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Everything posted by selegue

  1. SW? Must be Sky Wizard from Miracle Comics (Hillman) Jack
  2. Thanks. I was afraid I had shocked the forum into stunned silence! Either that or everyone's en route to San Diego. Jack
  3. Yeah! Probably the best cover of the run. "Crude but dynamic" Biro. His proportions/perspective seem a bit screwy here, or that's one tall lady. Interesting to see a Golden Age cover girl who's not overly endowed! Keep 'em comin', BZ! Jack
  4. Yes, unusual for me to have Golden Age books to post -- if EC "New Direction" books qualify as Golden Age. Atomic/Interregnum, I suppose, but this is the best place for them. They don't pack the punch of the classic EC horror and science fiction titles, but they're fun reads with first-rate artwork, and they're way more affordable. Here are several that I just received. This is my favorite of the bunch because it's so bizarre. Odd to see Kamen drawing so straight-laced. This one's interesting because it's one of the few New Direction books that squeaked in before the Comics Code. Probably the most impressive cover of the bunch -- George Evans, of course. You expect that creepy little girl to be up to no good, right? Nah, it's post-code. Fine Jack Davis war cover. Marie Severin colors? Jack
  5. I meant that you "march to a different drummer" -- that is, you're posting very different covers than we usually see here. And I really meant pre-Robin Detective Comics 27-37, which are a hot item among the high-rollers here lately. They clamor to see scans of them posted. Pre-code was a typo (now fixed). Jack
  6. Hey, someone with a different drummer! When people start harassing you to post your pre-Robin Detective Comics, just ignore them. Thanks for posting. Jack
  7. She-Hulk prototype! That's a very healthy Gorgon. Thanks for the look inside. Jack
  8. Here's a few I have scanned. (thumbs u Phalliken Sie Symbol? That cover cracks me up every time I see it! I recently won a rough copy but haven't received it yet. Great set! Jack
  9. Thanks for the pages. I was curious about his powers and origin too. I knew he was sort of a Spectre clone (Spectre barely pre-dated him -- was he really a rip-off or were the publication dates too close?) but didn't know that he used the "leaving my physical body behind" shtick that SA Dr Strange later made popular. Did GA Spectre leave his physical body behind or did Corrigan change back and forth between the two identities? That panel of Phantasmo standing over Whizzer (ACK!) in little more than a negligee and yellow thong is priceless! Jack
  10. WWWHHHOOOAAA!!! That makes the cover Metro posted look like a dishrag. Fascinating early a-bomb story! Jack
  11. Fuelin' up for more comic eatin'! Those are shredded X-Men #1 (1991) in the bowl. Cheaper and easier to find than cat food. Jack (Cyclops cover tastes best) That would be animal cruelty! No X books for my kitties. Only high grade DCs! My bad -- not quite enough resolution in the picture to tell that they're actually chowing down on shredded, unread "Death of Superman" comics. Jack
  12. Fuelin' up for more comic eatin'! Those are shredded X-Men #1 (1991) in the bowl. Cheaper and easier to find than cat food. Jack (Cyclops cover tastes best)
  13. Fantastic copy. One of my favorite details about the JLA/JSA crossover covers is that (to my eyes) Anderson used a lusher, more old-fashioned inking style on the JSA characters with a leaner, more modern style on the JLA characters. Similar to his great Golden Age revival covers for Showcase and Brave and the Bold. Jack
  14. There's evil written all over her little, fluffy face. Named after this character? (even a feline pose here!) Jack
  15. I have a bad feeling about these two covers being displayed back to back. Jack (was Conan one of those "other guys?)
  16. Yes SparkMan. With a little tweaking, it would perfect Any idea why his logo is an equal sign? Are you kidding? There wouldn't be a criminal for miles around -- they're such a superstitious and cowardly lot. Jack especially the villainesses
  17. For the colder months, you'd add gloves and a hat?? and an earmuff. Jack (one should be enough)
  18. It looks like the work of Fred Methot and Reg Greenwood who illustrated the Spark Man story in the comic. (thumbs u Thanks! I had never heard of Greenwood before. That costume for some reason seems like what Selegue would wear if he was to don a super-hero outfit .... Which costume, Spark Man? Those insulators holding on his cape are a nice touch, aren't they? But no, I'd go for the Phantasmo look. Jack (at least for summer)
  19. Very nice Jack old bean! (thumbs u Thanks. Do I get to be Batman's Pal now? Jack you betcha! Hot damn! Experimenting with quoting my attachment. It works! Jack
  20. Very nice Jack old bean! (thumbs u Thanks. Do I get to be Batman's Pal now? Jack
  21. It's not often I have a golden age book to post, much less superhero! I'm not sure this one earns a whole cigar. Maybe just a cigarillo. Here's everybody's favorite sidekick, Robin (by Mooney?), in Star Spangled Comics 80 from 1948. Also Robotman, Star-Spangled Kid by Mortimer, and Tomahawk by Ray. Unfortunately missing the centerfold (anyone have a scan of the beginning of the Star-Spangled Kid story?), but what can I expect for $20? Jack
  22. Here's a solid mid-grade DC romance from 1960, Secret Hearts 65. Sekowsky cover? Love, death, heartbreak, betrayal, advice and fashion for a little over $4! Jack
  23. I'll second that! Bizarre humor with nothing off limits. I have a few issues and the first collection, Arsenic Lullaby: "…The devil your neighbor…and other stories", reprinting the first several issues (first 6 maybe?) -- a slightly water-damaged copy bought from, of all places, Lambiek in Amsterdam! I'd recommend that as a good starting point if you can find it. Good catch on the first six issues, Angelo! Jack
  24. At least Porky has the courtesy to wear pants when Petunia's around. Very nice, BZ. I wonder whether this is the best copy in existence. Thanks for the Four Colors! Jack
  25. I've avoided commenting on the new format until the dust settles -- see the "It's Official" thread for kudos and a question about a possible bug -- but doesn't everyone's browser have a text size adjustment? The default font size in messages was a little too large for me, but it's perfect with the browser set one text size smaller. Don't users adjust their own display to suit their own preferences? Jack, apparently a "happy idjit"