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Posts posted by Schmakt

  1. totals:


    #21 - 8

    #33 - 5


    It would be interesting to see if amost of the copies out there were held by members on this board....


    I tried to do the same thing with TMNT #1 several years ago... I was surprised at how few copies surfaced in the thread. That was a good number of years ago before I had to stop collecting for a while tho...


    Definitely a fun thing to try; would be awesome to account for the majority of a print run on anything I think.

  2. Cool books, but SO MANY VARIANTS! Don't let IDW kill their latest goose. I know they're going to do some, that's who they are and how they survive. A little restraint would be nice, just saying.


    Now that that is out of my system, how many have there actually been on the new series? And does anyone have a spare one of the second to last issue of V4 with the sketched interior cover?


    And (most importantly), is the variant of #1 the only TMNT Sam Kieth has done, or is there more?


    There's a *slight* chance I ended up with 2 of these... I'll probably be too drunk to check when I get home tonight, but I'll take a look in the morning and see if I managed to pick up a second copy of this. <3 Volume 4!

  3. I can't believe Kevin was able to take the time to do this... Pretty much expected the prices to be $200+... can't WAIT to get mine from DCBS!! ($50 pre-order, but definitely won't be selling)


    There are some really sweet covers on display over in the TMNT thread in Copper... Archon has 4 interlocking covers; 1 with each turtle and all SS'd...

  4. Got some grades back on some stuff:


    Visions #1: 8.0

    TMNT #1 2nd Print: 9.6

    TMNT #1 3rd Print: 9.6

    IDW TMNT #1 Eastman Sketch Variant - SS - (x4): 9.8, 9.6, 9.6, 9.4


    Now I just gotta contain myself until they show up back home :-)


    so awesome!

    I still haven't gotten my Eastman Sketch from DCBS yet... :(



    EDIT: but I just checked... hasn't shipped yet, but they have it in stock now!

  5. Just pulled a set of Marvel: The End (the Thanos one) out of a dollar box ($6 total) at a shop I rarely hit. That seems to be pretty hot as a set at $30-$35. Sure, it's only 2X cover...these copies are really pristine too. I'd really like to read it, but heaven forbid I crack a spine or something.


    Also pulled an Ultimate X-Men 1 out of same dollar box....was psyched about that thinking it was still a $20 book, a little disappointed when I see what that is up to in the market now. Wondering if the collectability of Ult X-Men is going the way of X-Treme X-Men. Once cancelled, quickly forgotten.....


    Marvel: The End is a good read. Anyone who enjoyed Infinite Gauntlet will love the story line. At least I did. I'm not surprised that the set still seems to fetch $30 - $35 online. My two cents on the matter.


    I only ever read the TPB, but yes, I liked it as well... much better than Infinity Abyss and Infinity Crusade

  6. im interested in digital TMNT comics. the original series though.


    You could download series 4 digitally for free on... I absolutely just drew a blank on the name of the service. That was prior to the Nick sale tho. I thought that the original series had also started going up, but my memory's hazy on that as well.


    EDIT: Wowio!


    Can't believe I remembered that... looks like they've been taken down now tho :(

  7. forestdharmsa's dirty_bourbon_don't_drink_and_ post recipe


    one large glass

    fill it half way with freshly and gently crushed spearmint leaves

    put ice over the top of that

    add 1-3 TBL of organic agave

    pour bourbon over all of this


    let it sit for a little while (if you can, i usually can't) so that the mint leaves infuse the bourbon.


    and really enjoy.




    Bourbon suggestion?

    I'm a Basil Hayden's fan...

  8. Where will the other 400 sketches be sold? I usually pass on such things but I would like to have an Eastman sketch on paper or a comic, doesn't matter :)


    These particular ones are 1:50 sketch variant retailer incentives. So for every 50 copies of #1 a store ordered, they will receive 1 of these for free to do with as they so choose. So to get one you basically have to talk to your LCS, or watch ebay in the coming weeks.


    DCBS has been a little annoying with the ability to pre-order the different TMNT covers, (usually missing the 1:4/5 variant and had trouble ordering all 4 regular covers for #1) but they did give me the ability to pre-order one of those. *fingers crossed* that nothing goes awry.


    As an aside, I also pre-ordered the sketch variant of Infestation 2 #1. Can't wait to see them both. The cost for each was $50.

  9. I haven't purchased a commission in some time, in large part because I can't nail down a good theme. I've always loved the Edgar Rice Burroughs character Dejah Thoris, which is who adorns all of my commissions to date. I really like the pieces I have, but I stopped collecting because they aren't, I don't know, "big" enough. A simple character theme isn't as cool as I'd like, I guess. I just want something more.


    I've considered cover recreations, or even Frazetta recreations, but, while I dig 'em, I'm not sure a recreation can ever do the original justice.


    So yeah, for now, I'm stuck without a theme. I'm open to suggestions, though.


    Figuring out a theme was really key for me, but I kind of got lucky... The first commission I ever purchased was from Riley Rossmo... I tossed him a few ideas, and he picked up on having the Proof characters in a band. Commission came out fantastic, and he ended up using it on the back cover as a promo-ad. (http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=773218&GSub=32098)


    That was the only piece I had for a long time until I finally got it framed and it looked lonely... So I got Jim Lawson to do the same theme with the TMNT, which I love... (http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=773208&GSub=32098)


    I now have Joe Staton working on a commission with E-Man and Nova Kaine in a band a la The Kills... can't wait to keep adding to the collection. Having a theme makes it so much easier and more fun.


    Problem is that I can't think of where to go next... I had a Daredevil request into Gene Colan :(:( Erik Larsen doesn't do commissions, Sergio is hard to get, Sakai doesn't do commissions... tried contacting Matt Wagner, but no luck so far. *sigh*


    Totally cool. Are you into music? I only ask because if you were, then that'd make for one heck of a theme, blending two of your favorite things, music and comics.


    I collect Damsel in Distress covers when I buy comics. I just have always liked the idea of the hero saving the pretty girl. It's the romantic in me maybe. Or maybe the fact that I couldn't get the girls when I was younger, so I wanted my heroes doing what I couldn't. Maybe I should include something like that in a theme I come up with...


    yep, music & comics are my thing, so it was a pretty great blend for me.

    Seems like having the hero do something that you wish you could do is a huge reason why just about anyone likes fiction at all. What you're saying with the hero getting the girl is a pretty obvious correlation, but I think that your statement is a pretty hefty piece of my theme idea as well. Who doesn't want to be a rock star? Better yet, a super hero rock star? Pretty sure getting the girl wouldn't be a problem then. ;)


    And here's the new addition... I was in Seattle last week and was able to pick this up from Peter Bagge in person. :)


    Peter Bagge - The Real Buddy Bradley Experience

    ComicArtFans listing


    EDIT: Sorry... didn't realize the image was so huge... changed to hyperlink instead...

  10. I haven't purchased a commission in some time, in large part because I can't nail down a good theme. I've always loved the Edgar Rice Burroughs character Dejah Thoris, which is who adorns all of my commissions to date. I really like the pieces I have, but I stopped collecting because they aren't, I don't know, "big" enough. A simple character theme isn't as cool as I'd like, I guess. I just want something more.


    I've considered cover recreations, or even Frazetta recreations, but, while I dig 'em, I'm not sure a recreation can ever do the original justice.


    So yeah, for now, I'm stuck without a theme. I'm open to suggestions, though.


    Figuring out a theme was really key for me, but I kind of got lucky... The first commission I ever purchased was from Riley Rossmo... I tossed him a few ideas, and he picked up on having the Proof characters in a band. Commission came out fantastic, and he ended up using it on the back cover as a promo-ad. (http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=773218&GSub=32098)


    That was the only piece I had for a long time until I finally got it framed and it looked lonely... So I got Jim Lawson to do the same theme with the TMNT, which I love... (http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=773208&GSub=32098)


    I now have Joe Staton working on a commission with E-Man and Nova Kaine in a band a la The Kills... can't wait to keep adding to the collection. Having a theme makes it so much easier and more fun.


    Problem is that I can't think of where to go next... I had a Daredevil request into Gene Colan :(:( Erik Larsen doesn't do commissions, Sergio is hard to get, Sakai doesn't do commissions... tried contacting Matt Wagner, but no luck so far. *sigh*