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Weird Paper

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Posts posted by Weird Paper

  1. Nearly 35 years ago, my first piece of original comic art was a Murphy Anderson Planet Comics page. I'm not sure why it's taken so long to add another Fiction House page (or two), but I finally have.


    I'm especially psyched about the Baker, having been the underbidder on the killer splash in the last HA auction. I wanted something that smacked of classic Baker cheesecake, and this Glory Forbes page does just that:





    Ingels has also been on the short list since I sold my EC page back in the 80s. Not Ghastly, but cool and funky, nonetheless:




  2. I'm still waiting for someone to define "QUALITY" for me. (shrug)

    Because what I think it means is obviously different than what others think it means :tonofbricks:


    Quality is stuff like Neal Adams Batman cover and slashes, Bernie Wrightson Swamp Thing cover/spalshes, Bolland Killing Joke pages, Frank Miller DD/ Dark Knight pages ect.. you get the idea. What did you think we meant? (shrug)


    In my 15+ years of collecting OA I have never once had the desire to own a page from that list you provided.


    And is this really the advice to new collectors? Buy Bolland, Wrightson, Frank Miller and only splashes and covers? There are THOUSANDS of great artists but only a small handful are "quality"?


    I think art and music have a strong parallel where "popular" and "quality" are not always synonymous. I don't let anyone tell me what music I should like and I feel the same about the art I collect. I just took a browse through the latest CLink auction offerings and recognize quite a few "quality" pieces that have made the rounds from "NEW IN YOUR OA COLLECTION" to most viewed/commented on CAF and now on to CLink. The cycle of "quality" continues.

    I just picked up a complete issue from an artist and I couldn't be happier. His name is unimportant to anyone but me, so I won't bother to mention it. But I will mention the price for all 38 pages and cover was a mere fraction of the other stuff mentioned. :cloud9:



    Hey look, you asked and I gave you some examples, You go ahead and buy what you want, it ain't my $$$. What do I care if you throw you cash into a fire to keep you warm?


    If you want to listen to Britney Spears or Justin Bieber and call it "quality music" you have every right to do so! But don't come on here and ask people what is good and what's not and blast them because you didn't like his of her answer.


    I'm not blasting you because of the answer. I'm more amused that any one person thinks they know the definition of "quality art." Because I think the definition is as varied as the collectors on these boards.

    It's obvious our definitions are different since my version of quality is your equivalent of throwing cash into a fire. That is the point I was trying to make.

    So, we agree after all :foryou:

    You have to understand, Kevin's self-appointed mission in this thread is to play blowhard. He's done nothing to establish his credibility as a collector of "quality" art, other than toss out a list of what's pricy in established auctions. It's his game, and he feeds his own ego off of the reactions. It's really a little sad.

    PM me with a link to your complete story -- I'd like to see it. Personally, I don't have any pieces from his "quality" list, but I get a lot of joy out of my collection. In the end, that's what matters.


    I do have some great pieces that I don't parade them around because I don't need to show stuff off so i can get a "That's nice!" outta someone. You know nothing about me and besides what makes you such a "Credibility collector of quality art"? What have you done for the art community? I'm sure you get "a lot of joy" out of seeing other people's "art" .

    Wow, skillful use of "quotes." I guess you told me. I suppose I haven't done anything for the art community -- I'm not even sure what you mean by that. We can end this now, Kevin. Just by saying you have "some great pieces," you have instantly earned credibility with me. (worship)

    I've posted links to my gallery before -- I have no interest in cloistering my collection. It's not a David Mandel collection, but it's also not a pile of sketchcards. I'm happy with my small hoard, and, more importantly, I'm happy with my reasons and motivations for collecting and sharing my art. I'm willing to accept that we all have different reasons for participating in our hobby. Enjoy yours.

  3. I'm still waiting for someone to define "QUALITY" for me. (shrug)

    Because what I think it means is obviously different than what others think it means :tonofbricks:


    Quality is stuff like Neal Adams Batman cover and slashes, Bernie Wrightson Swamp Thing cover/spalshes, Bolland Killing Joke pages, Frank Miller DD/ Dark Knight pages ect.. you get the idea. What did you think we meant? (shrug)


    In my 15+ years of collecting OA I have never once had the desire to own a page from that list you provided.


    And is this really the advice to new collectors? Buy Bolland, Wrightson, Frank Miller and only splashes and covers? There are THOUSANDS of great artists but only a small handful are "quality"?


    I think art and music have a strong parallel where "popular" and "quality" are not always synonymous. I don't let anyone tell me what music I should like and I feel the same about the art I collect. I just took a browse through the latest CLink auction offerings and recognize quite a few "quality" pieces that have made the rounds from "NEW IN YOUR OA COLLECTION" to most viewed/commented on CAF and now on to CLink. The cycle of "quality" continues.

    I just picked up a complete issue from an artist and I couldn't be happier. His name is unimportant to anyone but me, so I won't bother to mention it. But I will mention the price for all 38 pages and cover was a mere fraction of the other stuff mentioned. :cloud9:



    Hey look, you asked and I gave you some examples, You go ahead and buy what you want, it ain't my $$$. What do I care if you throw you cash into a fire to keep you warm?


    If you want to listen to Britney Spears or Justin Bieber and call it "quality music" you have every right to do so! But don't come on here and ask people what is good and what's not and blast them because you didn't like his of her answer.


    I'm not blasting you because of the answer. I'm more amused that any one person thinks they know the definition of "quality art." Because I think the definition is as varied as the collectors on these boards.

    It's obvious our definitions are different since my version of quality is your equivalent of throwing cash into a fire. That is the point I was trying to make.

    So, we agree after all :foryou:

    You have to understand, Kevin's self-appointed mission in this thread is to play blowhard. He's done nothing to establish his credibility as a collector of "quality" art, other than toss out a list of what's pricy in established auctions. It's his game, and he feeds his own ego off of the reactions. It's really a little sad.

    PM me with a link to your complete story -- I'd like to see it. Personally, I don't have any pieces from his "quality" list, but I get a lot of joy out of my collection. In the end, that's what matters.

  4. I'm still waiting for someone to define "QUALITY" for me. (shrug)

    Because what I think it means is obviously different than what others think it means :tonofbricks:


    Quality is stuff like Neal Adams Batman cover and slashes, Bernie Wrightson Swamp Thing cover/spalshes, Bolland Killing Joke pages, Frank Miller DD/ Dark Knight pages ect.. you get the idea. What did you think we meant? (shrug)


    and you have multiple examples of each of those but of course you can't show it since it violates your rules right?



    (thumbs u I seem to recall doing this little dance with Kevin once before. Till I see the goods, all the bluster is just that.
  5. Just a different POV - no resale interest. That changes the tone.
    Quite a bit. I'll concur with your advice Alex. I like to share my art and I like to see other collectors' collections. In my perspective (which is the only one I can really speak to) I don't care whether a piece has been in somebody's CAF for ten years, or is "fresh to market." Granted, if a piece has floated around for a while, that might lessen the interest in it, but that only means that if I want it, I can probably get it cheaper.

    Plus, in this era when escalating values increases the possibility of forgery, I like the idea of a digital provenance.

    When I joined CAF at the ripe old age of 45, I don't think I was in need of any ego boost or validation. I was just looking to share my art and see the collections of others. I guess we all have different motivations.

  6. Back in the mid-1980s, when I got my first real taste for collecting comic art, there was one artist whose work I searched for in vain. Arthur Suydam. The stuff in Heavy Metal, the Mudwogs, whatever, it didn't matter. I wanted one of those painted color pages, but there was never any to be found. The perfect one popped up on Heritage last winter, but it got bid up to a crazy place and I was left behind... Another sweet page popped up on this past Heritage auction and I dropped in my proxy bid, which, this time, was good enough (actually 1/2 of it was good enough.) So here it is -- the g word gets overused -- but after almost 30 years, I guess it's safe to call grail.

    This particular one is likely not work safe. It also features a panel that was used for the cover of the second issue of the Demon Dreams anthology comic some 28 years ago.




  7. Is production art similar to original art? Bit confused with some of the are on Ebay that says production art like this one Ebay Production Art ? Is this considered an original and what exactly do they use them for? I would like to purchase one just to frame on the wall but don't want to pull the trigger until I know what I'm buying.




    That page has nothing to do with the creation of a comic book. That seller makes those overlays himself via xerox.


    Even real production art is usually a color proof or some derivation of that....

    That's absurd! The lettering on a separate overlay? If you're going to run a scam, at least learn a little bit about the era you're trying forge. This actually represents copyright infringement, but is so small time, I doubt Marvel would even care.
  8. This is a hard day indeed. Ray was a hero of mine, and I considered him a friend, though I had not seen him in over six years.

    Truth be told, I guess anybody who ever spent five minutes with the man would have considered him a friend. He was just that kind of guy.