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Posts posted by Schmakt

  1. I really liked CNV... missed it at first b/c I didn't realize Riley was drawing it, but I was able to get the back issues pretty easily... I have a few copies of 1-4 now. I really liked the series, but it read much better in TPB. There were a lot of plot threads and Riley's art can sometimes be hard to follow. Definitely really enjoyed it though and very glad to hear that news... maybe we'll get another story arc or two. :)

  2. Complete speculation based on nothing but my gut instinct - the next Chew is a Dark Horse book coming out in the next few months.


    What's the last hit that Dark Horse had?

    What's the last non-movie-property hit that Dark Horse had?








    well, sure... SMG's hot and all...


    Why is the current series doing well but the one from '98 (?) never took off? Was Whedon not involved at all in the old one?

  3. Thief of Thieves Variant is still selling for $100-120, but just had a sell of $170 yesterday wow.



    two sold earlier today for less than $40.00 each


    cheapest were $80.95 & $72.99....the reason for that was the guys feedback concerning the quality of his goods was painful. I almost bid on those but his feedback made me back away. I didn't want it to show up folded like a taco.


    What would an unfolded taco be?

  4. Alpha Girl #1 seems hot right now selling at 3x cover. Interesting. I couldn't get rid of my copy when they came out until I dropped it for sale below cover. The read was krap. Maybe people are just curious since it deals with girls and zombies. Either way, maybe I should head back t my LCS and pick up the stack that's still there. (shrug)


    Really? I better get mine on eBay!


    wouldnt bother now as a few issues sold for £1.99 today on ebay


    I wish I had a "£" key on my keyboard...

  5. So he's an Inhuman mutant. Interesting.


    One of the things that ruined the Beyonder story is the fact that he was all powerful. There's no drama with a character who is all powerful and can do anything he wants.


    From reading that wiki article that seems to be what later writers were trying to "fix."

    Omnipotence is always difficult to work into a story... there always has to be some kind of flaw. I thought they did it well with Thanos in IG... I suppose they tried with the Beyonder by making him just not understand what life was / meant...


    Kind of the same problem with the Molecule Man... did he die in the first Dark Avengers series b/c he wanted to be left alone and created a fake town or something?


    I thought they did okay with Thanos in IG, not great. I'd have to go re-read it, but there was something off putting even with that series. Maybe it's as simple as him being just a tad too powerful. Or maybe it had something to do with an ending that was too easy. Something...can't quite remember what I didn't like about it.


    It must have just been the sequels that have got you all confused. :)


    I was definitely aware enough back then to think it made no sense for a being who controlled everything to be beaten (or even fought) by a bunch of nobodys. The Silver Surfer / Adam Warlock gambit was pretty cool... I liked when that failed, but I liked it even more how Mephisto was the one who sowed the seeds of Thanos's downfall. I guess I do have to admit that having Nebula grab the Gauntlet was a bit of a letdown tho...


    [/ :signofftopic: ]

  6. So he's an Inhuman mutant. Interesting.


    One of the things that ruined the Beyonder story is the fact that he was all powerful. There's no drama with a character who is all powerful and can do anything he wants.


    From reading that wiki article that seems to be what later writers were trying to "fix."

    Omnipotence is always difficult to work into a story... there always has to be some kind of flaw. I thought they did it well with Thanos in IG... I suppose they tried with the Beyonder by making him just not understand what life was / meant...


    Kind of the same problem with the Molecule Man... did he die in the first Dark Avengers series b/c he wanted to be left alone and created a fake town or something?

  7. err... I guess I'm all kinds of confused... there was something about a Cosmic Cube a long time ago, but now apparently he was an Inhuman mutant (maybe)


    In New Avengers: The Illuminati #3, featuring a retcon of past events, Charles Xavier reveals that in the original Secret War, he had initially planned to use his powers to make everyone fall asleep and thus buy him and Reed Richards time to formulate an escape plan, but feared the Beyonder's wrath. However, he immediately sensed a strange mental presence and attempted to mind-scan the Beyonder, revealing him as one of the Inhumans previously ruled over by fellow Illuminati member Black Bolt. Xavier also deduced the apparent secret behind the Beyonder's seemingly godlike abilities, which was that the Beyonder was not only an Inhuman but also a mutant, like Xavier and his own team of X-Men, and the exposure of his mutant genes to Terrigen Mists had created an unprecedented reaction, bestowing upon him more amazing power and knowledge than all other Inhumans of his time

  8. This happens all the time when I'm buying rare or hard-to-find beer as well... I don't see any problem with it. It's annoying, sure, but I understand. Much better to make 15 people happy with 1 copy (or bottle) than make 1 guy really happy with 15 and 14 others get the shaft.


    Limit 1 would, seemingly, also have the potential to help out the book in question... If a lot of people can come in and pick something up off the shelf, perhaps they'll grab issue 2 as well. (Even if they don't buy it from the same shop) Doubtful that the guy who wants 15 copies of #1 is going to keep the sales up by buying 15 copies of #2 as well.


    I totally understand how annoying it is to be told that you can't buy something... but it does make complete sense, IMHO.

  9. Someone mentioned it early, but what's the what on Nonplayer #1? Looks like a $5-$7 book raw with 9.8's going for $80. Now that the movie (wtf... one issue out and now a movie?) has a writer will this start to heat up? I thought the printrun on this was pretty decent (for an Image book). Anyone know? Where are 9.8's going to top out?


    Should I buy this raw copy for $125?



    "Nonplayer issue #1 sold out . This is in mint condition and it is bagged and boarded . "


    I would not pay $125 for a raw copy of this book. $15-$20 seems about right for a raw copy.


    I dunno... I'm thinking $125 is a steal... 6 months from now you'll be sorry for ignoring my advice!

  10. Someone mentioned it early, but what's the what on Nonplayer #1? Looks like a $5-$7 book raw with 9.8's going for $80. Now that the movie (wtf... one issue out and now a movie?) has a writer will this start to heat up? I thought the printrun on this was pretty decent (for an Image book). Anyone know? Where are 9.8's going to top out?


    Should I buy this raw copy for $125?



    "Nonplayer issue #1 sold out . This is in mint condition and it is bagged and boarded . "


    By the way, how is everyone enjoying the new series?


    It's fine... I mostly like how they're re-working the origin even though I thought I wouldn't... I like the "wtf is Raph doing" and where is he idea... Casey's intro was pretty good and kind of stuck to what the last Tales volume setup... Old Hob as a villain is fine, and I do like that they didn't immediately go for making The Shredder the big bad. I think he's coming back for the next arc tho, right? That actually seems too early, but cool that they at least pushed it back that far. I also like that they aren't really starting off at the beginning... like doing a true origin story book. They kind of dropped us in much like the original TMNT 1... I think it'd be even better if they would have gotten even further away from trying to tell an origin at first and (although I still kind of dig the idea) saved it until several arcs in. Just drop us in on the action and go from there. Most people are familiar enough with how they came to be that we don't really need to be told anything at all.


    The one-shots were better, IMHO, than the main series, and I thought they did a much better job of capturing the feel of the original one-shots than the ongoing does, so that was nice as well. And I can't wait to see what Tristan Jones does... there's a good chance he can save my opinion of the book. Really loved his work at Mirage.


    But... I really wish it wasn't in color. Duncan's art is fine, but it's not my favorite. Maybe I just got so used to Jim Lawson that Duncan's rounded lines don't look good to me. Something about IDW's production is a turn-off to me as well... but that might just be another issue with the book being in color. I don't like how things seem to pop off the glossy page. If I hadn't been reading the book for so many years, I would have probably dropped it after the first arc. And let's not even talk about all the multiple covers. That's another case of, "if I wasn't already so into the property..."


    I wouldn't really care if they stopped publishing right now... might actually prefer it. It's fun to have turtles to collect again, but I'm definitely not hooked by the story, the coloring bothers me, I really hate supporting a book with this many variants, and the art is... serviceable. I used to try and get people to read Volume 4, but as of yet, I have not recommended this series to anyone. I'm really worried that IDW is just going to go crazy with this and produce too much stuff... when / if that happens I'll almost definitely be out even though I'd really like to be in.


    Here's hoping the 2nd arc gets better!