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Everything posted by DiceX

  1. Take our input and your right hand and go *fork* yourself. If you want to address the problem with someone that can possibly help you, call Borock. If you want to cry because you can't have a picture of your funny book...NOW, everyone here would be more than happy to coddle you. I was being nice, but now the gloves are off.
  2. Something wrong with your mouth? (877) 662-6642 Press 1, then ask for Steve Borock. It's a lot easier than you think. But if you're just wanting to whine and get attention, forget this post and carry on.
  3. Its funny that you say that.. Now go review the post as it sits next to your avatar. HILLARIOUS Does that post come in English, too?
  4. It was only $500 bucks too... I agree. Buck's is much nicer.
  5. That's one of the best QP examples of that book I've ever seen. Cream pages be damned, that copy is a keeper. Spot on, Greggy! That copy is the bomb! Best I've ever seen! (worship) (worship)
  6. That's one of the best QP examples of that book I've ever seen. Cream pages be damned, that copy is a keeper.
  7. At times during a run, the plates can have areas that become "sensitive". Meaning, those areas can stop accepting ink, and will stop printing. If I get a chance, I'll see if I can bounce this off a few other guys I know.
  8. Are you talking about the roller mark that looks like little >>>>> dents across the cover of a comic? If so, that's a roller mark from production. Pretty common if you hold a book up and let the light reflect on the surface. If you're talking about something else, describe it or post a scan.
  9. Good to hear your story, Jamie. I'm taking no offense to your posts, so you can stop trying to make me look like I am. That is, unless you're just trying to be condescending. To post a picture, click the "File Manager" under the window where you type in the text for your post. Click the "Browse" button and navigate to the picture on your computer. Click the "Add File" button, then the "Done Adding Files" button to take you back to your post. Then click the "Submit" button to send your post and it will attach the file to it.
  10. Show me a post that I've said there were elves or perhaps the tooth fairy printing comics. As you can tell from the posts I've made in this thread so far, I'm not trying to dispel anything. I don't think you're stepping on anyone's toes. You obviously have some experience in printing, so I value your opinion a great deal. Feel free to post anything that is relevant to the topic. That being said, I'd really prefer that a long, detailed post such as the one you made be a little more...grammatically structured. It's like an explosion of words that makes my head hurt. I'm not trying to discourage you from posting, because I truly want to read what you can add to the topic. I have no idea what you're asking for here. Can you rephrase it, please? Probably the same questions I get. I try to answer them to the best of my ability. It helps everyone understand the process. The whole reason I started this thread. However, I don't think the 50 people that find this topic to be interesting would warrant writing a book. If this was directed at me, I'll let it go for now.
  11. Scan it, and I'll have an idea of what it might be.
  12. That's pretty much the answer, though it could have been done in a sentence or two.
  13. Just an educated guess, but I'd say more like $25-40kish. If I had the money, That piece is an on bristol.
  14. Nice QP on that book. Aside from the whipperjigger at the bottom, that's a pretty square spine, too.
  15. I love how the color pops on the inside cover. This was a production error. It would be rare, but I suppose it would be possible. Note the yellowing on the inside of the outer cover. Just goes to show how acidic the pulp from the newsprint is. The cover is a much higher quality paper, so the areas that the inside cover touches it, prevents the outer cover from turning yellow as quickly as where it touches the newsprint paper. Very cool book, btw. I love stuff like this.
  16. I know it isn't a trivia thread, but does anyone have any idea on its history? Artist maybe? RRP Variant
  17. Thanks, guys. Things are not peachy yet, but I'm starting to feel better about which direction I'm heading. Everything will be ok again. I just have to hang on until it happens. (thumbs u
  18. Hi everyone! Sorry I’ve been away for such a long time. First of all, I want to thank everyone from the forum that offered a hand or well wishes during the past year of my life. I’ve been on a hell of a ride and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I especially would like to thank Kenny (Ze-man) for being way more forgiving and patient than I could have ever asked of anyone. Kenny is a saint, and I’ll be the first one to stand up for him if anyone were to question his character or morals. That being said, I’m not here looking for sympathy. I just want to let the few that care, know that I am alive and on my way back on my feet. I know I have a long way to go, but all I can do is take one step at a time. I can see the future now, and that’s a good feeling to have. I can’t explain what happened with Kenny as anything other than me not being able to focus on what I needed to focus on. I’ve been through a lot in the past several months, and I can’t really blame anyone but myself. I feel bad that I put Kenny in the position he was in. All I can do is offer my deepest apology to him and hope he can find it in his heart to forgive me. This matter is between Kenny and myself. Nobody else is involved, other than the witch hunt on the forum, which I totally understand because I’m used to being on your side of this type of situation. My days of buying and selling comics will be dead for at least the next several years, and quite possibly forever, so I’m not begging to be taken off of the probation list. Take me off when Kenny feels like I’ve served my time. Not until then. Despite what some might want to believe, I would never rip anyone off. I just lost focus and put a friend in a tough situation because of it. I’m not a crook. Just a guy that had his life go to hell. The books he purchased were in my possession the entire time, and there was never any temptation to do anything other than get them to Kenny to complete the transaction. That being said, I hope to be able to start contributing to the forum again. I’m sure I can’t post at the level I used to, but I sure miss all of you guys.