea started and if it has any foundation in fact. Jack (I got it bad)