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Everything posted by DrWatson

  1. Just a guess one my part. Considering that most on the list don't care and seeing who F_T typically responds to, that was my best guess. I could be sincerely and unequivocally wrong.
  2. I wonder who else Comic Supply sent that PM to?
  3. The 55 has really good color as well even though it only graded out at a 9.0.
  4. All the way from sunny... err England. .
  5. Plus, it looks like the Stranger has been busting out the Just for Men.
  6. All I did was nag, but I appreciate the credit.
  7. Evidently in California it's not the humidity, it's the stupidity. You need to lighten up.
  8. Everybody in south Florida presses - it's the humidity And, btw, don't give me that holier than thou garbage . . . you'd press your dog, slab him and sell him, if there was an extra nickel in it. You guys need to lighten up. And, btw, you'd over grade and over price your dog in order to sell it for that extra nickel.
  9. They might all be pressed - might not. I suppose only the seller and a potential customer that wants to ask will know. You are neither of those, and your post in the sales thread was not a legitimate question. It was an azz backward or chikin way of posting what you finally posted above. You wanted to tell everyone that they are all pressed and being sold without disclosure. Neither of which you have any proof of. Assume that , maybe, they all have been pressed. Even at that point, they are only being listed without pro-active disclosure. That doesn't mean proactive disclosure isn't taking place before any sales are finalized. It definitely does't mean that disclosure doesn't take place if a buyer pro-actively shows concern. (takes responsibility for themselves and asks). It was intended to be thread crappping, and uncalled for. Even monstro's pissant attempt at being the grammar police was nothing more then thread crappping. He doesn't like pressing so he thought he found a reason to belittle someone he doesn't like because they don't share his view on pressing. If you feel like you really need to be the board watchdog over pressing, then take it to PM, and stay out of the threads. Absolutely not true. I'm beginning to think sellers of pressed books are paranoid. Some of them are and I don't blame them as evidenced by the treatment they have received over the past few days.
  10. This post is irritating. Bite me. Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you. But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the sugar bowl's empty and so is your head.
  11. Sure I did. You either did it because you have an axe to grind with that particular seller, or you have an agenda. Since you didn't post that in everyone else's thread, I assume it was personal, and you were trolling the seller to scarlet letter his books. You admitted you had no idea if they were pressed or not, and that you had no intention of buying them, so you were just bringing bad vibes to that seller because of personal reasons. Did I nail it yet? You nailed it like John Holmes.
  12. Oh dear, the Internets are not equipped for a list of that magnitude. Of course, someone could just copy and paste Cal's list. Do you have said list on file? I don't, but I'm sure there's one floating around here somewhere. You're on my list, Bumpkin. You know, after seeing your photo, that doesn't scare half as bad as it used to. It should. I think not. Now, you remind me of that villain from Rainbow Brite, Murky Dismal.
  13. Oh dear, the Internets are not equipped for a list of that magnitude. Of course, someone could just copy and paste Cal's list. Do you have said list on file? I don't, but I'm sure there's one floating around here somewhere. You're on my list, Bumpkin. You know, after seeing your photo, that doesn't scare half as bad as it used to.
  14. Oh dear, the Internets are not equipped for a list of that magnitude. Of course, someone could just copy and paste Cal's list. Do you have said list on file? I don't, but I'm sure there's one floating around here somewhere.
  15. Oh dear, the Internets are not equipped for a list of that magnitude. Of course, someone could just copy and paste Cal's list. Think it would be a lot smaller than (correct usage?) you might think. Have a vetting/resolution process with some respected board members, put some teeth to it (lose ability to buy..sell...both?)....*spoon* would stop or at the very least become rare. From what I've seen, the folks that are stirring up trouble usually have 1k + posts. They want to be here with the ability to buy/sell. Put that at risk and you have a chance to police the board and make sure there is nice play in sales threads. Non-sales threads are fair game The problem is, and always has been, that there is no way to enforce anything. For what's it's worth, all of our talk is just that, talk. The moderators do not and will not get involved, so the likely hood of doling out punishment is nil. In essence, no one has any teeth. The best we can hope for is an attempt to gum someone to death. And yes, you used than correctly.
  16. Oh dear, the Internets are not equipped for a list of that magnitude. Of course, someone could just copy and paste Cal's list.
  17. Because they can be. I don't care for pressed books but jezusHchrist I won't sabotage a fellow boardies sales thread. If it's important to know about a book, PM the seller. There is no need to start mess in a sales thread(usually). But it is worse than that. There is nothing to PM about. He clearly states that it is pressed. Not this book may have been pressed, or might have been pressed or any intimation that the Pressing Fairy may have dryhumped it. It clearly says it was pressed. So why f with him? There was an incident in another sales thread and the poster probably should have sent a PM. I wasn't just referring to one sales thread. My bad for not being clear. Peckershiners It's all good, MD. It just makes my blood boil. Everyone has the right to believe whatever they want to about any of this. But when someone proactively discloses and then there is threadcrapping, it is rudeness of the highest order. I just read the thread in question. I don't blame him. I wouldn't disclose the pressing, either. If the anti-pressing people are so hell bent on buying unpressed books, they should have bought more of them off the newsstand when they were kids. Take your agendas and a C-Note and go get . I hope every book that guy has ever bought has been pressed, the inside pages laced with pubes, and the covers teabagged with a sweaty sack. ...but that's just me...
  18. Because they can be. I don't care for pressed books but jezusHchrist I won't sabotage a fellow boardies sales thread. If it's important to know about a book, PM the seller. There is no need to start mess in a sales thread(usually). But it is worse than that. There is nothing to PM about. He clearly states that it is pressed. Not this book may have been pressed, or might have been pressed or any intimation that the Pressing Fairy may have dryhumped it. It clearly says it was pressed. So why f with him? There was an incident in another sales thread and the poster probably should have sent a PM. I wasn't just referring to one sales thread. My bad for not being clear. Peckershiners The seller has every right to chose whether to disclose or not just as the perspective buyer has every right to ask. However, that doesn't give the perspective buyer the right to ask in a manner that brands every book in the sales thread with a scarlet letter "P" just for the hell of it.
  19. There are already several very good sellers who no longer have selling threads on the boards because it has become too much of a headache. It began going down hill after the selling forum redesign. The actions of posters like PEP and divad only exacerbate the situation.
  20. We have had at least one instance of this already. You are going to have to find a new "next."
  21. Date stamps are part of the history. It would have been different if someone had drawn a on the cover.