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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. If anyone has a 4/20 date stamp on an issue #420 I feel like that is a thread ender.
  2. I wouldn't I mean, I get it. People got Stan to sign books he never had an real involvement with. It would be interesting. Are there any examples to base it off of sales wise? Personally though, I wouldn't buy it. I would go for a blue label or one with a signature of someone with a more direct connection to the issue or moment.
  3. Okay Ps...I guarantee I have more keys than you. And that makes me happy!
  4. Circling it? You can't figure out I am already flushed down it? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  5. When? He avoided many questions and only answered what he wanted. Classic poor argument strategy. Must be a municipal politician
  6. Nobody used to desire Suicide Squad #1 from the 80's. Then a movie comes out, generates interest and desire for it. For certain characters, it is a first appearance within that incarnation of the team. Collectors now desire it. It has historical significance now. May not be major, but not all keys are equal, we know that. This is a minor key.
  7. But is popularity breeds desire for it. Which satisfies the definition of a key.
  8. Like Lazyboy's name suggest and your response here, you seem too lazy to offer a better explanation. Other than what is apparent. You disagree with it and want to be right and its your way and everyone else is stupid. Look, you can think people who fall in love with 3-D man are stupid or weird or whatever. Me? Well they enjoy something in this hobby and to each their own. They view Marvel Premiere 35 as a key, fine by me. I won't spend $15-20 on one but if they want to go ahead!
  9. If people desire a book now that was not previously desired, how is that not a good thing? Suppose I am regular Joe Shmoe. Or even occasional comic collector Shmoe. One day, this amazing TV show is created starring 3-D Man. Who the heck is that? Wow. What a concept. I fall in love. Naturally I hunt down his appearances. First, second, some key crossovers, maybe some great covers drawn by great artists. I putting money into the pockets of sellers, comic shops and whoever else helped kickstart my interest. You seem upset that a bunch of Shmoes now are willing to pay $15-20 for a book you used to be able to get for $1-3. And now that a character has a following or resonates with fans, that is the going rate to get 3-D man's first app. "But nobody cared before!" you cry. Okay, they care now. They have spurred interest in the hobby, the character and perhaps beyond. Noting wrong there.
  10. I never minded the interior art. Not as good as the cover, no, but it satisfies me. The story, you are right, is poo. But a lot of them were around this time, or so I found. It seemed to alternate a lot in the early 70's. And beyond really, for Batman. I wouldn't say I have ever loved the title for its story, moreso various moments for its art.
  11. But those definitions open new rabbit holes. You can venture down em. I’ll pass. Have fun though:) don’t forget to chill out and lick that icicle.
  12. Practically tons of sales compared to Marvel Premiere 34 and 36. Contains first appearance. People buy it. Must be a key! Also your definition does not define first appearance, origin or what is meant by artistic or historically important feature. Nor does it define desirable. All of these are open to interpretation hence why your original definition is also open to interpretation. What is desirable to you is not necessarily desirable to me. What I consider a first appearance may differ from you. What I consider historically significant you may not. So why can’t they all just be called key. If they are generally desired more than others
  13. Also by your definition, Marvel Premiere 35 is a key book. Contains first appearance of 3-D man. Im merely suggesting there are flaws in your definition perhaps as much as in mine:)
  14. I know you are scrambling for an answer about Batman 227. It’s ok. You can just let it go. Also I don’t think the book you selected is a key. Is it collected or sought after for any reason other than a completionist putting together a run? If it is, then I am wrong
  15. Your definition of key seems very bound by www.dictionary.com which seems rigid. Step outside, Mr. A, and into the grey. No need to dwell in such a world of black and white. A key to me and many (and correct me fellow boardies if this is wrong), is any comic that is desired above others for any reason. Art, story, character, cover...whatever. It could be a key first appearance, a key moment in a character's history, a key cover, a key story by a notable author. If it is desired more compared to other issues that preceed it or follow it for some reason and tends to always be missing as one flips through a longbox (Logan's run 4, 5 annnnd 7...drat) then it has some sort of key status.
  16. How does Batman #227 not fit your definition though? How does the cover of Batman #227 not qualify as an "artistically important feature considered especially desirable by collectors"?
  17. On CGC's case, they denote a book like Batman #227 as a "Classic cover" Classic...defined as a work of art of recognized and established value. The book is a work of art....that people appreciate. As per a key comic, it contains "artistically important features considered especially desirable by collectors. So it is a key. Not noted as such or bound by one word but rather a menagerie of lexical links that ultimately still reach the same conclusion...a book people want, pay up for and are proud to share with fellow collectors because they are all great books! Whether ya call em keys, classics, first appearances....they are all beautiful old paper!
  18. Still haven't licked that icicle eh. Sigh, what can ya do?
  19. If you want them for yourself, I would say $200. If you are looking to buy and flip, I would offer less than that. Condition is rough and nothing there is super desirable or has a ton of value.
  20. Oh and if someone on here owns a Batman #227, you can feel special I think its a great key cover from a great run of Batman issues and ye can be proud to share it with us anytime! Take pride in that sucker and feel goooooooddddd
  21. Yes but people generally would use your definition of key, and the fact that Batman 227 has a desirable artistic feature that makes it key, ie the cover. If not for that cover, I doubt that book sells more than issues around it.
  22. Nor should the concept of words having multiple accepted definitions, mister self appointed master of the English language. You posted your definition from the site you feel supports your definition. Another poster did the same and the definition was slightly different. I have no problem with someone disagreeing with the terminology and definition. I just Hope spring/summer comes soon enough to melt that icicle for ya. Or maybe you can pull it out, give it a lick and chill out and engage in courteous conversation with fellow collectors