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Everything posted by The-Collector

  1. But you don't know what I paid for them .
  2. Cheers I thought it would go higher too. Was expecting around $1200 and wasn't even going to throw in a bid. At the last minute upped it by one increment and won.
  3. Given the recent trend in prices for this book I thought that was about right.
  4. justin case has no excuse. Yea, I hope a boardie won it. CL screwed up. I didn't receive an outbid notice and miscalculated the ending time. I can buy Christmas presents for the family instead now. I didn't win. I have had outbid notifications stuff up in the past too.
  5. I intend to do just that. I'm tired of this group never making what I'll call any "forward progress". It's the same plots endlessly recycled. Add a bunch of members so you can have a blood bath killing them off. Kill people in ever more gruesome ways. About the time the group settles in and starts doing something constructive, have some major calamity and scatter them all over the country side - so you can have them find each other again and start over. It's not boring. It's senseless and stupid. The groups do so many stupid things trying to list them all would be work. For instance. Last time Rick's group drew the Governor's people into the prison and kicked their asses. Should have wiped them out, but that is a different issue. Sunday, they stand along the fences guns blazing. The Governor had already announced he wanted the place intact. So retreat inside and wait. It isn't safe for he and his people to stand outside the fence for days, so he'll either come in or go away. At some point the Gov's people have to try to take the prison from the inside, one cell block at a time. Advantage to Rick's team. And of course a good rifle and a scope could have taken the Gov out and the remaining people probably would have taken the offer to coexist. Then Rick goes mano a mano with the Governor as he walks past the bus he's hiding behind. That no one else notices is stupid too. What, they all forgot he was behind the bus?? But that's not quite as stupid as Rick - who gets the absolute snot beat out of him. Here is a suggestion Rick: He just cut off Hershel's head and he's leading a small army. Shoot the SOB in the back as he walks by. At this point, Rick's kid is smarter and a better leader than his old man. I'm done. But it won't affect the comic book prices, as I don't read or purchase them. So basically you don't like the show, you wont buy or read the book, and you're spending time writing in a walking dead thread? Such gall! Imagine the absolute audacity and steely nerve of someone who doesn't like something voicing that dislike!
  6. Ratings do not necessarily equate to increased exposure. Ratings were up 15% vs the last December mid-season finale. While still increasing, they aren't increasing by the previous leaps and bounds (Last year's end of season finale ratings were a whopping 58% higher than the season 2 finale). Likely what we are seeing is two things. Ratings tabulations are a constantly shifting sand. I dont know if they've started including the +24hr DVR viewings in the ratings or not, but that could account for some of the increase, and regardless some of the new audience is probably shifted viewing from the "record it and watch it later" crowd moving to the "watch it live so the internet doesnt spoil it" mindset. Either way, unless there is something significant to expand the audience, and I dont think a second show on the same network really ADDS any audience (just gets the same eyes twice as much), I think we'll continue to see a nice 10% climb year over year. Now if there's a movie that does 200 million, or an actual zombie outbreak that drives people to watch the Walking Dead like its DIY Tv, then I could see big increases in viewership. Regardless, what do you think these transaction numbers mean: # of Walking Dead 9.8 sales (via GPA data) 2012: 92 2013: 113 (to date with December to go) Do more sales mean there are more buyers, or more sellers? In other words are people who were holding the Walking Dead selling them off at a higher rate than in previous years, or was there an increase in buyers here in Season 4? And the increased number of buyers helped drive the prices up? If you look at the month by month price growth 2012 vs 2013 you can see a few things: In 2012 there was growth in the off season (From April to October) leading up to the new premier. In 2013 it was very uneven with a 4 month dropoff after the finale (April thru July) with recovery in the two months leading up to the October release. In 2012 there was a dropoff after the premier (in Oct/Nov sales) with a rebound after the finale (December sales) In 2013 we mirrored the dropoff in October/November dropoff in sales (almost identically reverting to the previous July's average price), the question is... 1. will we see a December rebound like last year in the prices? 2. Will we see 2012's off season growth, 2013s plateau, or will we see prices fall off? Met I always find your analysis interesting and thorough and I think you do an excellent job with some difficult data.
  7. Nah, I really like the zombie genre so I watch every week with the hope that it will improve, and satiate my need for quality zombie material. That and it gives me something to complain about.
  8. Weren't those comments made before the mid-season finale? they were made yesterday (monday) and the mid-season finale was shown on Sunday... so no. I have been saying it is boring for ages does that count ?
  9. I would say a resounding "no" to 99.9999% of 1980s books I'd say pretty much the same thing about 99.9999% of all books. golden age there are some 300 really "blue" chip type books...that works out to about 1.3% (so 98.7% would not be good horading candidates)... I think it is a little higher for silver age (about 2%)... but for all other eras, 99.99 works fine (thumbs u I was qualifying that with "now while they are cheap". Of those 300 books, how many would you say are "cheap"? Even by YOUR standards. It would be awesome to hoard Actions 1s, Bats 1, Det 27 and even AF15s. But they could hardly be called "cheap". Maybe 3 Please PM me those 3. Does that mean you won't PM me the full list of 300? oh, and don't forget the silver books. Thanks!
  10. I think this is pretty much what will happen. The book itself is probably not worth 1K in 9.8 but the limited run means that it will probably maintain that level of significant value. "The book itself is probably not worth 1K in 9.8 but the limited run means that it will probably maintain that level of significant value." This makes no sense, if you think it will maintain that value then it is worth that amount...
  11. I sold a vf copy this last summer LB cole fan what is the other book you need? Ghostly Weird 122?
  12. Those as some desirable issues in those lots. on grades.
  13. I thought gerber ratings were a decent indication of relative scarcity, so if if something is a 7 you have a decent idea that it is rarer than a 6 but the number of existing copies assigned to each scarcity rating is horribly incorrect.