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Everything posted by AJLewandoski

  1. Happy to get this one for a good deal off the ole Bay. Couple little spine ticks, nothing that makes me mad as it's a reader. That said I think this book has a lot of room to grow once they have all the members queued up and a series announced.
  2. Not a lot of chatter in here so I'll just talk to the wall. This movie is STACKED with characters it may as well be titled Injustice League at this point. Black Adam, Hawkman, Cyclone, Isis, and now Doctor Fate? How in the world do you just throw that many new characters in a movie and hope to explore them all in ~2.5 hours? I hope it's good I really liked Shazam, but this seems like a whole different ball game.
  3. Yup right there with you Jimbo ordered a Jungle Tales #1 from his gold thread supremely happy with his service, shipping and the book. No need to be wary here Moe's a pro
  4. https://comicbook.com/tv-shows/news/hawkeye-spinoff-show-echo-marvel-studios-alaqua-cox-disney-plus-series/ Impressive to have a spinoff greenlit before the series even premieres. Certainly glad I found a DD Vol 2 #9 at the thrift store for a quarter a couple months ago
  5. If I remember correctly Moe started this thread about a month ago and the mods took it down because he hadn't gotten the prices up soon enough or some nonsense. But it was up long enough I imagine some people got to PMing him and struck some deals and he just didn't feel like taking a new picture or thinning out the lovely full spread on that rack.
  6. All of existence is pointlessness. A million years from now our sun will have exploded or our galaxy will have collided with another and the entirety of human existence will be a poof of dust in the universe. Live every day like it's your last, because it might be....oops I mean: That's what she said
  7. There's only one way I see this playing out after Dylan gets back from vacation and I think it'll be the exact same way every abuser uses to try to get out of punishment and worm their way back. He will deflect, make excuses, and try and garner sympathy for what he did "I would've stopped, all he had to do was talk to me on the phone, so really it's Polonskys fault", "I'm a really nice and very proud person and sometimes I just get so upset I forget to think before I act when I think people are disrespecting me", "Everyone was ganging up on me I had to defend my self. They just don't like me, and they want to pick on me". Then it will be half hearted apologies and "I'll be better in the future if you give me one more chance". Generally those with a history of abusing don't have much hope of changing those behaviors, and I'd say with the attitudes he's shown to other boardies and other platforms it's clear he has no intention of doing so. Were this an isolated event a second chance would be warranted, but it's not, and if allowed to continue it won't be the last. If there is no genuine punishment for wrong doing will he ever learn these kinds of behaviors are wrong? I've seen people saying something to the effect of "Well he's young he doesn't know any better" I'm a 20 something myself and I can't let that be used as an excuse to justify his behaviors because it belittles and brings down my entire age group. Even if I had someone to bank roll my own comic business I'd never act the way he does. If you want to be taken for a fool, then by all means let him continue to do what he's doing, but know that you're willingly being played like a fiddle. Sorry for building that wall of text, it's my final take on the situation I won't do anything but thread carping from here on out.
  8. I've read all 14 pages here, and all the other threads that are associated with his less than scrupulous behavior prior to coming in here. I have to ask, if these were in person interactions rather than online dealings behind his padded "persona" would anybody accept the way he acts or does business? He would be strung up by his toes quicker than he could mis-grade another comic. Ask yourself if you had a brick and mortar shop and someone came in lowballing you, and was unwilling to accept you weren't going to deal with them, but they continued to come in or call and try and waste your time and harass you, would you then allow them to stand outside your store and yell at every passerby how you're a terrible business? Or do you call in the cops to police the situation and have this person charged with disorderly conduct and a proper punishment for offenses committed? It's not a hard hypothetical in my eyes...
  9. The youngest they've ever had...or so they say...I had always thought there were laws against child labor
  10. And he works closely with Karl Malus, which is where Torres gets his Falcon mutations in the comics, so I think we've got a cohesive story and villain across all these characters. (I don't know if they'll use Malus though since they used him in Jessica Jones to give Trish her Hellcat powers and then he blew himself up)
  11. No definitely right, in the 90s Deathlok was much more popular I'd say. I don't think Iron Fist had an ongoing series in the 90s? After Heroes for Hire finished its run, and Luke Cage got rebranded as CAGE I think Iron Fist had kinda just fizzed out.
  12. Also there wasn't a post credits scene, but if you keep your eyes peeled during the first set of credits there are some details to figure out where this is going...it appears the Flag Smashers (and more than likely US Agent) are getting their powers from the Powerbroker who's probably who they're hunting for when they take off to Madripoor and we see their little fight club ordeal in the bar with the bronze skulls (sorry I took a picture of my tv)
  13. So I just watched it and I have to say I love how grounded this first episode was it's a lot more personal and intimate than any other property in the MCU so far. I know we're probably not gonna stay this way for long but it's a nice aside within a globetrotting adventure.
  14. Not exactly lighting the world on fire in mid grades though, it's easily had for $20-30. In terms of decent bronze keys (which I think it is, it's not quite as big as Iron Fist but not as insignificant as say the Living Mummy) I'd say it's definitely on the low end of the spectrum.
  15. I mean he was in Agents of SHIELD for whatever price bump that's worth
  16. I finally finished this awesome small run, no easy task to do cheaply. I need 119 120 and 125 to really round it out I think
  17. I suspect the Flag Smashers will replace the "Buckies" from his first appearance in that they'll be his hired goons that he defeats to make himself look good (broke out his first appearance for reference)
  18. Strongly disagree I imagine they'll have him joining whatever iteration of the Thunderbolts they put together as a pawn of the government. There's always someone who's willingly taking orders in those kinds of groups
  19. I hope they do, he's supposed to be like the antithesis of Cap in terms of his personality. He's a government sanctioned watchdog who paid for his powers, so he has a very different sense of morality with them. Obviously we have no idea if or how he got his powers within the show yet but I can't wait to see him fight it out with Bucky and Sam. I enjoy Wyatt Russel from what little I've seen him in, he's great in Overlord and Black Mirror on Netflix, so hopefully this is gonna be fun.