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Everything posted by DiceX

  1. Among the favorite toys from my childhood. Shoguns were the bomb.
  2. Fantastic pieces, Matthew. They both rock! I'm thinking..."House of 1000 Corpses" with cats.
  3. Your mum is such a wanker she wanks herself. Chip, chip, cheerio.
  4. Those are great! Definitely in on that, and you give a few days to submit so I should be able to work it around my schedule. I love to draw on assignment, and it looks like everyone has fun doing it. Any idea on when you'll revive it? I'll make sure to not miss it! I think we were giving almost 2 weeks to finish an assignment. I'm thinking I'll start one around the second week of October. I'm pretty busy until then. Well since it's almost Halloween why not assign the boardies to do a Halloween themed cover. Maybe Flee could do a downloadable page with the title like CGC terror tales or some such and everybody could do their own B&W art. Interesting. I think it will have to have some sort of Halloween theme. Good idea. (thumbs u
  5. Those are great! Definitely in on that, and you give a few days to submit so I should be able to work it around my schedule. I love to draw on assignment, and it looks like everyone has fun doing it. Any idea on when you'll revive it? I'll make sure to not miss it! I think we were giving almost 2 weeks to finish an assignment. I'm thinking I'll start one around the second week of October. I'm pretty busy until then.
  6. That's the best attitude to have when it comes to selling the work. If you get a chance to get to a convention, you'll see how much fun it is to sit and talk to people who enjoy your work - it's a blast. Good luck! Oh, and as for the Artist's Assemble - I'm not sure what that is, but it sounds kinda cool, I'd love to hear more about whatever that is! Artists Assemble Assignment #1 Link Artists Assemble Vote #1 Link Artists Assemble Assignment #2 Link Artists Assemble Vote #2 Link Artists Assemble Assignment #3 Link Artists Assemble Vote #3 Link Artists Assemble Assignment #4 Link Artists Assemble Vote #4 Link
  7. I'm thinking about doing another episode of Artists Assemble if there is enough interest. Given that we have a few new members that have skills, it might be good.
  8. I was born in '68 so that seems a bit old for me. Then again I had several hand-me-down toys from other relatives, so I guess it's possible. I saw your game and I was thinking it looked familiar, then when I saw the prizes it dawned on me that I used to have this. I don't remember the rings so much, but the other things I know were in my game. For some reason I also think there was a little key thing that you used to put the prizes into the game.
  9. What year is that from? I remember having one of those as a very young kid. I think a few of the prizes may still be hiding somewhere in Mom's house.
  10. Coming up on 10 years of sheer lunacy That thread is a hoot! Cal goes from having just about everyone on his side to basically alienating the entire board. Yeah. I've been one of the few that's supported Cal since he got here because I've always thought that he had a lot of knowledge to share but was just misunderstood. This thread has made me think that the misunderstanding was on my own behalf.
  11. I remember that thread. Cal came out swinging like a banty rooster. Good times.
  12. Perhaps the mods should make a sub-forum in Comics General that is only accessible by Cal, so he can discuss things with himself privately.
  13. That is amateur color touch. Someone filled in the color breaking spine stress with a magic marker. Sorry to say, the guy pressing it was correct.
  14. They didn't have to do a lot. She already had a hell of a set of balls and was pretty hairy for a chick.
  15. Since his operation, he should have his name changed to "Comicdingle."
  16. IME, there is no definitive pricing for Playboys. The range is so unpredictable that it's a matter of a price finding a buyer that is willing to pay it. I've seen issues from the '50s through current selling for pennies, and I've seen them sell for dollars. IMO, it's a buyers market *IF* you're patient. Aside from the first two or three years, you can put a full run together on the cheap. You just have to be patient. Good luck if you're selling. If you're in a hurry for the money, you'll get almost nothing for them. If you're not in a hurry, you'll be years selling a few issues at a time.
  17. If it's on the cover, it will hurt the grade. If it's on the interior, it doesn't seem to affect the grade. That is, if we're talking about the pin holes from production. If you have a random hole that goes through all your pages, it will hurt the grade.
  18. And the press guys would work an 8, 10, 12, or 16 hour shift without a lunch break. The only break they would get is if they could get a supervisor to fill in for them for a few minutes so they could run to the bathroom and back. Sometimes the new guy would work a few hours and get someone to let him run to the bathroom and they'd never see the guy again. That happened a LOT.