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Posts posted by JayT

  1. I'm all in. I've very much enjoyed the new iteration of the original cast, which is a bit of a revelation because I think original Trek is terrible and riddled with a fan base that thinks that show is much less goofy than it was.


    I liked Next Gen, LOVED LOVED LOVED DS9 (one of my favorite shows ever minus a really dumb finale), thought Voyager was terrible, and Enterprise, minus a horrific intro song choice, is actually better than I initially thought (minus another dumb finale). In fact the ony example of the original crew that I've ever liked was in that amazing episode of DS9 "Trials and Tribble-ations".


    Justin Lin revitalized a franchise into one of the biggest in the game already and maybe he can make Trek even more relevant. I very much enjoyed J.J.'s initial Trek film, thought it was one of the great sits at a theater that year.

  2. I don't get the idea of making Deckard a replicant. In the original Philip K. Dick novel he definitely was not a replicant for a very good thematic reason--Dick wanted to contrast Deckard being less humanistic as a human than the replicants in the story were. If Deckard isn't human, then that moral contrast is replaced by a seemingly less-interesting one. ???


    Here's a quote from Dick where he explicitly outlines his intent:


    D[/color]ick]The purpose of this story as I saw it was that in his job of hunting and killing these replicants, Deckard becomes progressively dehumanized. At the same time, the replicants are being perceived as becoming more human. Finally, Deckard must question what he is doing, and really what is the essential difference between him and them? And, to take it one step further, who is he if there is no real difference?


    I think we have and most do view creators, even of adaptations, as artists themselves. It's not PKD's (who I love) film, it's Ridley Scott's. We've seen countless alterations to very well regarded source material, be it The Shining or Game of Thrones.


    I think the only correct way to view it is that Deckard is not a replicant in PKD's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? but most likely is in Ridley Scott's Blade Runner.


    As an aside, after The Martian, I think good Ridley Scott is back so I'm optimistic.

  3. I'm not sure it's ever been indicated that Wonder Woman's powers or physical strength has anything to do with whether she weighs 100 pounds or 125 pounds. I mean Wonder Girl was pretty strong I think.


    I don't keep up with the dude but I'm pretty sure Affleck is in shape and I'm guessing there is literature specific about that in what I'm guessing is an incredibly lucrative multi-picture deal. Dude was shredded for The Town and they greenlit another Batman fairly quickly.


    Warner Bros is banking almost everything on this movie, and it was pushed back a lot, no way they'd have their star not in shape.

  4. Last night's episode was decent again. I am PVRing the show so I can just skip the 2 mins of ads in between every 4-5 mins of the actual show..........


    I did not read the books when I was younger. How does the storyline seem so far relative to the books they are derived from?


    Note, it's been awhile for me so sorry if I'm wrong about anything in advance.


    It's based on the second book (skipping the first). I have not see the latest episode so I might be behind but more or less it's true to the books. I feel like I was introduced to another Demon at the same time as the Changeling but It feels pretty much true to the first minus the intro to the Rovers which is a little bit patched together in terms of when and how they met. I think Erteria and Amberle's meeting at first on the show is to facilitate a bit of a romantic triangle for the tv audience.


    The big thing, and this might just be me and I have forgotten, but I don't think so, I don't remember Bandon at all, and I'm pretty sure he's not in the books. Not only that, I feel like his function kind of sucks.


    The books are not very complex so adaptations should be pretty straightforward minus simple changes for different audiences. This series is very much a standard formula epic fantasy quest, in fact I very much credit it for recreating the fantasy market in terms of being financially viable. This is not a newcomer YA series, it's been around since the '70s.

  5. Well, you seem to have a few questions kind of lumped in together, let me see if I can pull them apart to give you a more meaningful answer


    "some of the tougher ones, are regional exclusive, like released just in Japan. Is that prevalent with SNES"


    - generally speaking everything got released in japan, and only a subset of that made it to north america /europe. 1400+ titles in japan, only 700+ in NA. However there isn't much crossover collecting wise, the price of the north american version is usually at least partly independent from the price of the japanese release (loose carts) and in better condition (CIB/sealed) totally divorced therefrom. Same with the euro versions.


    "or perhaps do they have the same game with different art"


    - in game art, or box art? The box art was normally but not always revised for the north american market. The in game graphics were the same apart from translating the text and such.


    "Like in Japan a lot of the real popular RPGs are exclusives"


    From the POV of the north american snes market, exclusives don't drive much of the market. The market for north american, japanese, european games are mostly all separate - separate games going to separate buyers. There are a few exclusives to certain markets that are valuable because they only came out in a small market - for example, Whirlo only came out in Spain accounting for its high price and desirability amongst euro collectors, but those are the real exception and not the rule at all.



    Thanks, good info :applause:


    With Dreamcast and PS1 (and I'd suspect the same for successive Sony and Sega releases) you often have different art (for instance, a major title like Final Fantasy 7). Some of them are completely different and others may just have a different colored backgrounds.


    I tend to hunt for both the North American and Japanese releases, and will grab a Euro if I run into it and it's my specific collecting vertical.


    I might have to hunt for some Japanese SNES then, thanks :cloud9:



    Or you can have the best of both worlds and get the US translation of a Japanese exclusive SNES game, complete with repro box and manual. Timewalk games has done some, so has Rose Colored Gaming. A lot of collectors don't think much of them (like Bronty :P) but I think the homebrew/translation/repro thing is pretty amazing. Some people go to great lengths to create quality box and manual art....and it's more fun than playing on emulator.


    Terranigma is a popular one, as an example. Here's an unboxing video someone posted on Youtube:



    Thanks for the info! I'm half japanese though so both worlds are the best for me! I could see myself grabbing one if it was unique and fit into a very specific target for me though, but not as a placeholder, more of an accessory.



  6. Gal Gadot's look is terrific. I'm thrilled she isn't manly. The idea that a woman must emulate a man in order to project power & authority is a bad one.


    I like this so much I'm reposting my own post.




    I was all in on Gadot and very excited for a big screen Wonder Woman. My favorite part of the potential of BVS.


    I've seen Gadot in person when I lived in Sardegna. She's not a big person but she is tall (for a girl, she's eye-to-eye with me, I'm short). In area and scene full of attractive people/women she was SHINING.

  7. Well, you seem to have a few questions kind of lumped in together, let me see if I can pull them apart to give you a more meaningful answer


    "some of the tougher ones, are regional exclusive, like released just in Japan. Is that prevalent with SNES"


    - generally speaking everything got released in japan, and only a subset of that made it to north america /europe. 1400+ titles in japan, only 700+ in NA. However there isn't much crossover collecting wise, the price of the north american version is usually at least partly independent from the price of the japanese release (loose carts) and in better condition (CIB/sealed) totally divorced therefrom. Same with the euro versions.


    "or perhaps do they have the same game with different art"


    - in game art, or box art? The box art was normally but not always revised for the north american market. The in game graphics were the same apart from translating the text and such.


    "Like in Japan a lot of the real popular RPGs are exclusives"


    From the POV of the north american snes market, exclusives don't drive much of the market. The market for north american, japanese, european games are mostly all separate - separate games going to separate buyers. There are a few exclusives to certain markets that are valuable because they only came out in a small market - for example, Whirlo only came out in Spain accounting for its high price and desirability amongst euro collectors, but those are the real exception and not the rule at all.



    Thanks, good info :applause:


    With Dreamcast and PS1 (and I'd suspect the same for successive Sony and Sega releases) you often have different art (for instance, a major title like Final Fantasy 7). Some of them are completely different and others may just have a different colored backgrounds.


    I tend to hunt for both the North American and Japanese releases, and will grab a Euro if I run into it and it's my specific collecting vertical.


    I might have to hunt for some Japanese SNES then, thanks :cloud9:



  8. Question about SNES:


    Since I buy more from the newer generation of games (PS1, Dreamcast) I know that a lot of the games, some of the tougher ones, are regional exclusive, like released just in Japan. Is that prevalent with SNES, or perhaps do they have the same game with different art?


    Like in Japan a lot of the real popular RPGs are exclusives. (and there's been somewhat of a JPRG renaissance as of late.



  9. I enjoyed the first book, even though it was way too much like Tolkien. Years later, I picked up a book that was a prequel to it and didn't care for it at all. The best thing about the original book was the Brothers Hildenbrant artwork, imo.

    I just saw a trailer for this show today and taped the first two episodes.


    When I was a kid I had the paperbacks to Elfstones and WIshsong, and I loved the classic feel of the Darrell K Sweet covers as well.



    Hopefully we will see Garet Jax at some point (maybe next season). Best Brooks character by far.


    I really like Slanter from that book.

  10. I think while we may keep the saga movies with a consistent break in between, if Rogue One opens well I can't imagine they won't plan to make more on advanced schedule. It won't be a burden because obviously we are talking about totally different directors, actors, and production.


    I just don't know why they'd cede every December when they have a product that on the surface would make you think they have an auto top 10 grossing film annually. Couple that with the Saga films in the Summer (not to mention all of the Marvel/Pixar stuff - and hell, Disney animation has been on roll lately), it would seem like that would be the plan.


    Disney is known for announcements,and I think I said this earlier, but I totally expect to be on a stockholder call and get some major announcement regarding scheduling in the near future, now that we know for sure that Force Awakens is a monster (not that it was much in question pre-release, but the the critical response has to be very gratifying to go along with the almost assured commercial success).


    I don't know what the budget is on Rogue One but I'd guess these anthology films will be significantly less than the saga movies, and if you look at the directors they have tabbed for Han Solo and Rogue One, these are guys who have made quality films on a budget.


    I also think outside influence may effect this, meaning Disney is going to do what it can to buffer the cord cutters making ESPN not as profitable as it used to be (still incredibly popular and profitable, just not as profitable as before, being the chief thing people are paying for on cable packages).

  11. What we know:


    Is this confirmed?

    Benicio Del Toro ?


    He's been very coy for about half a year about it and while I don't think there is an official casting announcement regarding it, he has seemed very open in saying he had read the -script and he thinks it's going to happen. He may not get it, but it also just may be that they (Disney) want to keep his role under wraps (for now). Lots of smoke.


    Seems whoever lands it, it will be a meaty role because apparently along with Benicio, Joaquin Phoenix reportedly had a meeting for the part too.

  12. All in on this. While I like the Suicide Squad it's not religion to me (admittedly religion isn't religion to me though). Director has not made a bad film (edit: recently lol - I liked his last two and he wrote a couple others I liked, including Training Day) , and I really want DC to work on the big screen in a way it isn't for me right now. Some of the designs are uninteresting to me, but it will have Batman, our first Harley, Big Willie Style and an Eastwood in it? In.


    As an asian I'm always down for seeing one of us on screen in of these things too.


    I think this thing's floor is a fun movie.

  13. If going by the books, the evolution of the fantasy setting as a post-civilization is something brought up abruptly much later in the series when Brooks connects two is his unrelated (or not blatantly announced that way) series. It was never meant to be significant easter eggs this early thoguh some of it is there.


    I suspect the reason they skipped the first book is two fold. One, it is a somewhat blatant and admitted rip of LotR, and even if we wanted to be softer in our stance, it's very similar. Brooks has never denied that. Second, their are just more interesting characters and villains in the 2nd book, including female characters (I think the same of book III, Wishsong).


    I think the show does its best with that though, making the first book kind of a legendary backdrop that's much more interesting being talked about than us having to live/watch it IMHO.


    Thanks for sharing this.


    I do look forward to learning more about the destruction of civilization, and how mythical beings came to be like Elves. If the books even touch on this.


    You will see it, but in terms of directly dealing with it, if it follows the books at all, it's MANY books away, like entire arcs away, and what you will see is the world we are presented with now gradually get more modern before we really get into the past.


    Obviously all of this is based on whether or not or how closely they follow the books, and how successful the show is to continue. I have not really followed the news on the series so maybe it's already happened, but I'd bet Wishsong is next (it's the next book) if they renew, which present another easily adaptable adventure, and they've already dropped references in just the first 4 episodes that feel put in to be able to next year say "Oh, yeah, they mentioned that in season 1".


    Game of Thrones is in a league all it's own and this one seems a bit geared toward the vampire diaries crowd.


    Most definitely. Thrones is one of the most expensive shows ever, and the source material is on another level. HBO literally plucked the best thing out of the genre IMHO. This is much more in the usual MTV vibe (Teen Wolf etc), directed at younger audiences and will undoubtebly have very good looking panels at cons. Reminds me a bit of Legends of the Seeker, which were based on books I kind of hate, but the show, to me, was the good kind of dumb fun, and you got to see Bridget Regan :cloud9: running around in the woods in a dress dual wielding blades on people, so that's always a plus.

  14. Watched the first 4 episodes and mostly enjoyed it. I can see myself binging a bunch later, but not going week-to-week.


    Going to go the opposite of some here. I think by far the weakest performances are by the men. I think Allanon and Wil are pretty awful, the former because of the writing and the latter because he's just not very good (yet). I also still can't tell the difference between the elf males, I thought one died, but apparently there are still two others who look the same or something lol.


    I dug it though.


    I do think it looks fun though and seeing this, which can't be that expensive at MTV, it gives me hope that one day we will see my favorite fantasy series, which I've always thought was unfilmable, The Malazan Book of the Fallen, get adapted.



    Yeah, it's light entertainment (TV14) so I don't expect too much. Nice visuals though.


    Not having read the books I thought the 'post-civilization' element was surprising. Kind of gives it a Thundarr vibe. They haven't done much with it. It's just there in the background, rotted husks of what was.


    I was expecting more backstory on the destruction of current civilization. They do mention it briefly in Episode One when Wil and Eretria are riding on horseback through the forest. Maybe as they go along, it will come up more.


    But also remember this jumps a book. So maybe an explanation of what occurred came up in the first book. I'll have to look into that.


    The first book of the series to be mainly adapted is The Elfstones of Shannara, the second book in the trilogy, with some elements of the other novels being gradually adapted to the show.


    If going by the books, the evolution of the fantasy setting as a post-civilization is something brought up abruptly much later in the series when Brooks connects two is his unrelated (or not blatantly announced that way) series. It was never meant to be significant Easter eggs this early though some of it is there.


    I suspect the reason they skipped the first book is two fold. One, it is a somewhat blatant and admitted rip of LotR, and even if we wanted to be softer in our stance, it's very similar. Brooks has never denied that. Second, there are just more interesting characters and villains in the 2nd book, including female characters (I think the same of book III, Wishsong).


    I think the show does its best with that though, making the first book kind of a legendary backdrop that's much more interesting being talked about than us having to live/watch it IMHO.


  15. I think the movie looks really good, and I like that it feels like there is real weight and movement in the action scenes, and I think it's one of those action types of movies that probably merit its hovering around critical acclaim, but the further I get from it I find myself admiring it more than loving it (I do like it).


    By that I mean I'm not someone inclined to like Mad Max, and while I'm a fan of speculative fiction, this isn't really my brand, so to get me to come out of the theater somewhat blown away at what I saw was a marvel by Miller.


    I like the cast too... it's just... man I just don't really give a mess about Mad Max, and when you couple that with this being a movie that I feel loses a lot when not in the theater, it doesn't feel like a classic in terms of a rewatch, but its was definitely a good initial theater experience.


    I do admire Hardy and Theron for being actors who try just about anything and bringing it.

  16. So what is the key book to have in the GI Joe series - issue 1 of the first series or issue 21, or .....? Trying to figure out a good book to grab from this series for a buddy.


    I'd still say it's gotta be # 1, followed closely by 21 and 155. For reading enjoyment though, 26 + 27 are hard to beat, but also 93-95, 144, and of course 107-111 where the Saw Viper murders many Joes, is a good run as well. You'd have to combine with issues of Special Missions, but the storyline that runs through (I believe, can't remember exact issues), 59-64 with some Special Missions issues might be the best run of the entire series. In a nutshell, Stalker, Snow Job, and others go on a secret mission to an foreign city, and are captured. Only one escapes, and because he left his boys (which was what he was commanded to do by a higher ranking solider [trying not to give spoilers], he's ostracized. It really is a great read!




    Everything through about the first 85 or so issues and the Special Missions are still my favorite comics books of all time. Love it.

  17. There are known letter hacks, and people who'd become comic creators but I can't recall anyone who is actually famed outside of it (like GRRM).


    Who is R. R. Martin????(shrug)


    been on the internet so long I cant tell real questions versus sarcasm


    real answer: George RR Martin is the writer of the amazingly popular Game of Thrones series of books (still ongoing) which have also been adapted to a wildly successful HBO series that is about to start it's 6th season in april.


    The book series is called A Song of Ice and Fire. The TV adaptation is just called Game of Thrones, taking the first novel in the series, A Game of Thrones.

  18. PREACHER Will Premiere At SXSW 2016; Check Out A New Image Of 'Jesse Custer'


    It's just been announced that AMC's Preacher will premiere at the 2016 South by Southwest film festival, which will run from March 11-20. We also have an updated synopsis and new image from the show, featuring Dominic Cooper as the Reverend Jesse Custer taking a little smoke break in church.


    Preacher is a supernatural, twisted and darkly comedic drama that follows a West Texas preacher named Jesse Custer, who – along with his ex-girlfriend Tulip and an Irish vagabond named Cassidy – is thrust into a crazy world, much bigger than he is.


    Oh nice, I will be there then

  19. China is player even for beyond the obvious reasons (population and where they are going with capitalism and just socially), but also because some large pieces of financing for these gigantic films are coming from Chinese entities (one example is the Chinese company that recently invested into VALIANT).


    I'm not sure we will see any backissue interest if we are talking classic physical copies. If anything we are talking more digital readers. Remember, this golden era of comic book movies now hasn't really moved the needle from an overall sales level. Some really good comics selling laughable number of copies in the midst of comics and Star Wars being the most popular things in pop culture.\


    Don't know if this was mentioned (maybe it's linked above, sorry if it is) but Spielberg has stated he will not cast a new Indiana Jones.


    That may not be Spielberg's decision. Is it definite that Disney would hire him to direct an Indiana Jones movie?


    Obviously I'm not an insider but I think if Steven Spielberg wants to direct your Indiana Jones movie you let him. Even the last one, which kind of sucked, made bank and he's Steven Spielberg.


    I think if Disney wants Ford (and I have to think his fairly easy return to Star Wars might have had a behind the scenes hand shake about it, but that's a pure guess) then I think Spielberg will be directing him. I don't know if we are going to be living in a world where there is a simultaneous recast of Han Solo and Indiana Jones.


    In the future? Sure, definitely think Disney is going to try to find an heir to the franchise but I do think Ford will be involved somehow, and if he is, Spielberg will be and I have to think that's the best of both worlds.


    Personally I'd love a reboot or passing of the torch. I can't imagine Ford can carry it anymore. but he can definitely do a Connery, he kind of did that in Force Awakens.



  20. China is player even for beyond the obvious reasons (population and where they are going with capitalism and just socially), but also because some large pieces of financing for these gigantic films are coming from Chinese entities (one example is the Chinese company that recently invested into VALIANT).


    I'm not sure we will see any backissue interest if we are talking classic physical copies. If anything we are talking more digital readers. Remember, this golden era of comic book movies now hasn't really moved the needle from an overall sales level. Some really good comics selling laughable number of copies in the midst of comics and Star Wars being the most popular things in pop culture.\


    Don't know if this was mentioned (maybe it's linked above, sorry if it is) but Spielberg has stated he will not cast a new Indiana Jones.