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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. So you want “key” books and “desirable” books to be separately noted? Well you shoulda just said so The icicle up your Pegger tuckus makes your comments most frosty ☃️
  2. Yup. I figured you had trouble reading your own definition so I was just clarifying for ya
  3. A CGC 9.0 of ASM 99 runs around $100-120 A CGC 9.0 of ASM 100 runs around $300-350 ASM 99 has 4 CGC sales this month so far. ASM 100 has 13 CGC sales this month already Demand seems to be there per your definition. Thus value. Thus desired. Thus key.
  4. Why is it worth more than the previous issue then? Must be demand. Thus it’s a key:)
  5. 100th issue. Historically significant. The 100th issue of a title, a monumental moment for a title at the time. Fits your words:)
  6. Thank you! It makes me smile because I always seem to connect with a shy student who opens up about liking sci fi or fantasy or superheroes or whatever and even if it’s soemthing I don’t know a lot about (like D&D or Manga) they know I’m nerdy enough to at least listen and that’s all they want. Makes it easier to get them on board when you can chat with them about stuff they like and then try to force quadratic equations on them lol.
  7. The kids I teach get a kick when I rock my superhero ties and tie clips
  8. Best part is it came from a carny at a local fair. Was a prize he was giving away at his game booth. Could be fake but 12 year old me didnt care and it cost me $3 to play and win it haha.
  9. Perhaps @Lazyboy can indulge us with the definition of a "key". And even when you do, it will be your definition, not the definitive one. Issue #100 is a key issue. It marks an important point, numerically only, in Spidey's history in comics. And the cover is enjoyed by many. It is the same reason, generally, why the 100th, 200th and 300th issues of titles generally sell more than those around it. Some of these numbers also happen to have major appearances in them (ASM 300 for example) but others just get the boost because of the number. It may not be a key you care about, and that is fine. I care about it because it is a Spidey ish and I want an ASM run. I wouldn't care at all for a Cap #200 or a DD #100 because I don't care as much for those titles. But there are people who do and those milestone issues tend to sell for a bid more. So clearly it has value, is desired and is key to some people.
  10. Yes it is! I have a DD ish with Miller's sig that was also a surprise. Gotta find it, as I am in the midst of going through my stuff. My JR JR sig is on ASM #239
  11. Thanks! It's the best thing I ever found on ebay back when I was 16 or 17. Guy said it had a name written in it. I asked if it was just in the margins or if it was scrawled all over the first page, he said just the margins and it says "Gil Kane". At the time, I thouhgt "some kid probably wrote it". But I am pretty sure it's a legit signature and one I am joyed to have since he passed before I was heavy into collecting.
  12. I know it’s over but I wanna share my scavenger hunt pics! 1. Spider-Man and Subby in a DD 2. How about mutants and Micronauts? 3. This random old Star Wars figure 4. My Spider-Man tie clip of course! 5. How about a copy of Blade Runner? 6. How about my favourite poster? 7. Favourite item? Well I love everything I own but my ASM 97 signed by Stan Lee and Gil Kane takes it for me. Fav character, great arc, two great people in the industry touched it? Love it.
  13. I have wrestled with the idea of getting my books graded. But since I don't care about flipping or selling them, I am not bothering. I feel you can preserve a comic just as well by properly bagging, boarding, and storing upright in a good location as you can by slabbing. Plus, I can still read mine. Slabbing, to me, is for people intent on making money. Or people who just like covers and keys and have prefer to read digitally or through omnibuses. If I sell my collection right now, I am making money or at the worst case scenario, breaking even. For me, that would be good enough. I get that I could take the time and have about 300-500 of my more key and valuable books slabbed to get more but the time to do that is daunting and still expensive. So while I appreciate slabbing, and I enjoy the hell out of grading myself and comparing my grades with CGCs, I don't get my PC books graded. I don't view my comics as in investment first (they still will be in the end...unless superheroes go the way of the Western in the next couple decades). I love to read, flip through and physically handle my books from time to time. I like to smell that newsprint. I like seeing the signatures inside, or the double cover, or the MJ insert or the full page poster or interior pin up. You just don't get that with a graded book. You get a front cover (and technically a back but no one really cares about that unless it is a sweet wraparound cover). So at the end of the day, that is why I will be unlikely to ever slab my personal collection. Because a comic book is so much more and I am not at the stage where I enjoy reading old paper on a digital screen.
  14. I strive to be as concise and to the point as often as possible
  15. Book had odour when I got it so perhaps this is also from the home of a smoker?
  16. Hi all, Wondering if this is just dirty and if cleaning is what might make the whites here stand out a lot more? Or is the cover just oxidizing and turning colour and that’s just the way it is now for this book? Thanks!
  17. To answer your original question, I don’t buy any modern comics so I would avoid this book like the plague and spend my $17 or whatever on something I like.
  18. Do you want it for yourself? Yes? Then buy it. Do you want to try and sell for a profit? Yes? Then do not buy it. Do you want to read it? Yes? Then do not buy it.
  19. Meh, they are a business. Paying some "expert" to tell you your book is a 9.6 (when to some other "experts" it is a 9.4 and even a few more it might be a 9.8) seems like a cash grad. I think the labels are fine. Not the nicest artwork though on Deadpool.
  20. I feel like 15 years ago, people would say "Ugh I bought a zillion copies of She-Hulk #1 and finally got rid of them" only to now shake their heads.
  21. Embracing? Sureeeeee. By shoving his coyote ugly into her....
  22. Are the guy and gal on the cover of that ^ issue supposed to be fornicating while that bull skeleton laughs behind them?
  23. ^ I mean at least that is a 9.8 and not a 6.0 lol. There are no issues in my PC that I regret buying or owning. And everything was purchased at or well below market value at the time. A few of my books have skyrocketed and a few have dipped slightly. I definitely have made some bonehead buys to try and flip that have failed. I just don’t do it anymore. If I luck into a key or hot book great. But no more do I try to predict which ones could gain value and flip. The best I ever did was make $20 and multiple times I just broke even or lost $10-20. Hence why I’m not really a comic seller lol.