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Everything posted by AJLewandoski

  1. The mid credits scene has me wondering what "Pietro" is going to do next
  2. I mean the engineer could potentially be Talos' daughter disguised as a soldier. She knew Maria and Monica, so there's history there, I doubt every soldier knew the former director of SWORD, she's working on space exploration vehicles, and obviously she can't show her true form out in the open for reasons.
  3. So I figured since we're pitching every possibility in the entire multiverse, I'd let this slip here. It's obviously not going to happen, but I thought it was a bit of interesting continuity to bring up. In the West Coast Avengers one of the story lines that directly ties into some of the events of Wandavision it's revealed that Vision is actually made from this original Human Torchs body. It occurred to me that the body of the original Human Torch Jim Hammond was shown in a tube in Captain America: The First Avenger during the World's Fair sequence. So perhaps this synthetic humanoid body from CA:TFA has been lying dormant somewhere since the World's Fair giving us an out and a new shell to place Visions conciousness into once this all over if Vision simply can't exist outside the Hex, or perhaps a sequel series to the effect of Vision Quest where Wanda is searching for the body/parts as a more moral way of bringing Vision back. Something to think about
  4. I'm not trying to sound unappreciative, but that title definitely said 400+ books yesterday and now it only says 200+...There's something funny going on here and it's not just the books
  5. My take was the shark is Mephisto the child is Wanda, and the yogurt is the Faustian bargain she struck to gain the power to bring Vision back. Yes she has the yogurt (Visions return) but she can't open it (leave the hex with him) so she's stuck not living in reality (the island) until she's either been drained of her life/power or whatever she traded it for (perhaps her children?)
  6. Definitely the same Woo. He joins Shield in Strange Tales #161 with a small Yellow Claw arc. After that he leads the retroactive 1950s Avengers that premiere in What If #9 that eventually make it into the main marvel universe as the Agents of Atlas. I bought a copy for my Agents of Atlas 1st appearance set (what a tough group to put together) and it wasn't a cheap book then. It actually surprises me this book hadn't hit Atlas Black Knight #1 levels. They're both equally good series, both art and story wise, they're from the same time period, and they're of similar length. I would even argue Yellow Claw #1 should be MORE expensive because it's a heroes first appearance and I see fewer copies come up, but I don't control the market.
  7. Okay this HAS to prove he's not really who he appears to be. There's no reason they'd put quotation marks around his name otherwise.
  8. I feel like they can get away with calling Mephisto master of his own dimension, and have him be a great magic wielding pseudo deity or some other nonsense and just give him a devilish vibe. They literally have Norse gods and no one bats an eye, demons like Surtur and fire demons or Hela and what they represent. I don't think any of those hurt Disney/Marvel's bottom line. No average Joe had heard of Thanos before his tease at the end of Avengers as the villain behind the curtain just like the average viewer has no idea who Mephisto is. If they tease Mephistos ulterior motives here, then he comes back in Multiverse of Madness, and then he shows back up for something darker like Blade or Ghost Rider they build up his character properly for a larger role. Certainly if the endgame, no pun intended, is to do something akin to Midnight Sons, now would be the time to start planting seeds. I think they'd run into trouble tieing the horror oriented characters like Blade, Moon Knight and Ghost Rider to the other more "heroic" heroes like Captain Marvel, and Black Panther or the cosmic oriented Guardians, so if you take those spooky guys and give them their own big bad to build up to then you can have a reason why they're not involved in fighting Kang like the Avengers/Young Avengers will be going forward. Just some thoughts that spilled out of my head I honestly have no idea where this going I just like to play the guessing game.
  9. The most hallowed award in all of Marvel-dom?! It would be my greatest honor
  10. You're turning all my conspiracy theories into cash cows I think I'm due for a cut of those profits
  11. I kid you not, my first draft said exactly that, I had written that her costume would look...Zatanna-ish. Though from the teaser image her coat is buttoned, not open revealing a button down shirt, but regardless that is in fact where I will place my bets for next Friday.
  12. Darcy is the Ring Leader of the circus. That seems clear from what that costume looks like. That and you mentioned you were a clown and were filming with Kat Dennings. I'm picturing the outfit looks sort of like a cross between Wanda and Visions magician costumes? Top hat, tail coat, pants/tights?