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Everything posted by AJLewandoski

  1. Really excited for this. The trailer that ran before the last movie I saw was excellent. There's a certain amount of added production value to this that has it elevated slightly above A24s other films. Not sure if I like Hereditary or The Lighhouse better, but this looks like it could vie for the top spot.
  2. It's from an early test screening, but if you want to read a synopsis...
  3. So there's rumor that Kamala won't have her stretching powers, but instead use her bracelets to a Green Lantern effect where she can make different constructs out of purple energy. I'm not sure if there's any validity to this rumor, but I thought it was interesting considering they haven't ever changed a characters powerset so drastically. I guess the idea is if they're also going to introduce FF soon her and Reed would be too similar and if they're trying to shy away from Inhumans after the show, taking that away from her would help.
  4. For me it immediately went to the very tropey and obvious "it was actually us all along now I have to go set up everything in the past". The whole "temporal pincer move" bit being used by both the antagonist and protagonist doesn't make much sense if the future does indeed change the past and knows whats already happened. It's very paradoxical they explicitly say they can't come in contact with their past selves, yet JDWs character (I don't like that he doesn't have a name) gets right into a hand to hand fight with himself? I feel like if the universe was going to explode if you come into contact with your former self, clothing wouldn't really stop that from happening. For me it just doesn't work Obviously my opinion and lack of enthusiasm shouldn't deter your enjoyment of the film, as they say to each their own!
  5. Watched it last night and I have to say I was underwhelmed. I feel like Christopher Nolan dreams up these convoluted plots and presents them as high concept masterpieces. They're visually beautiful and well made, I can't fault the production quality, but the story is just too contrived in trying to be an "intellectual" movie it loses any impact. Every scene in the movie feels disjointed and self serving, and I suppose you can try and say that's part of the time travel rigmarole, but it just made the movie feel empty and a chore to watch.
  6. You know I'm still really impressed by this show after all this time. Tandy and Ty worked really well and had one of the most compelling relationships in the MCU. Season 2 took off strong and leaned into the mystical side of things to great effect. Definitely one of my top 5 Marvel TV seasons. If they could fit them into any future projects I'd be pretty excited to see them again.
  7. I believe they're on the record as giving her basically free reign to make the movie how she wanted it to be made, she wrote the pitch and the -script and directed. Small quote from Variety: “From early on, [Marvel] knew the way I wanted to make this film, how I wanted to shoot,” shared Zhao. “It can’t be hundreds of people standing around. They very much adapted how to run the set the way that I wanted to work. I’m still surrounded by 25 people.”
  8. So the entire plot has actually leaked from some test screenings, I could link it here if you want. It's just the base story elements, so take it with a grain of salt as I'm sure the actual acting, score, and cinematography adds a lot to the viewing experience. It deviates quite a bit from the source material. It's more of a self contained story since a lot of it takes place in the past. It focuses on the core line up of Eternals and Black Knight, don't expect any other heros to show up. Their powers are probably more in line with what's already been shown in the MCU I don't think they'll be supremely powerful in comparison. Most of it will be serious with a few characters being used to break that up like Kingo. The Deviants are villains I posted some pictures of toy leaks a couple pages back. The main piece that will connect this film to the rest of the MCU going forward will be Sersi and Black Knights modern day romance. I don't think this will have anything to do with Secret Invasion. Hope I answered all your questions.
  9. I have them on laserdisc if you want to upgrade again for the true unadulterated experience I also have both Ewok movies on VHS to really complete the package
  10. I picked up a copy of MP #10 for $16 on Saturday. Got home, went to check what the trends looked like on ebay and I was floored. There's only 6 copies listed and they're all multiple hundreds of dollars. Seems like it hit about 10 days ago and all the cheaper copies disappeared. Glad to be on the right side of all the spec for once so I don't have to try and fight someone for a crummy copy.
  11. Went to the flea market yesterday and stopped at a vendor I'd never seen before. Came home with this nice bundle for the bargain price of $90. also picked up some dollar books to fill in some gaps and a Marvel Two in One #1 for $5.
  12. Well on the immortal words of RDJ she's the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude
  13. Adding to that WandaVisions ratings for its' first two episodes, which aired on the same day instead of two seperate weeks like FatWS, got 434 million minutes streamed and was beat out by 5 other shows.
  14. The Ten Rings in the MCU are a global terrorist organization dating all the way back to Iron Man 1 when they were working with Obadiah Stane to kill Tony Stark. The Ten Rings are also physical items Shang Chi's father, Wenwu/The Mandarin, possesses and where he draws his power from as he is the head of the Ten Rings group. In the 1970s Shang Chi's father was Fu Man Chu and not the Mandarin so the Ten Rings weren't really part of his story.
  15. The number one most streamed original show according to the Nielsen ratings on the first two episodes (628 million minutes streamed) better than Wandavision I think
  16. Here's the real leak from this week's episode in all its grainy glory for those curious...
  17. I mean to establish him as a threat wiping out most of the Greek pantheon quick would do the trick. I would say it's probably the majority of the plot though. He could take out some other Egyptian deities beforehand to prep for Moon Knight, maybe the Goddess Bast from Black Panther? There's plenty of gods to pull from in the Marvel universe.
  18. That means we're gonna get Hercules and Ares! I guess Gorr does need some Gods to kill aside from Thor. Can't really get the nickname "God butcher" without it.
  19. I mean the second thumbnail is a ripped shot from Infinity War which I assume you've seen?
  20. Guys you know both those trailers are deep fakes right? Steve isn't coming back, Falcon is Cap now, don't expect to see Steve at all.
  21. They could be a single color and still have multiple powers but that does seem possible they wouldn't want to muddle the various alien weapons together. Wenwu's battle costume is also a deep blue color so clearly the blue has some kind of meaning here. (Funkos for reference)
  22. https://comicbook.com/marvel/news/sony-spider-man-venom-movies-disney-plus-streaming/ Like I said doesn't seem like Disney is anywhere near ready to let go of Spider Man this to me seems like they're ready to go all in on Sonys Spider Man related content
  23. They seem to be used for water manipulation from what I can tell from the toy leaks, which could make more sense given the scene in the trailer with the floating water. They may have more powers we haven't seen or maybe the Mandarin hasn't unlocked how to use them yet. There's also some Funko pops that they just showed off and I'm not sure if one is Shang Chi using a kick to manipulate water or if it's just a whoosh effect.